Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 168 Receive The Earth’S Nuclear Arsenal, The Carbon-Sodium Steel Alloy Of The Kingdom Of God

In December 1983, people all over the world panicked, and the ancient God of Apocalypse, who suddenly revived, not only controlled the entire region of Egypt with absolute power, but even controlled the nuclear arsenal of the earth in a way that shocked people all over the world.

Tens of thousands of nuclear warheads were launched into the sky above the earth, forming an incomparably spectacular scene. Even someone on the plane could observe the nuclear bomb that was about to fly into the atmosphere with the naked eye.

The World Security Council convened an emergency meeting again, preparing to directly recognize Apocalypse's status as the ruler of Egypt, and is ready to talk with Apocalypse at any time.

When the nuclear bomb, the sword of Damocles made by humans, is lost, even a superpower as powerful as the United States has to bow its head at this moment, preparing to temporarily recognize Apocalypse's status as the ruler of Egypt.

As soon as this decision was made, it was instantly noticed by Apocalypse who had just captured Charles Telepathy Ability.

"Surrender, or destroy." Apocalypse's majestic, cold and ruthless voice appeared in the minds of the whole world and global leaders.

At the same time, they saw in front of themselves a spiritual titan radiating golden light, looking down on them. The strong sense of oppression and suffocation made the high-level members who were just ordinary human beings all make choices.

"Surrender." And as this idea appeared, it began to expand rapidly, and countries around the world began to make televised speeches.

"All American citizens, we have once again made a major decision to surrender to the ancient gods of Apocalypse and become America ruled by the gods of Apocalypse."

"People of the Soviet Union, we have to make concessions, surrender, and still survive, resist, and will usher in destruction. I hereby declare that the entire territory of the Soviet Union surrenders to the ancient Apocalypse.


The whole world was in an uproar, and as the two superpowers chose to surrender, hundreds of countries all over the world made televised speeches, announcing their submission to the ancient god of Apocalypse.

"I, the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, accept your submission, humans, and worship your Pharaoh." Apocalypse's deafening voice spread to every corner of the earth

He is standing in front of the Pyramids at this moment, pressing his right hand on Charles' forehead, and is modifying the memory of everyone in the world through the power of Telepathy.

As Apocalypse modifies the memory of human beings all over the world, all human beings only feel stunned for a while, and then their fearful eyes are replaced by fanaticism.

In their memory, the ancient Pharaoh Apocalypse, from ancient times to the present, has been the ruler of mankind, the ruler, and the supreme god.

All human beings, after seeing Apocalypse, should worship and offer their faith and loyalty to the God of Apocalypse.

All human beings are slaves of God Apocalypse. Human beings are lambs, and God Apocalypse is the shepherd.

"Apocalypse, Apocalypse." After the earth's nuclear arsenal flew into the atmosphere, the entire high-level human beings seemed to have their spine removed, and they announced their submission to the rule of Apocalypse, while the global human race was added a piece of memory by Apocalypse.

All human beings are now worshiping in the direction of Egypt.

"I, the god of Apocalypse, have finally conquered this world completely." Inside the Egyptian Pyramids, Apocalypse took his right hand away from Charles' forehead, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

"Charles' Ability is tailor-made for me. It is a unique Ability." At this moment, Apocalypse's face is covered with wrinkles, but he doesn't care about it. This is the aftereffect of using the seized mutant Ability .

With the help of Charles's Telepathy, Apocalypse not only controlled the earth's nuclear arsenal, disarmed the earth's highest weaponry, but also used the power of Telepathy to modify the memory of all human beings, making human beings completely slaves of Apocalypse.

The whole world returns to the era of Apocalypse domination.

In the kingdom of gods, Lancelot looked with great interest at the human beings on the earth who worshiped in the direction of Egypt, his eyes were full of pity.

In the face of Charles's mind control, these human beings do not have the slightest ability to resist. The so-called technological power is "not worth mentioning in the face of mind control.

"It's also time to receive the Earth's nuclear arsenal." Lancelot just glanced at the Earth's situation and didn't pay attention.

Lancelot stood up, the palace above his head automatically began to open, and countless Vibranium shapeshifting metals opened.


Golden energy radiance surged from Lancelot's body, and his entire body soared into the air in an instant. The energy in his body exploded and rushed into the deep space of the universe.

With Lancelot's current speed, the space distance between the kingdom of God and the earth is almost fleeting.

In just an instant, Lancelot had already appeared in the outer space of the earth, and then hovered in the deep universe.

In front of Lancelot, one after another nuclear bombs are breaking through the atmosphere, entering the outer space of the earth, and then losing power, drifting wantonly in outer space.

Nearly 40,000 nuclear bombs are spread out in the outer space of the earth, but they are extremely sparse, distributed around the huge blue planet.

