Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 162 Spiritual Dimension Alaya, Battle In The Spiritual World

Kingdom of the Gods, within Lancelot's Palace.

Lancelot looked down at the sent mind projection, and after seeing the scene where Apocalypse and Charles were all in a daze, like a sculptural puppet, Lancelot showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Shenwei." In Lancelot's eyes, the three red jades instantly turned into a windmill, and the power of the kaleidoscope sharingan was released.

Lancelot's right eye turned into a spiral space vortex, pulling his body into it.

Earth, New York City, Vail Academy for the Gifted.

A space vortex appeared abruptly, and then Lancelot's body emerged from the vortex. The moment Lancelot appeared, Cyclops Scott, who had been guarding Charles, immediately knelt down respectfully on one knee.

"My King Hail." Cyclops Scott looked at Lancelot frantically, Lancelot just nodded slightly to Cyclops Scott, and came in front of Charles.

Looking at Charles who was motionless like a puppet, Lancelot gently pressed his right hand to Charles' forehead.

"The way of the world." Lancelot's eyes, the power of reincarnation eyes were released, and the six circles began to spread like ripples.

"Dive in the heart." Lancelot's mind directly entered Charles's mind world, and Charles's mind world at this moment is still the prototype of Xavier's Fucai Academy.

"My lord, you are here." After Lancelot had just entered Charles's spiritual world, Professor X, who was originally staying in the principal's office, appeared in front of Lancelot and saluted Lancelot respectfully.

"Professor X, take me to the spiritual dimension." Lancelot didn't have any surprises. The human world allowed Lancelot to see Charles's memories of these years almost instantly, and he also understood that one of Charles' abilities is to open the spiritual dimension.

"Yes, my king." Professor X nodded, and pressed his right hand on his temple. Almost instantly, Professor X and Lancelot appeared in the very center of the manor

The X laboratory where the brain wave strengthening device was originally stored. 15

Professor X gently opened the door, and led Lancelot into the room. At this moment, in the entire room, the original brain wave strengthening device has disappeared, and a magnificent spiritual vortex has been replaced.

Standing at the end of the corridor of the brain wave strengthening instrument, Lancelot looked forward, and countless spiritual buildings appeared in front of Lancelot.

"My lord, this is the spiritual dimension that Charles opened up." Professor X looked at everything in front of him with some envy, and he also wanted to go to the spiritual dimension to have a look, but his spiritual power could not pass through the spiritual vortex in front of him at all.

"Spiritual dimension, the place where the spiritual world of life on the entire planet gathers." Lancelot glanced at the spiritual vortex with great interest, and stepped directly into the spiritual vortex.

Lancelot only felt his brain buzzing, and then he had already appeared in the spiritual dimension where Charles and Apocalypse were located, which Charles called Alaya.

Countless spiritual buildings are constantly floating up and down, like a maze, floating in the spiritual space like the deep space of the universe,

Every spiritual building represents a person's spiritual world, and, to Lancelot's surprise, these spiritual buildings not only have living people, but also Deadman's.

Yes, although Deadman has died, his spiritual world is still active. There is no birth and death in the mind, only collapse.

The spiritual worlds of these decedents are mostly devastated dilapidated black and white buildings. Black and white represent death, and dilapidated and devastated represent that the spiritual world has lost the support of the body and is beginning to dissipate.

Every moment, there will be countless spiritual worlds collapsing, and countless spiritual worlds will gather.

Life and death, within the spiritual dimension, have no boundaries. This is a world composed entirely of psychic powers.

"God's Prosthetic Eye." Lancelot's eyes radiated golden light, and everything about the spiritual dimension was presented in front of Lancelot.

All the spiritual buildings disappeared under the righteous eyes of God, replaced by soul stones with different file sizes. These soul stones, like energy stones, converged constantly towards the center of the spiritual dimension.

After that, all the soul stones were integrated together, and the center of the soul dimension was completely revealed in front of Lancelot.

