Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 172 Odin’S Treasury, Cooperation Proposed By Heavenly Father Odin

Nine Realms, Asgard Asgard, Vault of Odin.

The evil god Loki stood behind the Father in fear, looking at Thor who had turned into a stone sculpture with some pity and gloating.

The original hostility towards Lancelot disappeared in an instant as Thor turned into a stone sculpture. Even after seeing Lancelot's understated but powerful Ability, the evil god Loki instantly felt the desire to cooperate.

As a candidate for the throne of Asgard, Odin once made a promise to allow the princes of Asgard to use any means, as long as they can defeat another candidate for the throne, they can successfully inherit the throne and become the god king of Asgard.

And cooperating with other powerhouses is also not prohibited.

The only thing that makes the evil god Loki regret is that although Thor Thor has become a stone sculpture, his body still maintains a strong vitality [this means that Thor Thor did not go.

"As expected of the evil god Loki, he really wants to kill Thor every moment." The voice of the evil god Loki was easily detected by Lancelot's Telepathy.

Glancing at the evil god Loki, Lancelot didn't pay attention to him. The current Loki is not qualified to cooperate with him. He no longer pays attention to Loki. Instead, he looked at the collection of Odin's treasury with great interest.

"As expected of Heavenly Father Odin, he actually has so many treasures in his collection." Lancelot looked at the treasures displayed in front of him, and couldn't help but praise them.

"God King Lancelot, these treasures are not worth mentioning. No matter what kind of treasures they are, they are no match for the god clan treasures you will create in the future." Heavenly Father Odin looked into Lancelot's eyes

He said with a modest smile.

Heavenly Father Odin is an all-knowing and omnipotent existence. Although the observation of the future cannot be compared with that of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One on Earth, it is enough for him to see many pictures of the future

From the time when the heavenly father Odin just became the king of Asgard, he has already seen the coming of Asgard Ragnarök and the fall of Asgard.

He saw that his daughter, the goddess Hela, was the key to unlocking Ragnarök, so Odin sealed his daughter in the realm of the dead to slow down the arrival of Asgard Ragnarök.

And now, through his omniscience and omnipotence, he saw the future represented by Lancelot. He saw a mutant protoss that was more terrifying than Asgard's Aesir protoss rising up, becoming the supreme protoss that ruled the entire universe.

At the same time, he also saw the brilliance of the kingdom of gods, the incomparable power of the kingdom of gods, and the terrifying treasures and collections of the gods made by the god king Lancelot.

Even, in the future seen by the heavenly father Odin, the heavenly father Odin himself automatically fell asleep in order to limit the expansion of the god-king Lancelot and protect the city of Asgard.

And the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One of the earth was forced to be killed by an apprentice of Kamar-Taj directly and voluntarily at a certain point in the future, and let his soul be sheltered by Vishanti the Great, so that Kamar-Taj was preserved. inherited.

It was also because the heavenly father Odin saw the future of Lancelot that he let go of the majesty of his heavenly father and talked with Lancelot like an old friend.

It is also because of this that the heavenly father Odin did not stop his son Thor, and let Lancelot petrify Thor.

He needs to free his two sons from arrogance, especially Thor, whose victory in the millennium-long war has caused Thor to lose himself and even become blindly arrogant.

"God King Lancelot, the time in Midgard where you are now, should it be 1983 or 1984?" Heavenly Father Odin glanced at Lancelot and asked.

At the top of the Nine Realms, Asgard and Midgard, which are high above the world tree, have completely different time ratios, and the heavenly father Odin does not go back to pay attention to the development of a small Midgard.

The last time I paid attention to Midgard was in AD 943, because the frost titan suddenly invaded the Norway of Midgard, and then the heavenly father Odin led his Asgard warriors

It fell from the sky and turned the Frost Titan directly.

"Father Odin, the time on Earth is indeed 1983." Lancelot nodded, and walked to the first item in Odin's treasury.

Lancelot looked at the Infinity Gauntlet in front of him with great interest, and the Prosthetic Eye of God burst into a radiant golden light.

"The Infinity Gauntlet from the future endgame also appeared here." Lancelot looked at the heavenly father Odin meaningfully.

The Infinity Gauntlet, which appeared many times in the Thor series of movies, was called a fake by the goddess of death Hela in Thor3, and was pushed by the goddess Hela.

People in previous lives believed that the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's treasury might really be a fake as the goddess Hela said.

But in fact, the counterfeit in the mouth of Goddess Hela does not mean that the Infinity Gauntlet is a fake, but just an imitation of the Infinity Gauntlet.

In the MarvelMCU universe, there are two Infinity Gauntlets, one of which is the Infinity Gauntlet, an artifact that Thanos asked the dwarfs in the dwarf kingdom to use Uru alloy to perfectly carry the power of Infinite Gems.

