Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 139: The Kingdom Of Gods And The Vassal State Of Wakanda

"We Wakanda, surrender.

In the Kingdom of Wakanda, after Lancelot demonstrated absolute power and destroyed the entire capital except the Wakanda palace, Black Panther T'Chaka was completely desperate, and then swore to surrender to Lancelot.

"A wise choice." Lancelot threw the Black Panther T'Chaka on the ground casually. The previous attack had caused the last Black Panther of Wakanda to have its arm broken, blood dripping all over its body, its breath decayed, and it might even die at any time.

"Asazo." Lancelot said calmly, and a cloud of red mist suddenly appeared inside Lancelot's protoss bracelet.


Covered in red, with complex and mysterious mantra patterns on his body, the devil-like mutant protoss Azazor emerged from the red mist and "kneeled in front of Lancelot.

"My king, please order." The red devil Asazu looked at Lancelot frantically, waiting quietly for Lancelot's order.

At this moment, the red devil Azazuo, whose mutant ability has already metamorphosis into the protoss ability, as long as the red mist reaches the place, the red devil Azazuo can teleport over. Compared with other mutant protoss with space ability, the red devil Asazo's teleportation is top notch.

The Red Devil Azazuo is still constantly developing his own Ability. Ever since metamorphosis in order to surpass the fifth-level god-level mutant Ability, the Red Devil Azazuo found that even his body seems to be changing towards a special state, towards Some kind of space energy body transformation.

However, this transformation is really too slow. According to the normal speed of transformation, it will take at least hundreds of years.

"Hell devil, this is hell devil." With the appearance of the red devil Azazor, whether it is Black Panther T'Chaka, or behind Black Panther T'Chaka, Queen Ackerman and Jabari tribe's patriarch Mbatu are in despair. At this moment, they all stared wide-eyed, looking in horror at the sudden appearance of the red devil Asazuo.

In the ancient legends of Wakanda, there is a record of the hell devil, with a red body, an inverted triangle tail, and devil spells all over his body.

All of these are very similar to the red devil Azazuo in front of him.

Even when they saw this hell devil surrendering at Lancelot's feet, these supreme rulers of Wakanda were full of consternation and fear at the moment.

Although they have tried their best to think that the kingdom of gods is a god-level civilization that surpasses Wakanda, they never imagined that the kingdom of gods is not just a god-level civilization.

They are even able to control the hell devils.

"What kind of existence is the Kingdom of God?" Mbatu, who was a little cautious at first, completely surrendered at this moment. He dared not have any thoughts about the Kingdom of God except fear.

He didn't know what kind of existence the kingdom of gods was, but it was an indisputable fact that Lancelot, the supreme god king of the kingdom of gods, was able to control hell devils.

And the only remaining Wakanda fighters behind them took a breath at this moment, and they no longer had any thoughts of fighting. Their eyes were full of despair and fear.

Hula la.

Those Wakanda warriors who were barely supporting their bodies with the Vibranium spears all knelt down numbly towards Lancelot as if their souls had been pumped out.

"Take Black Panther T'Chaka to the Kingdom of God for treatment." Lancelot ignored the fear of everyone in Wakanda, he looked down at the red devil Asazo, and calmly ordered.

"Yes, my king." Asazo nodded, his whole body seemed to instantly turn into a billowing red mist, enveloping Black Panther T'Chaka in it.

At the same time, Black Panther T'Chaka was inside the red mist, only feeling that the space in front of him was constantly changing, and the countless spaces were layered on top of each other, which shocked the former king of the Wakanda Kingdom.

And then, Black Panther T'Chaka felt as if his body had escaped from the red mist for a moment, and then appeared in a magical future technology medical room, where he was injected with a strange serum by a medical staff, and returned to the In the red mist.


When the red mist that shrouded Black Panther T'Chaka disappeared, Black Panther T'Chaka found himself still standing on the land of Wakanda, and the existence called the Red Devil seemed to have never moved an iota.

Limbo is a mutant protoss, the newly developed ability of the red devil Asazo, any existence shrouded in his own red mist, seems to have entered a special space, Limbo.

Here is a link to all the places where the red devil Asazo has been. Without the control of the red devil Asazo, anyone who enters the border of hell will constantly jump through space within the border of hell, and will not stop until death.

The previous Black Panther T'Chaka passed through the border of hell of the Red Devil, and arrived at the medical room of the Kingdom of God in an instant. After being injected with a quick-healing serum, he returned to Wakanda through the border of hell again.

The whole process, for Black Panther T'Chaka who entered the border of hell, everything was completed in an instant.

As for Queen Ackerman, Mbatu and others, they only saw the red devil Azazzo transforming into red mist, covering Black Panther T'Chaka, and the red mist disappeared in the next second.

"King T'Chaka, are you okay? Ackerman, who is the queen of T'Chaka, is looking at T'Chaka worriedly at this moment. She doesn't know what happened, but she can tell that T'Chaka's state is very wrong at this moment.