It was a gem that was infinitely bright and exuded the light of the vast soul, which was countless times brighter than the sun. On the gem, the vast and infinite spiritual power was layering on top of each other, spreading across the entire spiritual dimension.

That is the power of Mind Gem.

Mind Gem has the power to control the minds of all life in the universe, and it is also a collection of minds, one of the six infinite rough stones.

It is also because of Mind Gem that everyone sees different mind dimensions.

In Charles' eyes, the spiritual dimension he sees is a world like a mirrored dimension, and all spiritual buildings are modern buildings.

In Apocalypse's eyes, the spiritual architecture he saw was in the ancient Egyptian style.

In Lancelot's eyes, the spiritual dimension is a spiritual world like the vast universe, and all the spiritual buildings are cool and full of futuristic sense of technology.

Only under the righteous eye of God can Lancelot be able to see the whole picture of the spiritual dimension, and also be able to see the existence of Mind Gem.

"Wanxiang Tianyin." Lancelot opened his right hand, and the ability of the reincarnation eye Tiandao was released, and an ancient building was pulled in front of Lancelot.

Looking at the ancient building in front of him, which looked like a cool magic circle, Lancelot had a playful smile on his face.

"Kamar-Taj, Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One." Lancelot looked at the building. Inside the building was a bald woman meditating, and it was Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

"God King Lancelot." Following Lancelot's observation, Kamar-Taj, which had been closed long ago, opened in the Holy Place because of a magician's eyes.

At this moment, her eyes were looking at a pair of dazzling eyes on the top of her head with some surprise. These eyes were huge, as if they were the eyes of the observer Frog Figure, and they did not seem to be eyes on the physical level.

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One can tell at a glance that this is an observation from the spiritual world, and someone is watching him.

And this person, Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One is no stranger, he is the future God King Lancelot.

"Spiritual blockade." Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One put out an ancient magic handprint with both hands, and the cool magic circles completely wrapped up the spiritual world of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

"As expected of a strong Level God Father, he actually noticed my spiritual observation in an instant." Looking at the closed and impenetrable spiritual building [ Lancelot couldn't help admiring.

The reason why Lancelot observes the spiritual world of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One is to detect whether the spiritual dimension has strength limitations.

But now it seems that even the Ancient One magician cannot escape the observation from the spiritual dimension.

"Charles really gave me a big surprise." Lancelot turned his head and took a look. The power of the human world is beyond the mutant Ability of the mind.

Because of this, Lancelot can easily read a lot of spiritual information from the spiritual dimension, and among these information, there are Charles and Apocalypse.

"Boundary of Hell." A thick red mist rose above Lancelot's body, and then Lancelot's body disappeared here, appearing in the spiritual dimension where Charles taught and was not enlightened.

In a corner of the spiritual dimension, Charles, who had turned into a mental titan, was looking at Apocalypse with a serious face at the moment.

Within the spiritual dimension, there are many variant Abilities that cannot be used in reality.

This is why Charles brought Apocalypse to the spiritual dimension. At the same time, only here can the true power of Charles Telepathy be displayed.

"Charles, your ability surprised me again. You were able to enter the spiritual dimension. Through the spiritual dimension, people on the entire planet will no longer have secrets in front of me. Apocalypse looked at the spiritual dimension in front of me in great surprise.

Then his body began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing to the same height as Charles in the blink of an eye.

A similarly huge amounts of mind titan.

This is the spiritual power of Apocalypse. Although his spiritual power cannot control people's brain and memory like Charles, he has the terrifying Psychokinesis.

"Charles." Apocalypse walked towards Charles with great strides, her voice was as majestic and majestic as ever.


And with the advancement of Apocalypse, his mind Psychokinesis was released, and the surrounding mental buildings rose from the ground, attacking Charles.

Facing these spiritual structures, Charles also raised his right hand, and all the spiritual structures stopped in front of Charles in surprise.

"Spiritual resistance." Charles stretched out his left hand, facing the oncoming Apocalypse, a terrifying repulsive force swept out.


Apocalypse, who was striding forward, was instantly blown away by the vast repulsive force, and his huge body hit the spiritual buildings one after another.

