Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

One Hundred And Fifty Ninth Master Of Mind, Charles

New York City, Xavier Estate.

Cyclops Scott stared in astonishment at the bald elderly Professor X in front of him, and was a little dazed for a while, and even subconsciously used the Protoss bracelet to scan the old man in front of him.

Cyclops Scott only reacted when the name of Professor X was clearly displayed in the biometric information identification of the protoss bracelet.

"What's going on here? Why did Professor X become like this?" Cyclops Scott frowned. After the initial shock, Cyclops Scott quickly calmed down. After becoming a mutant protoss, Cyclops Scott has already become familiar with all kinds of strange things. Ability is no surprise.

"Children, your understanding of the power of the mind is still superficial. In fact, the power of the mind is the power of consciousness, and consciousness can affect matter." The elderly Charles saw Cyclops Scott's doubts at a glance, with a full face Said gently.

"Strictly speaking, I am not the Professor X you know, Scott, you can call me Charles." Charles explained to Cyclops Scott, and then sat up from the ground with great effort.

Charles is not Professor X. Although they have almost the same childhood and the same ability, they have different personalities, different bodies, and different ideals.

In Charles' memory, he has been paralyzed for decades, and the fact of his paralysis has been deeply ingrained, so when he first appeared, his spiritual power had directly changed Professor X's body.

Mind determines consciousness, consciousness determines form, and form can change matter.

"Scott, I still need a little help, I need a wheelchair." Looking at Cyclops who was frowning and thinking, Charles reminded helplessly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, X Charles." Cyclops Scott reacted, opened his right hand, and a biological shapeshifting metal scale appeared in his hand.

As Cyclops Scott clicked on the shapeshifting scales, the shapeshifting scales began to regenerate rapidly, and then all the shapeshifting scales quickly synthesized into a cool wheelchair suspended in mid-air.

"This is really unbelievable. The technology in this world seems to be more powerful than the world I live in." Looking at the wheelchair suspended in mid-air, the wise expression on Charles' face showed a hint of surprise.

He has never seen such sci-fi biotechnology. Even in his memory, the earth has entered modernization, but it is still unable to produce such a magical technological ability.

"Charles, this is just the most common biological technology in the Kingdom of God." Cyclops Scott shrugged and explained.

He has already seen that the Charles in front of him is probably the result of Professor X510's psychic split research over the years, and this is probably an independent psychic path of Professor X.

With the help of Cyclops, Charles sat on the cool wheelchair, and a gentle smile appeared on Charles' face.

When Charles is sitting in the wheelchair, the wheelchair automatically adjusts its position, making Charles seem to be sitting on a soft sofa.

At the same time, Charles discovered that his wheelchair had automatically floated in mid-air, and could move forward and backward arbitrarily according to Charles' mental commands.

Charles, who had just arrived in the real world, seemed to have found his beloved toy, with a happy smile on his aged face.

And looking at Charles having a great time, Cyclops Scott also showed a smile on his face, his emotions were affected by Charles's natural psychic power

I also felt Charles' happiness.

"I'm sorry, child, and please forgive my recklessness." Seeing that Cyclops Scott was affected by his own spiritual power, Charles regained his gentle smile, and his spiritual power was all contained in his mind.

With the disappearance of psychic power, Cyclops Scott also returned to normal, and at the same time, Charles' right hand was pressed on his temple.

"Telepathy." Charles, who had just come to this world, urgently needed to learn the knowledge of this world, so he directly pressed his right hand on his temple, and began to use the power of the mind to read all human brain information.

Yes, all humans.

At this moment, Charles, without the help of a brain wave strengthening device at all, has been able to cover the world with his spiritual power and read the memories of all human beings at the same time.

Compared to Professor X, Charles' Telepathy is stronger and more terrifying.

And with the passage of time, Charles has a clear understanding of the situation in this world.

"Is it only 1983 now? Earth's technology is still extremely backward." Charles frowned slightly, muttering to himself.

"The ancient Pharaoh Apocalypse revived? Is the era of Apocalypse coming?" In Charles' memory, there is a memory about the coming of Apocalypse, but in his memory

Apocalypse has been killed by himself and X-Men, Phoenix Jean Gray.