"This... this is incredible." At this moment, T'Chaka's pupils contracted, and he felt as if his body had returned to his mother's body, and there seemed to be a special power in his body.

Chi, chi, chi.

Under T'Chaka's dumbfounded gaze, his blown-off arm regenerated rapidly, and a brand new arm grew back in just a few breaths.

At the same time, T'Chaka found that his injuries were also undergoing rapid self-healing, completely returning to normal at a speed beyond his cognition.

"Wardfa." Black Panther T'Chaka looked at his body in astonishment, he was once again shocked by the magical technology of the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, Black Panther T'Chaka no longer had the self-confidence and arrogance of being the king of Wakanda. He collapsed to his knees with his head bowed.

Black Panther T'Chaka knows that the Kingdom of Wakanda is doomed to be unable to break free from the control of the Kingdom of God. Wakanda will completely become a vassal state of the Kingdom of God and lose its sovereignty and independence.

"Thanks to the gift of the great God King Lancelot. I, the vassal kingdom of the Kingdom of God, King T'Chaka of the King of Wakanda, thank God King Lancelot for the gift. May the glory of the Kingdom of God shine on the land of Wakanda forever. The friendship between the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Wakanda will last forever." T'Chaka crossed his hands and performed an ancient courtesy to Lancelot, bitterly acknowledging the fact that the Kingdom of Wakanda had become a vassal state of the Kingdom of God.

"Emma, ​​I leave this place to you." Lancelot glanced at Black Panther T'Chaka, his body floated on his throne, and he gave orders to White Queen Emma with a chuckle.

White Queen Emma has excellent administrative management ability, and her ability is outstanding, even if she manages a kingdom, it is not a problem.

"From now on, the Kingdom of Wakanda has officially become a vassal state of the Kingdom of Gods. Your sovereignty and independence will be regulated and restricted by the Kingdom of Gods." White Queen Emma nodded respectfully to Lancelot, and then her heart The power was released, and the spiritual communication of White Queen Emma appeared in the minds of all Wakanda people.

All the people of Wakanda were astonished to hear the words that made them feel like they were struck by lightning, and at the same time, White Queen Emma's spiritual communication still did not stop.

"As a vassal state of the Kingdom of Gods, the Kingdom of Wakanda needs every three months on Earth to provide the Kingdom of Gods with 90% of the Vibranium resources you mined, and send your people to transport them to the Kingdom of Gods." White Queen Emma The voice of the heart sounded in Black Panther T'Chaka's head, and T'Chaka raised his head in astonishment.

But in the end, Black Panther T'Chaka did not raise his own protest and acquiesced to the conditions proposed by White Queen Emma.

"Our Kingdom of God will not interfere in the internal affairs of your Wakanda Kingdom, and even allows you to continue training Wakanda fighters, but every Wakanda fighter needs to swear allegiance to Lancelot, the Supreme God King of the Kingdom of God.

As citizens of the Kingdom of Wakanda, if your performance is recognized by the Kingdom of God, you will be rewarded by the Kingdom of God accordingly. "White Queen Emma began to promulgate the system that the vassal states of the Kingdom of Wakanda need to follow, and the etiquette of the Kingdom of God that the people of Wakanda need to abide by.

The spiritual power of White Queen Emma made her words almost engraved in the brains of all Wakanda people.

At the same time, all the people of Wakanda, including King T'Chaka, had a detailed and incomparably detailed citizen hierarchy of the Kingdom of God's vassal state.

The citizenship level of the entire vassal state is divided into levels 1-5, corresponding to the Ability strength of the former Mutant.

Level 1 citizens are the most common citizens of the vassal state, and cannot enjoy any benefits of the Kingdom of God.

Level 2 citizens are citizens with outstanding talents, such as outstanding fighters, scientists, etc., who can enjoy the medical services of the kingdom of gods (bffa).

Level 3 citizens can enjoy the directed evolution benefits of the Kingdom of Gods, as well as some basic technologies of the Kingdom of Gods.

Level 4 citizens can enjoy most of the basic benefits of the Kingdom of Gods, and if they can be favored by the Protoss of the Kingdom of Gods, they will also be given some Protoss Abilities.

Level 5 citizens can inject the self-healing factor potion of the kingdom of gods to achieve true immortality, and will be directly promoted to citizens of the kingdom of gods, enjoying all the benefits of the kingdom of gods.

"Is this... the gift of power from the gods?" Mbatu, the patriarch of the Jabari tribe, felt the extra citizen hierarchy in his mind at this moment, and was very pleasantly surprised for a while.

Although most of the citizens of the Kingdom of Wakanda are only level 1 and level 2 citizens, but he, Mbatu, the strongest fighter in Wakanda who inherited the power of the white ape, can directly become a level 4 citizen and enjoy the kingdom of God Most of the basic benefits, even if you perform well, you will be directly gifted with powerful protoss power.

The strength of the god warriors was obvious to Mbatu. The Jabari tribe originally admired the strong. Now that he knew that he was expected to become such a powerful god warrior, Mbatu was extremely excited.

