Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 143 Space Dog Cosmo, Lancelot's Eyesight

In April 1983, 16-year-old Carol Danvers responded to the call of the U.S. military, passed the assessment of the Air Force flight member, and became a glorious flight member.

In May 1983, the 3-year-old son of the god Ego, Peter Quill, the power of the gods in his body began to explode, and the violent power of the gods turned into a seed of the gods, and began to crazily absorb the vitality of Peter Quill. The cells of Peter Quill deteriorated rapidly, and his mother, Meredith Quill, immediately brought her son to Evolution Glory Bio Company.

With the help of the biotechnology of Evolution Glory Biological Company, after Peter Quill supplemented a large amount of biological nutrients, the power of the gods in his body finally fell into a deep sleep again, and the seeds of the gods fell silent. With the help, he quickly recovered.

In June 1983, in the unknown star field of the distant universe, a huge amounts of living planet surface, countless volcanoes began to erupt, because Lancelot's Geass absolutely commanded, and it was necessary to keep awake constantly, against the living planet Yigo of Lancelot Geass, there were already countless He hadn't slept deeply for years, which made him irritable, and his inability to sleep was very painful.

In order to ease his pain, the god Ego set his sights on his first heir who inherited the power of the god. He originally planned to remotely control Peter Quill's power of the god to form a flower of evil and absorb the energy of the planet. Power, but because of the existence of evolutionary glory creatures, the plan of the god Igo went bankrupt.

The god Ego, who has no choice, can only send one of his god duplications to the civilized planet to issue a mission to find the sons of the gods, and Yondu Yudongta, who was liberated from Starkri by the plundered Starka Okod , Eager to express himself, he accepted the task of the god Ego.

In July 1983, after a year of searching, CIA elite agent Mora McTaggart finally found a giant Pyramids buried underground in Cairo. According to Mora's investigation, this is the first pharaoh in ancient Egypt Wang, Pyramids of En Sabah Nur.

However, although Mora found the location of the Pyramids, it would take several months to enter the Pyramids.

In August 1983, in response to the U.S. space program, the top Soviet Union launched a dog astronaut into space for the first time, and it was widely reported. For a time, the news of the space dog Cosmo was flooded all over the world.

At this moment, in the dark deep space of the universe, a Soviet spacecraft is floating in space. Inside the spacecraft, a dog wearing a space helmet is looking at the unfamiliar space environment in front of him with fear.

The space suits made by the Soviet Union cannot effectively prevent cosmic radiation. This dog was exposed to space radiation in this way, and he was very afraid. Some kind of gene in its body is instantly Awakening.


A group of powerful spiritual power emerges from the brain of Space Dog Cosmo, and at the same time, the eyes of Space Dog Cosmo Chaos become full of wisdom.

"Where am I? Bark, woof, woof." The space dog Cosmo looked around suspiciously, and a hint of doubt appeared in his mind.

And almost when the space dog Cosmo just Awakened the spiritual power, the spiritual tower of the Kingdom of God had already captured this spiritual fluctuation.

"My lord, a new clan has appeared." In Lancelot's palace, Phoenix Jean Gray pressed her right hand on her temple, receiving the spiritual fluctuations from the outer space of the earth, and said with some surprise.


Following the words of Phoenix Jean Gray, Lancelot opened his pupil magic, evil eye, and instantly saw the Soviet spacecraft in outer space of the earth, and the space dog Cosmo inside the spacecraft.

"A dog? Unexpectedly, in this era, even animals have begun to Awakening the X gene." Lancelot had an excited smile on his face. He could tell at a glance that this space dog had Awakened the X gene and became a dog. mutant dog.

"Jin, bring our people to the kingdom of God." Lancelot gave an order to Phoenix Jean Gray.

"Yes, my king." Phoenix Qin nodded respectfully, and then pressed her right hand on her temple. In the space city of the kingdom of gods, the space tower shone brightly.


A dazzling colorful space bridge instantly enveloped the Soviet spacecraft. The space dog Cosmo just awakened his wisdom and found himself in a magical country without knowing what happened.

"What's going on? This country is really amazing~||." The space dog Cosmo looked at the majestic and cool space city in front of him in surprise, as if he had entered the space city in the future world, and the countless flight devices in the space city. With Sentinel, there was only barks of surprise left for a while.

"Welcome to the kingdom of gods, my people." A majestic voice sounded in the mind of the space dog Cosmo, until this time, the space dog Cosmo finally saw, in front of him, appeared a majestic Inside the palace is a magnificent palace, and a human being exuding divine power is sitting on the throne.

