Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 134 Jabari Tribe, Protoss' Close Combat Mode

In front of the ruins of Wakanda's royal capital, Queen Ackerman led the remaining tens of thousands of female guards, preparing to fight to the death with the protoss warriors in front of her.

All members of the female guard wear a full set of Vibranium armor, hold Vibranium spears and Vibranium shields, forming a line of defense that extends to the entire border of the royal capital.

And just when Queen Ackerman was about to issue an attack order, a huge amount of roar resounded throughout the entire capital of Wakanda. Queen Ackerman was horrified to find that a Vibranium vein like a towering mountain rose up from the ground.

"Watfark, what happened? That dazzling colorful light curtain... Did other protoss come?" Queen Ackerman was horrified at this moment, she looked at the Vibranium above her head that almost covered the sun Mineral lode was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of despair.

The fighters of the Jabari tribe who had just arrived at the ruins of the Wakanda royal capital and were preparing to jointly resist the invaders also stopped tapping the Vibranium sticks in their hands at this moment, looked up at the Vibranium veins above their heads, and fell into silence.

"T'Challa, my child. Tell me, how is your father doing now?" Queen Ackerman gently picked up the Vibranium necklace around her neck, tapped on the Vibranium, and she was linked to the palace within the communication frequency.

"Mother, father has gradually recovered his vital signs. He is breaking away from the decedent kingdom. I believe he will wake up soon." Prince T'Challa's immature and calm voice came from Queen Ackerman's Vibranium necklace.

"God of Black Panther, please protect Wakanda and the people of Wakanda." Queen Ackerman breathed a sigh of relief, folded her hands on her chest, and began to pray to the God of Black Panther.

"Wakanda Hail." After Queen Ackerman finished praying, her face returned to ice-cold and resolute, and she held up her Vibranium spear and raised her arms and shouted.

"Wakanda, we must win." Tens of thousands of elite members of the female guards raised their arms and shouted. They waited for the order of Queen Ackerman to launch a death charge

"Jabari Tribe Hail." From the Jabari Tribe came a loud and far-reaching voice, just like an ape calling for officials.

"Huh, ha." Tens of thousands of Jabari tribe fighters immediately began to knock on the ground again, making deafening cheers, and all the Jabari tribe warriors began to gather towards Queen Ackerman.

"Mbatu, Mbatu." When tens of thousands of ape fighters gathered together, in the center of the ape fighters, a young man with a height of three meters, a huge body, and a wild aura came out and shouted. .

He is the patriarch of Jabari tribe 430 and the most powerful warrior of the Jabari tribe. When he was young, he once drank the blood of the white ape and the power of the heart-shaped grass, which made him the ancient god of the white ape. strength and fitness.

"Queen Ackerman of Wakanda, no matter what the outcome of this battle, our Jabari tribe will become the next royal family." Mbatu looked down at Queen Ackerman

He laughed wildly. If anyone thinks that he is a brainless orangutan, he is very wrong. He not only inherits the physique of the God of White Ape, but also possesses extraordinary wisdom.

He is very clear that when Wakanda lives and dies, if he takes the Jabari tribe fighters to stand up, no matter whether he can repel the enemy or not, the prestige of the Jabari tribe in the main country of Wakanda will reach a peak.

The Jabari tribe and the Wakanda royal family have rivaled each other for generations, and now, it's no exception.

"Mbatu, you are delusional." Beside Queen Ackerman, a member of the female guard yelled at Mbatu with angry eyes.

"I, the patriarch of the Jabari tribe, is also one of the most powerful warriors in the Kingdom of Wakanda. A mere member of the female guards, didn't your master tell you the truth that loyal dogs should not bark when the master speaks?" Mbatu He didn't even look at the roaring female guard members, and his gaze was fixed on Queen Ackerman of Wakanda.

And Queen Ackerman's face also became gloomy. She looked at the neat and uniform Protoss warriors exuding golden brilliance, and felt the powerful aura of the Protoss warriors. Queen Ackerman fell into a rare silence.

"Make a decision, Ackerman. The enemy won't have much patience for us." Mbatu's eyes exuded breathtaking brilliance, and his face was full of winning smile

The elite troops of the Kingdom of Wakanda have been wiped out by the mysterious god warriors, and the Vibranium technology that Wakanda is proud of is as vulnerable as a child's toy in front of the god warriors.

Wakanda has reached the point of life and death, and the royal family has no way out. They only have one way, which is to agree to the conditions of the Jabari tribe and rely on the strength of the Jabari tribe's fighters.

"As far as I know, Black Panther T'Chaka is conducting a special ceremony. Queen Ackerman." Mbatu's casual but meaningful words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Queen Ackerman smiled wryly and had to nod in agreement with Mbatu's terms.

