Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 175 The Battle Of Apocalypse Begins, And The Mutant Protoss Comes

On Earth Egypt, countless sand soldiers are forming legion phalanxes one by one, patrolling the whole of Egypt, and above the sky, countless sun discs are also wandering around the center of Egypt.

A series of solid energy shields shrouded the entire area of ​​Egypt, protecting Egypt like a rock. Unless it was a nuclear weapon, even the modern military weapons of the earth would not be able to cause any harm to Egypt.

And in the center of Egypt, there are purple portals connected together like a honeycomb. The entire honeycomb portal presents the whole of Egypt.

Four Apocalypse knights are monitoring the hive portal with solemn faces, their eyes exuding fanaticism and loyalty.

These honeycomb-shaped portals wrap the entire Pyramids, unless someone can break the space, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to touch the Apocalypse Pyramids.

Throughout Egypt, the sun is quiet and chill.

Hundreds of countries on the entire earth, after seeing the defensive power that appeared in Egypt, as well as the countless sand soldiers, sun discs and other magic-like defensive measures, became even more panicked for a while.

After losing its own nuclear arsenal, even the United States, as powerful as the United States, chose to remain silent at this moment. It completely lost the courage of the former superpower.


However, just when the whole world fell silent and was terrified of the power of Apocalypse, a magnificent pillar of colorful energy~ fell from the sky.

In front of this energy column, the huge shield covering the whole of Egypt seems to be like air at this moment, useless.

The violent space energy instantly tore through layers of protective shields in Egypt, piercing through hundreds of protective shields from top to bottom.

"I feel the presence of the enemy." In the center of Egypt, Psylocke Angel, one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, frowned. With her spiritual power, she sensed the emergence of four powerful beings in Egypt.

After Psylocke Angel sensed four powerful minds that suddenly appeared, he directly judged them as intruders.

Anyone who trespasses into Egypt will be regarded as an enemy by the four horsemen of Apocalypse, and then slaughtered mercilessly.

This is an order that Apocalypse left in the minds of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, and will be obeyed unconditionally by the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

"In Hurghada, Egypt." Beside Psylocke Angel, Death Angel Mora gently opened her right hand, and her eyes radiated bright golden light.

And the honeycomb portal in front of him flashed purple space fluctuations, and scenes of pictures appeared in front of the dead Angel Mora, and then these pictures were frozen in a portal.

"Sand Soldiers Legion, kill the intruders." Behind the dead Angel Mora, Sand Angel, who was wearing a black gauze but had a fiery figure, his eyes turned into eyes of wind and sand, and directly issued an order remotely.

Sand Angel possesses the variant Ability Sand, and under the strengthening of Apocalypse, Sand Angel's Ability has metamorphosised into sand control.

Controlling the sand soldiers created by Apocalypse is a piece of cake for Dust Angel.

"Invaders, die." In the direction of Hurghada, Egypt, a legion of tens of thousands of sand soldiers, on the lifelike face, a pair of eyes turned extremely red.

Their bodies melted into the yellow sand under their feet in an instant, and then quickly walked through the yellow sand.

In just a few minutes, these sand soldiers had already appeared in the center of Hurghada, in front of the dazzling colorful energy column, surrounding the entire seven-color energy column.

Swish Swish Swish.

Around the seven-colored energy column, the yellow sand under the feet quickly gathered, and one by one the sand soldiers walked out of the yellow sand, marching in uniform steps, holding spears and advancing towards the center of the Nenghuang column.

And with the march of these sand soldiers, quicksand suddenly appeared on the flat yellow sand in front of them, and the ruins of the city that were originally on the yellow sand were all buried by quicksand.


However, just as the sand soldiers approached the colorful energy column, a terrifying energy wave swept out, sweeping across the entire Hurghada domain.

Under this terrifying energy fluctuation, all the sand soldiers instantly solidified, and then their bodies collapsed one after another, turning into sand again and scattered into the yellow sand.

The colorful energy column disappeared, replaced by a cool floating throne, the entire throne exudes dazzling golden energy lines, and the overall shape of the throne is full of futuristic sense of technology.

And on the throne, Lancelot is sitting tall and straight on it, with a pair of peculiar eyes that are pleasing to the eye, as if they are like the eyes of a god, high above, mysterious and powerful

And under the throne of Lancelot, there are the mutant protoss of the kingdom of gods, Wolverine Logan, Storm Ororo, Quicksilver Pietro, and the sun Sunspot.

At this moment, the four mutant protoss looked at Lancelot respectfully, waiting for Lancelot to give an order.

"Go, wipe out all the existences in Egypt for me, and show your power as mutant gods." Lancelot looked down at Wolverine Logan and the others, and then stretched out a stick towards the towering Apocalypse Pyramids in front of him Fingers, the voice of looking down on Wushuang resounded throughout Egypt.

