Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 170 Asgard Asgard, Thor And Loki

Earth, outer space.

Lancelot was calmly watching the mutant rough stone in front of him. At this moment, after five diamond-shaped crystals were inlaid in the mutant rough stone, only the last one could become a perfect hexahedron.

At this moment, the five diamond-shaped crystals shrouded in the mutant rough stone present their own different pictures, the land of nothingness, Nidavi, Titan Star, Morag, and Sakaar ruled by Gao Tianzun.

Different from several other places, Sakaar's diamond-shaped space vortex does not cover Sakaar, but covers the interstellar passages around Sakaar~.

Sakaar is the garbage dump of the universe. The entire Sakaar is located on the edge of the universe. Around the planet, there are countless interstellar passages, space portals, inter-galaxy portals, etc.

Even the Bifrost of Asgard can be reflected on the Sakaar.

The diamond-shaped space vortex of the mutant original stone is crazily absorbing these space energies, which leads to the disorder of space energy in the sky above Sakaar. Often there will be some phenomenon of jumping in and out of space.

This kind of phenomenon is ordinary in the universe, and it is not worthy of Gao Tianzun's concern at all. If Sakaar is not the place where the cosmic space channels converge, it can link the entire universe here. Such a garbage dump, Gao Tianzun simply doesn't like it .

Therefore, the diamond-shaped space vortex is like entering the land of no one, absorbing these space energies crazily, without worrying about attracting Gao Tianzun's peeping.

Five diamond-shaped crystals guard the original mutant stone at the center, forming a hexahedral crystal with only one side missing. In the center of the hexahedron, the dazzling mutant rough stone is greedily devouring the energy transmitted by these hexahedrons.

In fact, after absorbing the Phoenix force and the huge energy stored in Lancelot's Eye of Sharjah, the mutant rough stone has reached an infinite state of energy.

Definitely, this infinite state is still incomparable to the six infinite rough stones, so the variant rough stones need to consume energy constantly to reach the level of the truly infinite original cloth.

This is also the reason why after the metamorphosis is completed, the mutant rough stone will release the space power and open the space vortex of the six worlds.

Whether it is the void of the head of the Celestial Group, Nidavi in ​​the Nine Realms of Dwarf, or the planet Morag with the power gem, or Sakaar, the edge of the universe filled with infinite space energy, there are enough to be vast. energy of.

Even with the absorption speed of Lancelot's Reincarnation Eye Hungry Ghost Dao Ability added to the mutant rough stone, it will take a lot of time to extract these planets clean.

"Now, only Asgard is left." Lancelot looked at the last diamond-shaped space vortex, and his eyes were deep.

"The Prosthetic Eye of God." Lancelot's gaze exuded a dazzling golden light, and the vast eyes had already appeared in front of Lancelot.

At the same time, Lancelot's gaze also looked into the diamond-shaped space vortex. In the space vortex, there were also countless pairs of eyes that were completely different from those of humans on earth.

These are the eyes of all the Aesir protoss in Asgard, each pair of eyes exudes golden light, and among them, one pair of eyes is even more golden.

"Is that the gatekeeper of Asgard, the insight eye of Heimdall? It can see the frequency of a butterfly flapping its wings a thousand worlds away." Lancelot glanced at the golden eyes, and the corner of his mouth showed interest look.

Heimdall of Asgard is the only powerful Asgard Asgardian with eye ability in Asgard. The eyes of Heimdall blessed by Odin can penetrate any corner of the Nine Realms.

At the same time, it has Super Dynamic Vision, which is terrifying enough to rival the Lancelot Kaleidoscope Sharingan. It can easily see the sound of butterflies flapping their wings a thousand worlds away. Yes, Heimdall can easily see the transmission of sound vibration frequency. Let him monitor almost everything in the Nine Realms.

Even Lancelot has to admit that Heimdall's insight is really powerful.

However, for Heimdall's insightful eyes, Lancelot just took a look and didn't pay attention. What he really paid attention to was a pair of eyes that exuded thunder, like eyes of thunder and lightning.

The moment he saw these eyes, Lancelot already knew the information about the owner of these eyes, which are the eyes of Thor and the god of war, Thor.

"God's Prosthetic Eye · Sharing." Lancelot made a light move with his right hand, and the lightning eyes belonging to Thor appeared in front of Lancelot and merged into Lancelot's God's Prosthetic Eye.

Lancelot easily shared Thor's vision.

At this moment, the Nine Realms, where the gods of Asgard gather.

On the dazzling, condensed and solid Bifrost, a colorful light flashed, and then Thor appeared here with his brother Loki, the god of trickery, and the four warriors of Asgard.