Compared with Mbatu's excitement, King T'Chaka and Queen Ackerman, who are the royal family of Wakanda, are extremely bitter in their hearts.

The Wakanda vassal citizen hierarchy promulgated by White Queen Emma directly empties the rights of the Wakanda royal family, and even directly breaks the ancient customs and traditions of the Wakanda kingdom since ancient times.

"Beast Hank, lower the space bridge." White Queen Emma directly blocked the voices of T'Chaka and others, and gently pressed her right hand on her temple, and the vast spiritual power turned into a bright pure white diamond brilliance, straight Rush to the sky.


Following the order of White Queen Emma, ​​a bright and colorful space bridge descended from the sky, instantly covering the center of the ruins of the royal capital of Wakanda.

The mighty space energy fluctuates layer upon layer, rolling and spreading like a tide, and the entire Wakanda capital seems to be shrouded in the energy tide.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Under the horrified eyes of T'Chaka and others, from the vast colorful

Inside the space bridge, countless Sentinels emitting golden radiance swarmed out.

Almost in an instant, the sky of Wakanda Royal Capital has been occupied, densely packed creatures Sentinels are hovering over Wakanda Royal Capital, waiting for the order to be issued

" this the real power of the Kingdom of God?" Looking at the golden Sentinels all over the sky, there are hundreds of thousands of Sentinels, so T'Chaka finally saw the tip of the iceberg of the power of the Kingdom of God.

"Build an interstellar space portal." Lancelot was sitting on the throne at the moment, and gave orders directly to these Sentinels.

"Obey, my king." All the Sentinels made fanatical metal sounds like humans, and then mechanical sounds resounded throughout the entire capital of Wakanda.

'Open the space transmission module and establish space network transmission.

'Open the Protoss Ability module, select the Protoss Ability: Hell's Boundary, a long-distance portal in space. '

'Start to build the Protoss space network transmission matrix, and the space matrix is ​​completed. '

In the sky, countless Sentinels are flying in the sky, and above all the Sentinels, waves that belong to space bloom.

Over the sky above the capital of Wakanda, a series of dazzling space light beams were released from Sentinel's body, and then formed an extremely cool Tesseract-like

space matrix.

'Start to build space anchors, space anchors: Shendu Tiandao Plain

'Space anchoring is successful, and the interstellar portal has begun to be built. '

Above the capital of Wakanda, the dazzling space matrix has landed in the center of the capital of Wakanda in an instant, and at the same time, the bodies of countless Sentinels disintegrated into vast

The biological shapeshifting scales, these biological shapeshifting scales spread all over the entire capital, and then began to converge towards the space matrix.

As time goes by, the shapeshifting scales of all creatures begin to cover the space matrix, and a huge amount of golden cool portal is sent out under the amazed eyes of T'Chaka and others.

The soldier robot was built.

Inside the ten-meter-high golden portal, there is a faint blue spatial fluctuation like a spring.

'The interstellar portal is completed, and the sculpture of God King Lancelot has begun. ’ After the golden portal was built, the remaining Sentinels turned into creatures all over the sky

scales, all biological scales converge to regenerate.

In one minute, a golden sculpture of Lancelot, hundreds of meters high, overlooking the entire Kingdom of Wakanda rose from the ground.

The whole sculpture is ingenious, and no matter from which angle it is viewed, it is very perfect, and the whole sculpture is changing its demeanor almost every second, majestic and majestic

, awe-inspiring.

This sculpture is not only to show the majesty of Lancelot's god king, but also a Sentry tower in the kingdom of gods.

"Open the spiritual network and build a spiritual barrier" White Queen Emma looked at the sculpture of Lancelot with satisfaction, and then tapped lightly on her right wrist.


In the eyes of the golden sculpture, a dazzling, diamond-like spiritual light spread out, and then covered the entire Wakanda.

Then a pure white spiritual barrier covered the entire Wakanda kingdom, and the Wakanda kingdom completely disappeared on the earth.

And the spiritual network covering the entire territory of the Wakanda Kingdom can capture all the voices of the people of Wakanda at any time, and under the spiritual power of White Queen Emma, ​​a set of

A complete mind detection device.

Any thought of plotting against the Kingdom of God, as long as it appears, will be detected by the Sentry Tower, and then passed to the Kingdom of God, known by the spiritual tower of the Kingdom of God


At the same time, these psychic networks will also detect any human beings who invade the Kingdom of Wakanda. Even if someone can break through the psychic barrier, they will be detected by the Sentry Tower immediately.

And the situation was shown to the royal family of the Kingdom of Wakanda through mind projection.

With the establishment of the Protoss Portal and the Sentry Tower, the Kingdom of Wakanda, since then, has officially become a vassal state of the Kingdom of Gods and is ruled by the Kingdom of Gods.

PS: Today is New Year's Day, and Xiao Chongchong here wishes the big guys a happy New Year's Day and all the best. .

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