"Yes, my king." Wolverine Logan knelt on one knee excitedly, but her hands clenched into fists, and the sharp Adamantium claws shot out from between her fingers.

"Fight for my king." Beside Wolverine Logan, Storm Ororo Monroe, who has long flowing white hair, extremely hot figure, and exotic facial features, looked at Lancelot enthusiastically and excitedly. He raised his arms and shouted.

The current Storm Ororo Monroe is just a young girl who has just grown up. After Awakening the mutant Ability, Storm Ororo was brought to the Kingdom of Gods and became a glorious member of the mutant protoss.

And since he became a mutant protoss and felt the magic and power of the kingdom of gods, Storm Ororo has always wanted to do something for the kingdom of gods.

The Storm Tower of the Kingdom of God, which has not yet been completed, is built with the mutant gene of Storm Ororo.

However, Storm Ororo is not satisfied with such a small contribution, she wants to contribute her power to the God King Lancelot and the Kingdom of God.

So, when she heard that Wolverine Logan was summoning three mutant protoss to go to Earth for trials, Storm Ororo Monroe was the first to sign up, and was selected by Wolverine Logan because of her mutant Ability.

"My king Hail, my king Yongyao." Beside Storm Ororo, Quicksilver Pietro, the son of Magneto Eric, also looked at the aloof Lancelot with reverence.

Said excitedly.

As Magneto's long-lost son, Quicksilver Pietro has never enjoyed Magneto's father's love for a day. Every time he faces Quicksilver Pietro, Magneto will become extremely strict and serious, quite like a cold and strict father.

If that's the case, Quicksilver Pietro won't feel lost. What really makes him feel helpless is that Magneto treats Pietro's half-sister Nina with indescribable gentleness and kindness, which makes Quicksilver Pietro Luo was quite upset.

Therefore, when Wolverine Logan proposed to go to Egypt for a battle trial, Quicksilver Pietro also signed up directly in order to avoid his father Magneto.

Compared to seeing his father every day, Quicksilver Pietro is more willing to fight for the kingdom of God and for Lancelot.

Beside Quicksilver Pietro, there is an equally handsome man, the original face of the sun Sunspot Roberto Costa, the sun Sunspot has the ability to absorb, store and release solar energy, he is like a humanoid Like the sun, after activating the ability, the whole body is burning with sun flames, and the body is like a black shadow because Roberto absorbed all the sunlight into the body.

"Dedicate my strength to my king. Fight for my king." Sun Sunspot bowed his head respectfully to Lancelot, then turned his head and looked behind him.


Behind Sun Sunspot, the army of sand soldiers, which had been defeated by the space aftermath of the colorful space bridge, once again gathered from the yellow sand.

As long as the yellow sand under their feet exists, these sand soldiers will constantly condense, and they will not stop until the desert under their feet disappears.


The sun Sunspot's body, which was originally like an ordinary person, suddenly burst into violent hot flames, and the surrounding temperature rose by tens of degrees in a short moment.

"Death." Tens of thousands of sand soldiers raised their heads in unison, their eyes were red, and they raised their spears with their right hands, and threw the spears in their hands directly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The spears condensed by tens of thousands of sand spread all over the sky in an instant, and the strength of the sand soldiers was twice that of ordinary people. The spears thrown with all their strength, like sharp arrows, struck towards the sun Sunspot.

"Burn." Sun Sunspot opened his hands, and flames like a sea of ​​fire were released from his palms.

The terrifying temperature instantly melted the incoming sand spear and formed countless glass crystals. Crystals like glass beads fell from the sky and sank into the yellow sand


The body of the sun Sunspot flew rapidly over tens of thousands of soldiers, and the scorching high temperature instantly ignited the soldiers below.

But in an instant, these sand soldiers and the yellow sand under their feet were melted by the high temperature into scalding glass fluid, which boiled and rolled like magma.

Where the sun Sunspot passed by, the yellow sand was scorched by the terrifying high temperature, leaving only the glassy fluid body like magma on the entire earth.

The sun, Sunspot, was covered with high temperature and flames, and its flight speed directly reached the terrifying supersonic speed. In just a few minutes, the entire Hurghada was engulfed in flames.

When the sun Sunspot flew back to Lancelot again, Lancelot had an appreciative smile on his face.

"Good job, Sunspot." Lancelot couldn't help but praise Sunspot's variant, Ability.

Theoretically speaking, the rising flames on the surface of the sun Sunspot are enough to reach the real temperature of the sun. Definitely, this requires the sun Sunspot to grow constantly, and at the same time constantly develop its own variant Ability.

However, even now, the flame on the surface of the Sun Sunspot's body has reached a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and this temperature has reached or even surpassed the temperature of magma.