For the recovery of Apocalypse, Charles was only surprised for a moment, and then he didn't pay attention.

What he really cares about now is the status quo of the mutants in this world.

"Psychic detection." Charles' face was solemn, and the spiritual power that had enveloped the world disappeared in an instant, replaced by a magnificent picture like a starry sky in the universe unfolding around Charles.

Cyclops Scott only felt that his mind was in a trance for a while, and then he found that he was standing in a special spiritual space at this moment.

The entire spiritual space is vast and infinite, and in the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the spiritual space, countless human spiritual projections shine like stars.

"How is it possible, why are there only these Mutants in this world? Could it be that Mutants experienced an extinction?" Charles' originally gentle face became serious and angry at this moment, and as his mood fluctuated, Cyclops Scott saw that, in In this vast spiritual space, countless human beings are clutching their heads and howling in pain.

"Charles." Looking at Charles who was a little out of control, Cyclops Scott patted Charles on the shoulder lightly, and said with some doubts.

"Phew, my emotions are a little out of control." Cyclops Scott's words made Charles take a deep breath and said with a wry smile.

Charles is very clear about how terrifying his own ability is. His spiritual power can control anyone's brain. Similarly, he can easily obliterate the thoughts and even the lives of billions of people around the world through his spiritual power.

In Charles' memory, he had gone berserk several times, all of which brought endless destruction and disaster to the world he knew.

It also made him deeply aware of how dangerous his own ability is, so he has abided by his creed and principles for decades, and will never control other people's brains unless it is an emergency.

Definitely, read memory and telepathy are not included.

He just has his own bottom line, but he is not a fool who just guards the treasure mountain and does not take it. In fact, over the years, he has experienced countless battles, big and small, and there are countless things to change other people's minds.

"Scott, why are there so few Mutants in this world?" Charles calmed down, and once again regained his wise side, he turned to Cyclops Scott and asked.

In fact, Charles still has another most suitable candidate, that is Professor X who continues to lie flat in the spiritual world.

However, Charles, who has just come to this world, does not want Professor X to interfere with everything about him. He believes that since he is an independent mind, then he, Charles, is an individual, and he does not need any help from Professor X.

"Charles, the Mutant didn't disappear, but just went from the earth to the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God they dreamed of." Cyclops Scott patiently explained everything about the Kingdom of God to Charles.

And following Cyclops Scott's explanation, Charles's face showed a look of longing, and he was full of fantasies about the kingdom of God of Mutant.

"The Mutants in this world are really lucky. Under the protection of the God King Lancelot, they have a more brilliant future." Charles was extremely excited. In his memory, he spent his whole life seeking peace for the Mutants.

He even established the Xavier Genius Academy and X-Men for this purpose, and with the deterrence of his own spiritual power, human beings are extremely afraid of the power of Mutant.

But even so, Charles still didn't lead Mutant on a glorious road, he devoted his whole life to it, but Mutant's experience not only didn't get better, but got worse.

Countless Mutants died because of human reasons.

For decades, Charles has witnessed countless (bfcc) outstanding Mutants go astray because of human persecution and persecution, and among these Mutants is his former best friend Magneto.

"The Mutant living under the wings of the kingdom of gods, there is no human persecution, no survival crisis, no mutant abilities out of control... This is simply the Mutant's Garden of Eden." Charles couldn't help but praised loudly.

In his memory, there is no Lancelot, but this does not prevent him from worshiping Lancelot.

To establish the kingdom of gods and guard all mutants under the kingdom of gods, in Charles' view, what a great achievement and what a king's spirit it is.

"My lord, Charles pays you the highest respect. It is you who changed the future of Mutant and allowed Mutant to live in the sun." Charles was in tears at the moment, and no one knew what happened to Mutant in his memory. Exactly how bad it is.

No one would understand that when he saw that this world turned out to be the Mutant's Garden of Eden, he was sincerely proud of the kingdom of gods in this world, and proud of Lancelot, the king of gods who established the kingdom of gods.

Charles used his spiritual power to control the wheelchair and walked out of his room. He wanted to take a good look at the world and witness the glory of Mutant with his own eyes.