"Fack, Fack, Heimdall, tell me why you called us back." Thor, who just appeared in Bifrost, has long flowing hair, wears Asgard armor, and holds Mjolnir.

Handsome and handsome, tall and mighty, exuding dazzling thunder all over his body.

However, Thor is now in a rage. He is leading the Asgard warriors to suppress the rebellion in Yalfheim. He can kill the group of heretical evil gods, but at the last moment, he was directly killed by Heimdall. Summoned back with the power of Bifrost.

"Brother, we deserve victory and respect this time. Your bravery will be praised by your father." When Thor was furious, Loki, the god of trickery behind him, patted Thor's shoulder lightly, somewhat said regretfully.

"Fack, Fack." Hearing the words of Loki, the god of tricks, Thor cursed again angrily.

"Thor, my brother, I think you should question our great heavenly father. Heimdall will definitely not recall us for no reason." Seoul's concern.

"Loki." The four warriors of Asgard who stood behind Loki frowned at this moment. They were not Thor's guy who only had war and muscles in his mind. They knew very well that Prince Loki of Asgard was fighting for My own big brother buried in the pit.

Compared with the unparalleled Thor Thor, the attitude of the four warriors of Asgard towards Loki, the god of tricks, is extremely bad.

Asgard advocates absolute power, not intrigue, and they know very well that Loki is coveting the position of Asgard's successor.

"Loki, you are right. However, compared to the four warriors of Asgard who saw through Loki's plot at a glance, Thor patted Loki's shoulder with a face of approval, then shook the meow hammer in his hand, directly Soaring into the sky, it flew towards Odin's palace in Asgard.

"Thor, the hammer god, lives up to his name." After Thor left, Loki, the god of trickery, became indifferent, and he was not worried that the four Asgard warriors behind him would inform him.

Because this is the rule set by his father, the heavenly father Odin, the two princes can use any means to fight for the throne, and the rest must not intervene or make any damage.

"Loki, it's very rude to treat your big brother like this." Fatty Fandral, one of the four warriors of Asgard, couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a cold snort.

"Isn't it? If I lose his Meow Hammer, I can easily step on it." Loki, the god of trickery, turned his head and gave Fandral a cold look, and said meaningfully.

"Besides, the mere Flight still needs the Meow Meow Hammer? Besides the hammer, except for a body of divine power, and Thor armor, what does he have?" Loki's body was suspended, and then he flew straight towards Odin's palace.

"I, the evil god Loki, will eventually become the king of Asgard." After Loki, the god of trickery, left Bifrost, behind the Asgard warrior Fandral, an entity duplication condensed out of the void, and then a dagger pierced Fandral chest, piercing Fandral's chest.

"God of trickery!" Fandral's face was full of pain, he grabbed the Loki duplication behind him with his right hand, and then crushed the Loki duplication with a little force, but at the same time, he looked down at the penetrating wound on his chest, He smiled wryly.

"Sure enough, he is indeed the candidate for the throne of Asgard. His strength has surpassed us by a lot, and Loki is obviously not as merciful as Thor." Fandral pressed his right hand on his chest. In his hand, the divine power belonging to Asgard was released. When he came out, the wound on his body immediately recovered.

"Let's go, no matter who inherits the throne, we are all Asgard's warriors." The remaining three Asgard warriors shrugged their shoulders, and they didn't want to get involved in the battle for the Asgard throne.


At this moment, it turned into a flash of lightning, driven by the Meow Hammer, Thor has already entered the Odin Palace.

He turned into a thunderbolt and descended from the sky in a high-profile manner. Countless lightnings lingered around Thor, making him seem to be transformed into a thunderbolt. The shining thunderbolts shone on the hall. Even Odin, the heavenly father sitting on the top, couldn't bear it at this moment. Live frowned.

"Thor Odinson, my son." At the top of the hall, Father Odin sits on a throne, and beside him is Chairman Frigg.

"Great Father Odin, Thor Odinson, your son, I pay you the highest respect." Looking at his father's questioning eyes, even Thor, who was as proud as Thor, knelt down in front of his father , salute respectfully.

"Get up, Thor." Heavenly Father Odin nodded solemnly, with a soft radiance in his eyes. For his first son, Odin was always full of sternness and kindness.

"Father, mother." Compared to Thor, Loki, the god of trickery who also appeared on the main hall, seemed relaxed, gentle and polite.

"Oh, my child, Loki. You are finally back." Heavenly Father Odin just glanced at Loki, but the queen Frigga beside him was extremely pleasantly surprised. He is a little too spoiled for the evil god Loki.

There is no other reason, Loki will please Frigga's favor even more, and when he is free, he will often accompany Frigga to learn fairy magic from Frigga.