And the other one is the Nano Infinity Gauntlet, which was jointly built by Iron Man Tony Stark of the future Endgame and Dr. Green Titan Banna. Due to material problems, it can only use the power of Infinite Gems twice before it will be destroyed. .

Unfortunately, however, Dr. Green Titan Banner only had time to snap his fingers once, and the endgame was over.

And now, this Infinity Gauntlet suddenly appeared in Odin's treasury.

"In fact, this is the Infinity Gauntlet brought back from the future by Captain America Steve Rogers of Midgard." Heavenly Father Odin stepped up to Lancelot, looking at the Infinity Gauntlet in front of him, his eyes full of admiration.

Being able to perfectly carry the two energy releases of Infinite Gems with human technology, this earth version of the Infinity Gauntlet is also worthy of the collection of Heavenly Father Odin.

"Infinity Gauntlet? The final battle?" Lancelot and the heavenly father Odin were talking as if no one else was around, but the evil god Loki behind him was extremely shocked, and a turmoil was set off in his heart


Lancelot seemed to be here for a visit, and walked to the next treasure again. It was a treasure box exuding a faint blue light, and a stream of icy breath was being released from the treasure box.

Casket of Ancient Winters.

Jotonheim, the supreme artifact of the Frost Titan family, its full power release can instantly bring the earth into an ice age.

Lancelot glanced back at the evil god Loki, and then turned to look at the heavenly father Odin.

"This is what you are going to give to the evil god Loki. I have to say, Father Odin, you are not only a qualified Asgard god-king, but also a qualified father." Lancelot's eyes were full of admiration, and he said with a chuckle.

The heavenly father Odin has always loved his two sons deeply because of Hela's rebellion, so he couldn't help but endow Thor Mjolnir with this artifact. It was he who entered Jotonheim and snatched it for the evil god Loki.

The only thing Odin didn't expect was that the evil god Loki was very resistant to his frost titan blood, and therefore hated the Casket of Ancient Winters extremely.

What Odin didn't expect was that the situation of his eldest son Thor and the evil god Loki was completely opposite. Thor relied too much on Mjolnir, the artifact he created for him, so that his ability was born by Thor himself. Thousands of years were wasted.

Lancelot walked towards the next treasure again, which was an altar to which the Heavenly Father Odin had imposed countless oracles. Inside the altar were "ten very ordinary-looking flames.

However, at the moment of seeing this flame, even Lancelot couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

"The Eternal Fire, the source of Asgard's destruction." Lancelot walked up to the Eternal Fire, looked at this never-ending flame, and couldn't help but praise it.

The Eternal Fire is the divine weapon held by the fire king Sutert, Moose Bellheim, the kingdom of flames, and it is also the divine weapon naturally born by Moose Bellheim, the Eternal Fire.

Just as the source of power of Goddess Hela is Asgard, the source of power of Fire king Surtert is the Eternal Fire.

Sutert once possessed the power beyond the Heavenly Father, but he was defeated by Boer, the previous generation of Asgard's god king, and other kings of the nine realms, and plundered his Eternal Fire to Asgard, blocking it forever stand up.

In terms of seniority, even the current heavenly father, Odin, needs to be respectfully called King Suterte, which shows Suterte's strength.

Even Goddess Hela revived her own army that had been dead for thousands of years just by taking a small ball of the Eternal Fire. The energy contained in the Eternal Fire, even the heavenly father Odin needs to be treated with care.

Lancelot is also salivating for the Eternal Fire, but due to the strength of the heavenly father Odin, Lancelot can't show it right now.

After visiting the Eternal Fire, Lancelot sees the Ball of Agamotto that should belong to the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One one after another.

The Eye of Agamotto and the Ball of Agamotto are both artifacts of Agamotto, the god of magic, but now one of them has appeared here. There is no doubt that these ten pieces were also snatched by the heavenly father Odin.

Moreover, it is likely that it was snatched from the Sorcerer Supreme of the previous generation before the Ancient One magician had grown up.

The Ball of Agamotto possesses the ability to detect various major crises in the universe and the invasion of magical creatures.

Odin, the Father, used the Ball of Agamotto to observe the coming of Ragnarök and the endgame.

And now, Lancelot stood in front of the Ball of Agamotto.


A spectacular scene suddenly emanated from the Ball of Agamotto, and then a picture appeared in front of Lancelot and Father Odin.

It was the not-too-distant future. Lancelot stood on the ruins of Egypt, looking at the picture of Apocalypse, which was transformed into a titan several hundred meters ahead, with unparalleled eyes, and the picture of Lancelot trampling the dead Apocalypse under his feet.

Then all the pictures disappeared, the Ball of Agamotto fell into silence again, and Lancelot didn't have any emotional fluctuations, as if the scene he saw before was definitely normal.