"I, the Kingdom of Wakanda, the wife of King T'Chaka, Queen Ackerman of Wakanda, agree that the Jabari Tribe will be the next royal family of Wakanda and have the right to inherit the Black Panther

Succession to the king's rights. Ackerman's words brought a smile to Mbatu's face.

"Interesting, it's clearly the moment of life and death, but they are still fighting for power." Above the protoss warriors, Lancelot brought White Queen Emma who did not know when they had appeared here. White Queen Emma nestled in Lancelot's arms, her eyes mocking Watch the Wakanda warriors below.

"Emma, ​​you have to know that the pursuit of rights and interests originally is the inferiority of human beings."

At this moment, Lancelot looked down at the Wakanda warriors and Jabari warriors below, and said meaningfully.

Fighting for power and profit has always been a human vice.

Even at the time of life and death, these people are still fighting for interests.

"My king Yongyao, my king Hail." As Lancelot appeared above the battlefield, all 5,000 protoss soldiers saluted Lancelot in unison, their eyes full of fanatical respect.

"Protoss warriors, you've done a good job." Lancelot stared at the group of protoss warriors below with disdain, and praised.

"Now, let me show you your melee combat abilities. Use the Protoss swords in your hands to make Wakanda fall into the final despair." Lancelot calmly issued an order.

"Fight for my king." Following Lancelot's order, 5,000 Protoss warriors raised their arms and shouted frantically.

"Sky Warrior, switch to melee combat mode." In the sky, Angel Warren, the head of the Sky Warrior, gave the order with a serious face.

And following Angel Warren's words, the sky warriors lightly pressed their bracelets, and the life scepter in their hands immediately began to recombine, and the golden biological scales condensed into a cool and eye-catching creature like flowing water. Golden spear.

The gun of life is made of Adamantium shapeshifting metal. It is specially made by the scientists of the kingdom of gods for the god race sky fighters.

Invincible, unbreakable.

"Soldiers of the Protoss, bring despair to the enemy." Evans, the head of the ordinary warriors of the Protoss, tapped the bracelet lightly with his left hand, and the golden energy gun in his right hand turned into a dazzling golden energy gun under the golden streamer. golden sword.


Behind Evans, the bracelets on the right hands of 3,000 Protoss warriors flickered, and the energy guns in their hands turned into cool golden long swords under bursts of light.

This is the standard melee weapon for common protoss warriors, the Adamantium sword.

"Titan warriors, close combat." Paul Ulton, head of the protoss titan warriors, raised his arms and shouted. At the same time, in his right hand, a biological shapeshifting scale began to rapidly regenerate and reorganize, turning into a handful of huge amounts of short handle Warhammer.

This war hammer looks extremely heavy, with exquisite and intricate patterns carved on it, which looks almost the same as Asgard's Meow Hammer.

"Fight, fight, fight." Behind Paul Eulton, the titan warrior roared, and war hammers were condensed in their hands one after another.

The hammer of titan, one of the melee weapons of titan fighters, is constructed from the organic steel produced in the body of the mutant protoss Colossus. It is extremely heavy and has the property of organic steel cell regeneration.

"Murloc warriors." Jack, the leader of the murloc warrior army, held up the trident with his right hand. Behind him, 500 murloc warriors were burly and had blue-gray murloc skin. The hands of the murloc warrior gathered to form a cool and exquisite trident.

On the trident, there is still a luster like flowing water, and the whole trident seems to be floating in the water.

The murloc trident is the standard melee weapon of the protoss murloc warriors. The front end of the trident is made of Adamantium shapeshifting metal, which is extremely sharp.

"Frost Warrior, Frost War Chapter." Frost titan Alexei, head of the Protoss Frost Warrior Legion, raised his arms and shouted with a Frost battle axe in his hand.

Behind him, on the right hands of 500 extreme cold warriors, golden streamers flickered, and then countless biological shapeshifting metals flew out from their bracelets, gathered in front of the extreme cold warriors, and turned into a handful of ice blue The black battle axe, above the blade of the battle axe, billowing extremely cold mist continuously emerged, and the surrounding water vapor began to condense into frost under the mist.

Frost Tomahawk, the melee weapon of the protoss extreme cold fighters, this is also the only weapon that does not add Adamantium and organic steel metal, it is made of pure biological shapeshifting metal, added a variant of extreme cold module, although not as sharp as Adamantium, indestructible, But it can absorb the heat in the living body and transform it into frosty breath.

All the protoss fighters have turned on the melee mode, and the weapons in their hands exude all kinds of brilliance, which makes the Wakanda fighters on the opposite side look extremely shocked.

At this moment, Queen Ackerman looked at the protoss warriors who had switched their fighting forms in front of her in astonishment, and couldn't help but clenched the Vibranium spear in her right hand.

"His Royal Highness, Mbatu, give the order." Queen Ackerman looked at the patriarch of the Jabari tribe, Mbatu, the son of the white ape, who was three meters tall, muscular and full of wild power, and reminded.