"Vientiane Tianyin". Lancelot opened his right hand, and a terrifying gravitational force instantly enveloped all the nuclear bombs.

Whizzing. whoosh

In the space environment just now, the 40,000 nuclear bombs that lost power and floated in the outer space of the earth all converged in the direction of Lancelot.

Seeing the 40,000 nuclear bombs flying towards him at an extreme space speed, Lancelot showed a smile on his face.

"Shenwei." In Lancelot's right eye, the windmill of the kaleidoscope Sharingan spins rapidly, and in the center of the nuclear bomb, a huge amounts of space vortex appears.

Within the space vortex, a grand and magnificent city with futuristic science fiction, cool and majestic is looming.

Boom, boom.

One after another, gorgeous and cool biological airships rushed out of the space vortex, and mutant protoss exuding golden light stood on the airships.

"My king." All the biological flying boats stopped beside Lancelot, and all the mutant protoss knelt on one knee and saluted Lancelot.

The environment in the deep space of the universe cannot stop the sound transmission of the mutant protoss at all. The space membrane on their bodies can form a special sound wave, allowing their voices to flow unimpeded even in a vacuum environment.

"Beast Hank, get ready to start." Lancelot glanced at the biological spaceship beside him. On the spaceship, the scientists headed by Beast Hank and Dr. Leonard had already been waiting for it.

It is worth mentioning that the biological airship they are riding on is a kind of ability that is not outstanding of the Protoss. Hundreds of variant modules related to the Flight series and space series have been added to the biological airship, allowing these biological airships, Capable of short-distance space jumps and space flights. Moreover, the biological spaceship, which looks like a small boat, has an incomparably large internal area.

"Obey, my king." After hearing Lancelot's order, Beast Hank reached out and clicked on his protoss bracelet.


A dense red mist spread out from the Protoss bracelet, covering the entire biological spaceship almost instantly.

And within the red mist, there is a huge amounts of Protoss instrument, which looks like a huge amounts of cosmic cube, dozens of faces of the cube are rotating in a precise and orderly manner.

This is the most sophisticated instrument ever built by Beast Hank et al., using a special material developed by Dr. Trask, which combines the indestructibility of Adamantium with the powerful biological regeneration function.

Moreover, this material can block the regeneration and energy operation of any object, and it is a very magical material.

Dr. Trask called this metal carbon-sodium steel. According to the determination of the kingdom of gods, carbon-sodium steel is the only special material that can destroy mutant gods.

Yes, Dr. Bolivar Trask once again used his ingenuity to prove that his terrifying material research ability was also excellent in finding the weakness of the mutant protoss.

Even Lancelot, when he learned that Dr. Trask had developed carbon-sodium steel, couldn't help but marvel at Dr. Trask's ability in materials science, as well as his power as the former villain BOSS who once reversed the future and slaughtered the Mutant family.

Bolivar Trask has always been able to find the loopholes in Mutants, creating a technological material that is sufficient to target Mutants weaknesses.

Even after becoming the chief material scientist of the Kingdom of Gods, Trask's extraordinary ability has not disappeared.

After developing carbon nanosteel, Dr. Trask originally planned to destroy it directly, but was stopped by Lancelot.

For Lancelot, this carbon-sodium steel is a very good material. In the universe, not only mutant protoss have self-healing ability, other alien races also have some incredible abilities.

And once the mutant protoss faces these alien races with special abilities, the carbon-sodium steel weapons in their hands are enough to scare the enemy.

After obtaining Lancelot's permission, Dr. Trask began to participate in the sealing of the mutant raw stones, and after Dr. Trask joined, Beast Hank and others finally completed the construction of the Cosmic Cube with the help of the magic of carbon-sodium steel.

And successfully sealed the mutant raw stone in the cosmic cube, isolating the terrifying absorption ability of the mutant raw stone.

"Get ready to open the Cosmic Cube." Beast Hank opened his right hand, and countless mind projection screens appeared in front of him, and at the same time, Dr. Leonard and the scientists behind him also showed mind projections one by one.

These protoss scientists began to continuously manipulate the projection of the mind, and the cosmic cube in front of them suddenly floated into the midair, and then dozens of faces began to rotate and reorganize constantly.

There were bursts of crisp sounds like musical notes, and the cosmic cube began to slowly open, extending outward one by one, and at the center of the cosmic cube, a dazzling light also penetrated the cosmic cube, shining in the deep outer space .

"Watfak? How come there are two suns in the sky." On the earth, people who were worshiping in the direction of Egypt, at this moment, inadvertently looked up and found that two suns appeared above their heads.

Even one of the suns seems to be hovering in the outer space of the earth, and the dazzling light blinds all those who look up for a short time.

Inside the Pyramids of Egypt, Apocalypse also saw the vision in the sky. He frowned slightly, and wanted to use his familiar variant Ability to see what the golden sun above his head was.