And behind the Ball of Agamotto, there are two treasures that look equally ordinary. One is a life stone tablet, which records the evolution equation of life. Once this life equation is analyzed, this person will be able to gain great power and great wisdom.

But Lancelot scoffed at this. The Life Oriented Evolution Instrument of the Kingdom of God is enough to achieve the effect shown by this life stone tablet.

The Kingdom of God has long been at the forefront of life evolution, and there are even mutant protoss like evolution master Darwin constantly exploring various paths of evolution. For Lancelot, this life stone is not as attractive as the previous Infinity Gauntlet powerful.

As for the last treasure, Lancelot frowned slightly, because even the Prosthetic Eye of God could only see the general information and Ability of this treasure.

Warlock's Eye is the name of that eye.

Its Ability is to observe multi-universe at will and observe multiple dimensions.

"Do you observe the multi-universe?" Lancelot became curious about the warlock's eyes, multi-universe, when he was beaten out of his soul by the ancient palm of Sorcerer Supreme, Lancelot saw many magnificent and infinite multi-dimensional dimensions.

Although Lancelot is full of curiosity about Warlock's Eye, it's just curiosity. Even the superhero era has not yet arrived, let alone the multi-universe era that will slowly open after the final battle.

After visiting Odin's treasure house, Lancelot looked at the heavenly father Odin with deep eyes. He knew very well that the heavenly father Odin allowed him to enter his treasure house and let him visit it at will. picture.

As if seeing Lancelot's doubts, Heavenly Father Odin showed a smile on his face, and then glanced at the evil god Loki.

The clever evil god Loki immediately understood, opened his hands, and used the illusion to instantly cover Odin's treasure house.

An exquisite parlor was created by the evil god Loki using the ability of magical illusions. If Lancelot had not possessed the god-level pupil ability, he would not have been able to discover the falseness of the magical illusions created by the evil god Loki.

Contrasting the real with the fake has always been the evil god Loki's 183 strong point.

Even Lancelot has to admit that the evil god Loki is really capable.

"God King Lancelot, please sit down." Heavenly Father Odin glanced at his son with satisfaction. In terms of intelligence and deliberation, his youngest son almost outstripped his elder son by a galaxy.

Seeing the admiring eyes of the heavenly father Odin, the evil god Loki was very excited at the moment, and a smile of excitement appeared on his originally humble face.

He felt that he seemed to be close to the throne of Asgard.

Lancelot sat opposite to Heavenly Father Odin, looked at Heavenly Father Odin calmly, and then looked up at the diamond-shaped space vortex above his head.

Inside the space vortex, the spaceship of the mutant protoss is still waiting respectfully for Lancelot's return.

"With Heavenly Father's strength, he should be able to easily erase the diamond-shaped space vortex created by the mutant original stone, but you allow the existence of the diamond-shaped space vortex. You want to exchange something with me." Lancelot looked calmly Looking at Heavenly Father Odin, his tone became indifferent.

"Lancelot, the God-King of the Kingdom of God, I, the great God-King of Asgard, the great Heavenly Father Odin Sen, here wants to conclude a cooperation with you. I can allow the mutant rough stone you made to extract the power of Asgard." Heavenly Father The expression on Odin's face also became dignified and solemn, and his voice also became magnificent.

"Cooperation? What about the conditions?" Lancelot was not surprised when he heard the words of the heavenly father Odin. He was just a little curious about what kind of conditions the heavenly father Odin would put forward.

"I hope Your Excellency will not interfere with anything in Asgard until Goddess Hela is revived." One of the eyes of the heavenly father Odin exuded a dazzling light, and majesticly stated his conditions.

"I see, you are planning to use me to weaken your daughter Hela's strength." Lancelot took a deep look at the heavenly father Odin, and directly stated Odin's intention.

Asgard is the source of Goddess Hela's power, and the heavenly father Odin allowed Lancelot's mutant rough stone to extract Asgard's power, which is undoubtedly extracting and weakening the power of Goddess Hela.

Even, with this condition, he planned to exchange Lancelot's promise not to intervene in Asgard, Lancelot showed a mocking expression on his face, if he agreed, "then his round head will be caught by the door.

"Father Odin, put away your arrogance and disrespect." Lancelot's eyes became indifferent, and the eyes of the emperor burst out.

The terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Emperor made Heavenly Father Odin frowned, and the evil god Loki standing behind Heavenly Father Odin knelt directly in front of Lancelot.

"It's such a terrifying coercion, it's simply the Level God Father, even surpassing the oppression of the Heavenly Father." The evil god Loki's eyes were full of panic, and under the eyes of Lancelot's Emperor of Heaven,

All the pride and strength of the evil god Loki were completely suppressed at this moment, and his body was even prostrate on the ground.

"Please forgive my rudeness, God King Lancelot." Facing Lancelot's Emperor's Eye, even Heavenly Father Odin has a little bit of fear. .

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