…… Ask for flowers……………

"Majafak, Hurghada has fallen." In front of the Apocalypse Pyramids, Angel Mora looked at the space picture displayed by the hive portal in front of him, "I couldn't help but swear.

In just a few minutes, the entire Hurghada area had been turned into a sea of ​​flames, which made Death Angel Mora extremely astonished.

She once watched the first battle of Mutant in person. Although the mutant Ability of Professor X, Magneto, Black Emperor Xiao and others is equally astonishing, it is far from the shock of Sunspot directly burning a city to nothing.

"Psylocke Angel, can you control them with psychic power?" Death Angel Mora glanced at the situation of the four Wolverine Logan presented in the space vortex, and then asked solemnly.

"No, those people have psychic powers like I've never seen

17 Psylocke Angel shook her head, eyes full of fear, Psylocke has the ability to materialize the mind, and she is also good at manipulating the mind, although not as powerful as Professor X and others, 0 but ordinary people are absolutely unable to resist Psylocke's mind control of.


And when Angel Mora was still thinking about how to kill the intruder, the surrounding air suddenly began to fluctuate violently.

The originally invisible air gathered into thick clouds at this moment, and the sky became extremely dark in an instant.

"What's going on here?" The four Apocalypse knights raised their heads in astonishment at the same time, looking at the thunder and lightning within the thick clouds.

"Storm." In the center of Hurghada, Storm Ororo, who is a mutant protoss, stretched out his hands at this moment, and his eyes seemed to have turned into dazzling eyes surrounded by lightning.


As Storm Ororo releases his storm ability, the thick clouds are still turning rapidly in the whole of Egypt, and it seems that there are storm eyes appearing in the sky above Egypt.


In the next second, storms began to rage in Egypt one by one, like the storm of a world-destructive hurricane, almost instantly engulfing the entire Egyptian army of sand soldiers.

Under the control of Ororo, the storm eye has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, and the wind speed has reached a terrifying speed of hundreds of meters per second.

Tropical storms are originally natural disaster-level meteorological disasters on the earth, and the tropical storm released by Storm Ororo has reached the level of destructive-level natural disasters.

The mutant Ability of Storm Ororo, under the kingdom of gods, has already reached the god-level ability. Whether it is the control of the storm or the control of the thunder, it has reached a kind of apocalypse-like, god-like power.


The storm continued to ravage the whole of Egypt constantly. The army of sand soldiers feared by hundreds of countries on the earth was completely wiped out in just a few minutes, and the yellow sand that originally covered the whole of Egypt was also swept by the storm and turned into a stream. Sandstorm tornado.

From a high altitude, under the eyes of each storm, there are huge sandstorm tornadoes. The desert above the ground is gradually receding, and in some places, the ground buildings of the new city of the country are even re-exposed.

When Storm Ororo lowered her hands, the windless and automatic hair on her body also fell down.

In terms of the scope of destruction alone, Storm Ororo is the well-deserved NO.1 among the mutant protoss of the new generation.

And Wolverine Logan, who has the strongest individual ability, can't even keep up with Storm Ororo.

"As expected of a natural disaster-level Mutant, Storm Ororo." Lancelot also glanced at Storm Ororo appreciatively. In the original Marvel plot, "Storm Ororo is an Omega-level Mutant.

And now, with the help of Lancelot, Storm Ororo has completely surpassed the Omega-level Mutant.

Rather than calling Ororo Storm, Lancelot prefers to call her Storm.

Yes, although the storm and the storm are almost the same, their strength is not the same.

"Go, defeat the four knights of Apocalypse, life or death." Lancelot lightly tapped on the armrest of his throne, a huge amount of space portal opened, and inside the space portal was the scene in front of Apocalypse Pyramids .

"The enemy has arrived, the four knights of Apocalypse, prepare to fight." Looking at the huge space gate that suddenly appeared in front of the hive portal, Death Angel Mora's eyes were full of solemnity, her right hand opened, and a figure appeared on her body A set of cool golden armor, which even holds a golden sword.


Beside the dead Angel Mora, Sanddust Angel opened his hands, and two sandstorm tornadoes condensed out, spinning rapidly in Sanddust Angel's hands like a torrent.

The energy Angel Jubilation Lee stretched his hands directly, and energy bombs suddenly appeared on the top of Jubilation Lee's head in a fan shape.


And Psylocke Angel Psylocke stretched out a pair of crimson spiritual wings from behind, and two spiritual whips appeared from the parents.

"The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse?" Inside the portal made by Lancelot, Wolverine Logan led Quicksilver Pietro and the three of them stepped out of the portal. Wolverine Logan held a cigar in his mouth, with a rough and bearded face , full of vicissitudes, wildness and desire for fighting. .

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