A building of the mind suddenly fell apart.

At the same time, in the real world, individual humans wailed in pain at this moment, and they collapsed to the ground, twitching all over.

Just now, a picture appeared in their minds. It was two vast titans fighting, and their bodies were like gods, which shocked these people endlessly.

"Watfark, what's going on here?"

"What's wrong with me? Why do I feel a splitting headache.

"God, do I have Alzheimer's? What did I just want to do?"

In the real world, some people seemed to be insane and started talking nonsense, while more people screamed in horror.

And within the dimension of mind, Charles obviously also saw the situation of some people in the real world. His right hand opened, and countless mind particles scattered out, all over the entire earth.

Within the spiritual dimension, the spiritual buildings belonging to human beings are covered with a layer of golden mist. Under the cover of the mist, these spiritual buildings become faintly visible.

"Damn Charles." After Charles had done all this, Apocalypse, which was blasted hundreds of meters away, flew towards it with overwhelming rage.


This time, Apocalypse's Psychokinesis burst out, turned into a pair of hands, and directly grabbed Charles' body, and at the same time, Apocalypse also appeared in front of Charles.

Apocalypse directly clenched his fist and smashed it on Charles' head. The fist with spiritual power made Charles' body take a few steps back.

But then, Charles made a fighting gesture, and then moved his hands up and down, attacking Apocalypse.

"Stupid." Seeing Charles' slightly rusty attacking action, Apocalypse showed a mocking look on his face. He directly blocked Charles' fist with the psychic shield, and then punched Charles straight 137 with a head hammer.

Then smashed and flew out.

Peng Peng Peng.

Apocalypse followed closely, grabbed Charles who was flying upside down, lifted Charles up with a little force with both hands, and smashed Charles to the ground


As the ancient god of Apocalypse for thousands of years, Apocalypse's combat experience is extremely rich, especially the close combat ability, which is thousands of years beyond Charles.

Under Apocalypse's attack, Charles was so beaten that he didn't even have the ability to fight back.

"Psychic resistance." Looking at the constantly attacking Apocalypse, Charles' face was solemn, and a wave of spiritual repulsion erupted from Charles's body again.

But this time, Apocalypse had already been on guard, he just took two steps back, then stopped, and at the same time opened his right hand, releasing a huge amounts of energy cannon from his palm.


The energy cannon bombarded Charles' chest, and the berserk energy directly pierced Charles' chest.

"Ahem, mind repair." The pain of being pierced through the chest made Charles cough violently, and then covered his chest with his right hand, countless

Psychic particles began to rapidly fill the wound.

In just a moment, Charles who had been pierced through the chest had already recovered.

Charles tapped his temple lightly with his right hand, and the surrounding mental structures began to surge around Apocalypse like a mirror dimension.

"Spiritual bondage." Charles' eyes shone with the brilliance of the soul, and all the spiritual buildings released a spiritual ray, and these spiritual rays covered the sky.

Qi's body turned into beams of spiritual energy beams, sealing off Apocalypse's body.

"The mind is broken." Charles came to Apocalypse, and pressed his right hand on Apocalypse's forehead. A wave of spiritual power passed through Apocalypse and fell on Apocalypse's heart in an instant.

Above the Spirit Building, his Pyramids, from the very top, seemed hollow and empty.

The collapse of the mental structure made Apocalypse let out a cry of pain. Looking at Charles who was close at hand, the five fingers of Apocalypse's right hand were slightly bent.

Apocalypse's five fingers turned into yellow sand in an instant, and bundles of yellow sand were like sharp blades, cutting off the beam of spiritual energy on his body.

At the same time, Apocalypse's left hand directly grabbed Charles' arm, and Apocalypse's eyes burst into hot white light.

"Heat ray." Two beams of hot white light surged out from Apocalypse's eyes, sweeping across Charles' body in an instant.

The white scorching light easily cut Charles' body in half, and the collapse of Apocalypse's spiritual world disappeared instantly.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more. Subscriptions are really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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