"Charles, good morning." Just as Charles walked out of the room, a dexterous kitten jumped onto Charles' wheelchair in the corridor outside. A pair of cat eyes looked at Charles' aged face curiously, and then said something Said in words.

"Hello, Claire." Charles gently patted the kitten's head, gently picked the kitten up, and placed it on the ground.


And as the kitten landed on the ground, its body suddenly began to swell, and then turned into a little girl with cat ears and cat tail.

Claire, the mutant protoss Catwoman Clementine's daughter, whose father is a powerful mutant protoss Sabretooth Victor.

It is also because of this that since Claire was born, she perfectly inherited her mother Clementine's ability to turn into a black cat, and her father Victor's self-healing factor at the same time.

"Hey, Charles, good morning." A little boy just walked out of the classroom

After seeing Charles, he greeted him politely.

This little boy is the child of Matthew Harlan from Toad, named Morse Harlan. Since he was born, he has possessed the ability to absorb fear.

The pro-Toad people are more than a little stronger.

Behind the little boy are Magneto's daughter Nina and Hank Pym's daughter Hope, surrounded by a flock of larks singing.

"Good morning, Charles." Nina and Hope nodded to Charles and greeted him cordially.

"Good morning, Nina, Hope." Charles looked at the energetic mutant children of the Protoss with a gentle smile on his face, once again feeling the greatness of the kingdom of gods

"Charles, why are these children..." Cyclops Scott who was following Charles looked at Charles curiously, he was sure that these children

The child doesn't know Charles in old age form, but he can say Charles' name in one mouthful.

"Scott, this is a little application of the mind." Charles had a smile on his face. He is not a qualified Mutant leader, but he is a qualified mind


When meeting this group of children, Charles let go of his heart. These children have the purest hearts, so they can see what Charles has at a glance.

Open Heart message.

These children also knew in an instant that Professor X and Charles were one body with two sides, and it was Charles, not Professor X, who appeared in front of them.

This is the difference between Charles and Professor X, he is always good at opening his heart, opening his heart, and his power to the heart and consciousness, even

It's Professor X itself, and it can only hold a candle to it.

This is the unique ability of Charles, the ability to control the micro level of the mind, while Professor X can only control the power of the macro mind.

This is the difference between Charles and Professor X.

He is not just an independent spiritual personality, but also an independent individual, completely different from Professor X.

"This world is simply the world of my dreams." Sitting on the wheelchair, Charles looked at the sky above his head with a smile on his face. He seemed to see through the sky,

A sacred and magnificent kingdom of God, the kingdom of God.

"Strictly speaking, this is my first breath." Breathing the fresh air, Charles' eyes shone with wisdom, and this was his first breath.

Breathe the air of the real world and see the real sky for the first time.

Unlike his memories, this was the first time Charles had ever truly felt alive.

"Scott, I want to go to the kingdom of gods. Maybe Mr. Lancelot, the king of gods, can make me a truly independent individual." Looking at the clouds in the sky, Charles taught

The professor couldn't recover for a long time, he suddenly said to Cyclops Scott sincerely.

"Charles, the kingdom of gods is the homeland of the mutant gods, as long as they are mutants, they can go to the kingdom of gods." Cyclops Scott stood on Charles's side

Behind him, he said with some pride.

"My king Hail, the kingdom of God is eternally glorious." Charles couldn't help but muttered to himself, only he knew that if there had been no God King Lancelot for decades, what would Mutant be?

What a miserable future it will have.

"Huh? Scott, evacuate the children from our school. There is an unexpected visitor." Suddenly, Charles frowned slightly, and then turned to Radium

Shot Scott ordered.

"An uninvited guest?" Cyclops Scott was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Apocalypse [this is the only existence of a mutant protoss whose strength surpasses that of Lancelot.

"Yes, Scott, Apocalypse is here." Charles' eyes shone with white spiritual light, and the vast spiritual power instantly enveloped the entire Xavier Academy for Geniuses

He, Charles, would never allow anyone to harm the mutant children in this school, even if this person is Apocalypse, Charles would not be afraid. .

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