And Loki's ability also did not disappoint Queen Frigg, Loki's magic ability is even stronger than Queen Frigg.

……ask for flowers…

Queen Frigga has always believed that the future Loki will become the strongest magician in the Nine Realms and the most solid force to protect Asgard.

However, the only thing that makes Queen Frigga a little helpless is that the current Loki is obsessed with the struggle for the throne, and has no intention of studying magic at all.

"Loki, come here, let me take a good look." Queen Frigg waved at Loki, and Loki waved his right hand lightly, directly opening a space magic channel, and appeared in front of Frigg.

"Father, why did you call us back? You, wise and powerful, should be very clear that I can wipe out the rebels immediately, and let the glory of Asgard spread across Alfheim again, and in the name of me, Thor Odinson , will resound throughout the Nine Realms." Thor didn't care about Loki, but stood up directly and questioned his father loudly.

"Alfheim thing, I

I already know that they listened to the instigation of a certain evil god, which led to their rebellion. "Heavenly Father Odin looked at Thor majestically, his eyes full of disappointment.

"A certain evil god? Who is it? I want to fight against it, and I want to let this damned evil god know who is the strongest warrior in Asgard." Hearing the calm words of the heavenly father Odin,

Thor was furious again, and he held Mjolnir high, his whole body surging with terrifying divine power.

"War, war, war." Looking at Thor who was showing off his might, Father Odin looked sullen.

"Thor, do you know about war?" Heavenly Father Odin slapped the armrest of the throne heavily, and a terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Father made the flamboyant Thor feel

Huge pressure.

"Father Odin, the Nine Worlds have forgotten the power of Asgard, the surrounding kingdoms are constantly breaking away from Asgard's rule, Jotonheim, Moos Bellheim have begun

Beginning to mobilize soldiers and horses.

We need to strike out with thunder when they are fledgling, and deal a painful blow to the enemy. Since they want war, then give them war. "Thor Thor to the heavenly father

Ding glared, obviously, he also saw the disappointment in the eyes of Heavenly Father Odin.

But Thor doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. Since these countries want to start wars, he will give them wars. Then, during the wars, the God of Thunder will

power to kill all enemies.

Thor always fights for the honor of Asgard.

"Bastard." Looking at the unrepentant Thor, the heavenly father Odin cursed in disappointment, and then pointed his right hand, and Mjolnir in Thor's hand broke away from Thunder in an instant.

God Thor's hands.

"Thor, I, Father Odin, now put away your weapons, and command you to contemplate within the vaults of Asgard until you realize your mistake and appear before me again.

forward. The majestic order of the heavenly father Odin sounded, and then Thor found that Odin's oracle version appeared on his body.

"Father, father, you can't take away my hammer, you can't take away my strength." Feeling the divine words of Odin on his body, Thor Thorton roared again,

However, the heavenly father Odin just waved his hand and threw it into his treasure house, facing the wall and thinking about it.

"The evil god Loki, deceive the residents of Alfheim to rebel, and go to my treasure house to face the wall together." Heavenly Father Odin turned his head, glanced at the evil god Loki, and then waved the evil god

Loki also threw it into his own treasury.


Terrible divine power erupted from Heavenly Father Odin, and the divine power swept across the Nine Realms. All the rebels instantly surrendered to Heavenly Father Odin's divine power, and headed towards Asgard.


"Stupid Thor Odinson, why did I give birth to you, a son with a brain full of muscles, and the evil god Loki, who even bewitched the residents of other countries to rebel for the throne

"Father Odin waved his hands, closed the Odin palace, and then sat on the throne with some headaches.

"Great Father, you are just a little too strict with them." Queen Frigg gently rubbed the head of Heavenly Father Odin, and Heavenly Father Odin's restless mood was swept away immediately.

"Let's go, Frigga, let's go to the treasury and see what that shameless thief is." Heavenly Father Odin stood up, the space in front of him suddenly opened, Heavenly Father Odin

Take Frigga and step out, and it has already appeared in the treasure house of Odin.

"Father, mother, what is this?" Thor, who appeared in the treasure house one step ahead at this moment, looked at a diamond-shaped space vortex in the center of the treasure house in astonishment.

I was stunned.

"My space magic can't even touch it? It's as if this vortex doesn't exist." Loki, the always calm and wise god of trickery, was also horrified at this moment.

, He probed with the power of magic, but he couldn't touch this space vortex at all.

"This is something that was born in the world of Midgard, and its name is the Mutant Stone." Heavenly Father Odin's eyes were dazzling, and he knew it when he saw the diamond-shaped space vortex.

Know all the information about this space vortex.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong asks for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more, subscription is really important to Xiaochongchong oh five.

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