"You, can you hear me?" The space dog Cosmo was extremely astonished. It just Awakened the mutant Ability for less than a minute, and it still can't figure out the situation.

After all, it spent the first half of its life in a daze, until today it awakened its own wisdom and realized the existence of itself.

"Definitely, my people." Lancelot tapped lightly on his throne, and a blue portal appeared in front of the space dog Cosmo.

"Walter, Falk..." The space dog Cosmohe had seen such a thing beyond its cognition, and barked again for a while, and at the same time Cosmo cautiously entered the portal.

"My people, you still need some memories about this world, about the kingdom of gods." Lancelot looked at the ignorant eyes of the space dog Cosmo, and a fiery red bird suddenly appeared in a pair of eyes.


The fiery red bird fluttered its wings and screamed, and flew directly into the eyes of the space dog Cosmo. The originally ignorant space dog Cosmo froze in place.

"Geass adds memory." Lancelot added all the basic knowledge about the human world and the situation of the kingdom of gods to the memory of the space dog Cosmo.

When the space dog Cosmo recovered from his stupor, it already possessed the basic common sense of humans on Earth and all the memories about the kingdom of gods.

"I, the space dog Cosmo, turned out to be a mutant protoss." The space dog Cosmo seemed to be reborn, he finally found himself, he is a member of the mutant protoss in the kingdom of gods

No longer a poor dog wagging its tail above the earth.

"My king Lancelot Yongyao, my king Lancelot Hail." The space dog Cosmo raised his head and looked at Lancelot frantically.

"Magneto, take our people to familiarize themselves with the kingdom of gods, and perform targeted transplantation for them." Lancelot glanced at the space dog Cosmo with disdain, and directly issued an order.


Inside the palace, a cloud of red mist spread, and Magneto walked out with the help of the red devil Asazor's hell, saluted Lancelot respectfully, and then turned to look at the space dog Cosmo.

"Let's go, my fellow god race, let me show you the kingdom of gods, and perform an exclusive god race transplant for you." Magneto opened his right hand, and countless biological shapeshifting metals covered the body of the space dog Cosmo, replacing Cosmo, the space dog, wears a cheap space suit.

"I feel....I feel great." The space dog Cosmo felt the clothes made of soft and comfortable shapeshifting metal, and the rapid fluctuations of psychic power.

"It seems that in addition to the exclusive evolution of the protoss, you also need to perform some special directed evolution, and you also need the ability to speak." Magneto nodded respectfully to Lancelot, and then disappeared into the red space with Cosmo, the space dog. within the fog.

Five minutes later, Magneto reappeared in front of Lancelot with the space dog Cosmo. At the moment, the space dog Cosmo, who had just awakened the mutant mind ability, was completely different.

The whole body is covered with golden soft hair, which is covered with mysterious and cool mysterious patterns. He is wearing a specially customized shapeshifting robe similar to a spacesuit. His eyes are blood red, and three hook jades are constantly turning in the eyes. .

And his spiritual power has formed a golden protective cover, covering him in it, which looks very cool, although the body has not changed, but the muscles are more coordinated, and the body is more perfect, a dog At first glance, it looks very intimidating, and after modification, it looks like a wolf head.

At this moment, the space dog Cosmo has metamorphosised into a protoss.

"My lord, the space dog Cosmo pays you the highest respect." At Lancelot's feet, the space dog Cosmo, who had been lying on the ground, stood up, knelt down on one knee like a human, and spoke out.

"Very well, Cosmo, my fellow Protoss." Lancelot smiled and looked at the space dog Cosmo in surprise.

The changes in Cosmo are not worthy of Lancelot's surprise. What he is really happy about is the Awakening mutant Ability that the space dog Cosmo has.

Psychic protection.

Space dog Cosmo not only has a powerful Telepathy, but also can form a spiritual shield | this protective meat can resist both mental and physical damage.

As long as Cosmo's spiritual protection is transplanted into the spiritual tower, Lancelot can cover the entire kingdom of God with the spiritual protection shield.

At that time, the Kingdom of God will become even more indestructible and impregnable.

"Now, go to the space city to familiarize yourself with the environment." Lancelot waved his hand lightly, and gave an order to Cosmo.

"Yes, my king." Space dog Cosmo nodded respectfully, and then left the palace with Magneto.