However, Apocalypse felt as if someone had hit the Apocalypse with a sap, his face turned pale instantly, and blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth.

"What's going on here?" Apocalypse's face changed drastically. He had never felt such a terrifying aura before. Just by taking a look, the ten and a half powers in his body were pulled out instantly.

The God of Apocalypse, who had just ruled the entire earth, was so horrified at the moment that he didn't even dare to look up at the golden sun above his head.

Not just Apocalypse.

In the outer space of the earth, the mutant protoss who originally stood on the biological spaceship, the moment the mutant rough stone escaped from the cosmic cube, the energy in the body was instantly extracted by the mutant rough stone and absorbed by the mutant rough stone.

all mutant gods

At this moment, Zuo's face was pale, and his body fell to his knees again.

Even Hei Huang Xiao, Magneto and others were unable to resist the power of the mutant raw stone, and the energy in their bodies was instantly drawn away.

"Wanxiang Tianyin." The only person who was not affected by the mutant original stone was Lancelot himself. Seeing the weak appearance of the mutant gods, Lancelot opened his right hand, and a wave of

The terrifying gravitational force shrouded the mutant rough stone.

The original mutant stone floating in the deep space of the universe was caught by Lancelot, and the originally weak mutant protoss quickly recovered.

The power of the mutant raw stone has surpassed the limit that the mutant protoss can bear, so that no mutant protoss can touch the mutant raw stone.

It will be directly decomposed by the power star of the mutant rough stone.

Only Lancelot is not affected by the variant rough stone.

Because, as early as when Beast Hank and others developed the mutant rough stone, Lancelot had already applied his own god-level pupil technique-Ge

ass the power of absolute command.

The mind module allows the mutant rough stone to have its own spiritual space, and because of this, Lancelot's absolute command is engraved in the deepest part of the mutant rough stone.

Under the categorical order of Geass, the mutant stone cannot defy any order of Lancelot.

Only Lancelot can completely ignore the influence of the mutant rough stone, and use the power zone of the mutant rough stone at will.

"Go, go to Energy Absorbing, I'm looking forward to your metamorphosis." Lancelot threw the mutant rough stone to the center of the nuclear bomb group.

Then gently stretched out the index finger of the right hand, a ball of energy instantly enveloped a nuclear bomb, and the whole nuclear bomb exploded.

The silent explosion formed a colorful energy mushroom cloud, and at the same time, the surrounding nuclear bombs exploded one after another under the stimulation of the mushroom cloud.

Groups of dazzling rays of light shrouded the entire earth, and it was silent in space, but the explosion sound waves of nuclear bombs were transmitted to the earth through energy vibrations.

within the atmosphere of the ball.

Rumble (Lee's).

The terrifying sound of nuclear bomb explosions enveloped the whole world. Everyone looked at the sky in horror. They could clearly see that tens of thousands of nuclear bombs exploded at the same time in the distant outer space of the earth.

The explosion, the terrifying energy brilliance it set off, and the vast and violent mushroom cloud.

"Who? Who actually detonated those nuclear bombs." Inside the Egyptian Pyramids, Apocalypse was full of anger and astonishment. He knew the power of nuclear bombs very well.

Especially the power of 40,000 nuclear bombs, even the aftermath of the explosion, is enough to easily destroy the earth.

This is like 40,000 small planets exploding above the earth at the same time, and the energy Shockwave it brings is enough to sweep everything away.

"Guardian of the Sun God." Apocalypse's face was gloomy and ashen, his hands were opened, and a thick golden shield instantly enveloped the whole of Egypt.

At the same time, on the altar of Apocalypse, countless wind and sand gathered at the altar of reincarnation, forming a body exactly like Apocalypse.

This body was placed on the rightmost one of the three altars by Apocalypse, while Charles was lying on the leftmost altar.

This body formed by molecular recombination is Apocalypse's spare body. After thousands of years of sleep, Apocalypse also has to consider the failure of soul reincarnation

, and this ability to use reincarnation is the choice of Apocalypse.

"Start now, let's reincarnate the soul." Apocalypse's eyes penetrated the matter, looked at the vast mushroom cloud that was exploding above his head, and lay directly on the altar in the middle.


The violent golden solar energy penetrated from the top of the Pyramids, and on the body of Apocalypse, countless golden Apocalypse inscriptions like circuit boards began to flow towards Charles.

Gather over.


And as Apocalypse released the soul reincarnation ability, the Pyramids suddenly roared and shook, and then the gate of the Pyramids was closed.

In front of the Pyramids, the four knights of Apocalypse loyally guarded the Pyramids.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong begs for the first subscription, and I hope that the bosses can subscribe more and support more [Subscription is really important to Xiaochongchong.

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