"Human ape warrior..." Mbatu was very satisfied with Queen Ackerman's address. He raised the long Vibranium stick in his hand high and let out a loud and clear voice.

"Huh, ha." Under Mbatu's voice, all the Jabari ape warriors began to strike the Vibranium sticks in their hands again, making a sound like a war drum.

This is the war drum of the Jabari tribe. Before the battle, the drum needs to be sounded to pray to the God of White Ape.

At the same time, this kind of percussion action will also allow the Vibranium sticks in their hands to store enough energy, making their attacks more powerful and more agile.

"Attack." Mbatu slammed the Vibranium stick on the ground and gave the order to charge.


And following Mbatu's order, all the orangutan warriors all held Vibranium long sticks, and rushed towards the protoss warriors in a vigorous and ape-like manner.

Tens of thousands of orangutan warriors of the Jabari tribe, while running wildly, would beat the ground, bursts of rapid drumbeats, as if beating on the heart, and hearing this drumbeat, the orangutan warriors

But his eyes became even more fanatical, and white heat exuded from his whole body.

"Fight for Wakanda." After the ape warriors were dispatched, Queen Ackerman also knocked heavily on the ground and issued her own order.

"Wakanda Hail." Tens of thousands of female guards wearing Vibranium armor also rushed towards the protoss warriors.

The Vibranium armor on their bodies allowed these guard members to run even faster than the ape warriors.

The members of the guards swung the Vibranium spears in their right hands vigorously, and then directly turned into a torrent, rushing towards the Protoss warriors.

"Protoss warriors, charge." Facing the charging Wakanda warriors and Jabari ape warriors, Lancelot only gave an order lightly.


Following Lancelot's order, the Protoss warriors, who had been waiting for an opportunity, charged directly at the tens of thousands of Wakanda warriors in front of them.

The perfect physique of the God Race fighters allows all the God Race fighters, even if they don't wear any auxiliary armor, to be faster than the charging team on the opposite side.

3,000 god warriors arrived first, and crashed directly into the crowd of orangutan warriors. The sword of Adamantium in their hands flashed silvery white rays of light, approaching the god warriors

A group of orangutan warriors were decapitated in an instant.

"What a quick movement, what a sharp sword." The pupils of the surrounding ape warriors contracted, and they looked at the oncoming Protoss warrior, their hands swelled [the Vibranium stick in their hands]

With a crushing state of affairs, it smashed towards the unprotected head of the Protoss warrior.

"It's too slow." The protoss warrior narrowed his eyes and pupils slightly, and just turned slightly sideways to avoid the charged blow of the ape warrior.

The master's palm seemed to come alive, flying up and down.

Chi chi chi.

With the rotation of the sword of Adamantium in the hands of the protoss warriors, a human ape warrior was cut off at the waist, and even the ape warriors danced like tigers and tigers, their strength and speed all appeared afterimages

Vibranium sticks, none of them fell on the Protoss warriors.


Just when they collided together, Mbatu's orangutan warriors fell down in pieces. On the other hand, the protoss warriors' eyes turned into blood at some point.

Inside the red, ruby-like eyes, three blood-red gouyu were spinning rapidly, and driven by the gouyu, their eyes rolled quickly in the eye sockets.

Everything around them seems to have been pressed the pause button in their eyes. The enemy's movements, speed, attack methods, follow-up attacks, etc., can be seen clearly in their eyes


And in their hands, all kinds of ancient sword techniques that have existed on the earth are at their fingertips, as if they are natural, and have even reached the point of returning to nature.

The sword of Adamantium was in their hands, as if it had come to life dexterously.

No ape warrior is a match for a protoss warrior.


And just when the ordinary warriors of the Protoss rushed into the group of ape warriors, the titan warriors of the Protoss, led by Paul Eulton, rushed into the female guard of Queen Ackerman

within the team.

Compared with the exquisite and unparalleled sword skills and terrifying dynamic vision of ordinary Protoss warriors, the fighting methods of Titan warriors are simple and rough.

When rushing into the group of female escort soldiers, the titan hammers in the right hands of these titan fighters flew up and down, directly hitting the Vibranium spears of the female escort.

The terrifying power couldn't be absorbed by the Vibranium spear at all, the titan hammer of the titan warrior had already smashed the Vibranium spear, directly hitting the armor of the female guard.


Under the berserk force, all the members of the female guard were thrown flying by the titan hammer of the titan warrior.

Among the tens of thousands of female guards, the titan warriors seemed to be strolling in the garden, letting the Vibranium spears pierce themselves, and the golden armor scales brought them terrifying defensive power, which

Even if it was the Vibranium spears, they just pierced tiny blood holes on their bodies, but they recovered in an instant.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more. Subscriptions are really important to Xiaochongchong.

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