"Now, it's time to start the next awakening." After the space dogs Cosmo and Magneto leave, Lancelot is also preparing to add Ability to his ideal body through the pupil technique.

"Pupil Technique · Eye Awakening." Lancelot's eyes radiated bright light, and countless golden lines began to cover Lancelot's whole body, making Lancelot's whole body seem to turn into a cool and mysterious golden circuit board.

"Add Shadowcat Katie's ability to travel through atoms." The first thing Lancelot added to his ideal body was Shadowcat Katie's ability to travel through atoms.


On Lancelot's body, the golden lines flickered. With the effect of the Eye-catching Ability, a new variant Ability appeared in Lancelot's body.


The Ability from Shadowcat Katie has the ability to pass through atoms, can pass through any object, and is immune to any physical energy and other attacks.

This traversal ability is similar to the virtualization of Lancelot's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, but it is somewhat different from the virtualization. This kind of traversal ability cannot be immune to the power of magic.

Moreover, the time travel ability of Shadowcat Katie is not only able to travel through objects, but also time travel through consciousness and spirit.

This Ability once made Shadowcat Katie the most important Mutant when reversing the future.

"." Time travel?" Lancelot's face

There was a smile on her face, if it was Shadowcat Katie, this ability to travel through time was simply tasteless, her consciousness could not bear the impact of time travel.

But for Lancelot, possessing the Pupil Art, Consciousness, and Immortal Ability of Spiritual Consciousness, allows him to travel through any time without loss.

The only weakness is the ability to travel through time, which can only travel through time consciously, and the body cannot travel through time.

"However, this is enough. Lancelot has no plans to travel through time yet, so after acquiring Shadowcat Katie's Ability, Lancelot closed it again


"Next, try Scarlet Witch's Origin Magic Power." Lancelot was going to try Scarlet Witch's Origin Magic Power directly.


And just after Lancelot started to wake up, the golden lines on his whole body suddenly became radiant, like a hot golden sun, a dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky.

And at the same time, above the earth, SOKOVIA.

In an ordinary family, two young couples were sitting in the room with frowning faces, and the oppressive atmosphere enveloped the family.

"David, are we really infertile?" The young woman was in pain at the moment, she couldn't accept the fact that she couldn't be a mother.

"Daisy, maybe we are destined not to have children of our own." The man named David smiled wryly, and his eyes were also painful.

David and his wife have been married for ten years, but until now there is still no sign of pregnancy, and recently, they went to SOKOVIA's only

An evolutionary glory biological hospital, after some examinations, came to the fact that David and his wife were infertile at all.

Although the Evolution Glory Biological Hospital has advanced medical technology, the Davids, who are just ordinary people, have no hope at all.

I never went to that biological hospital again.


And just when David and his wife were frowning, the outside of their room suddenly turned crimson, and above the sky, it was like a thunderbolt.

A dazzling golden beam of light descended from the sky, but then this golden (good) beam of light disappeared, and the crimson sky that was unknown to Chaos, also disappeared in an instant.

contracted, and then turned into a swaddling baby.

wow wow wow

The crying of the baby awakened the David and his wife in the house. They opened the door and looked around, and suddenly saw a baby in their own yard.

Weeping constantly.

" this the child God gave me?" Dai Qian was full of shock and ecstasy. She was worrying about not having a child, but now she unexpectedly found out that God had given her

gave himself a child.

"It's still a daughter, God, did you hear my prayer?" Daisy held the baby in her arms, and she couldn't put it down immediately, with a smile on her face.

"I still hope to have a son of my own." Seeing Dai Qian's happy smile, David was also happy, but besides being happy, he whispered in disappointment

stand up.


And just as David's muttering ended, the baby in Dai Qian's arms stopped crying, and Dai Qian's stomach bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"David, oh, my God, I'm going to give birth." Daisy looked at her belly in surprise, not the slightest bit surprised by her sudden pregnancy, but in her double

A crimson light flashed in his eyes.

"Walter? Daisy, how can you give birth at this time." David was a little at a loss. He took the baby from Daisy's hands, and then began to prepare for the delivery in a hurry.

Ten minutes later, a healthy baby was born by Dai Qian. David and Dai Qian held a baby in each hand, their faces full of joy.

"This is really a gift from God. This baby girl is called Wanda, and this boy is called Pietro." David looked at the two babies with joy, and the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.

And personally named the two babies.

Wanda and Pietro.

Because Pietro was born after Wanda was discovered, Wanda definitely became the older sister, and Pietro became the younger brother.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription.

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