Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 177 Peggy Carter's Super Soldier Restart Plan, Bradley's Electronic Blockade

On Earth Egypt, Lancelot is sitting on his floating throne at this moment, in front of him is a huge amounts of azure space portal.

And just when Lancelot was about to appreciate the battle between the mutant protoss and the four knights of Apocalypse, before Lancelot's floating throne, a spiritual projection appeared.

"My lord, I have discovered some special circumstances." When this spiritual projection appeared in front of Lancelot, he knelt down on one knee and reported respectfully.

"Bradley, what did you find?" Lancelot looked down at the mind projection kneeling under his floating throne, and asked.

The mind projection that appeared in front of Lancelot was the mutant protoss Bradley of the kingdom of gods. As the first batch of mutant protoss to follow Lancelot, Bradley at this moment already possessed a terrifying electronically controlled ability .

Even now, Bradley doesn't need to go through the increase of the electronic tower of the kingdom of gods, he can cover the world with his thoughts, control all electronic devices, the Internet, and earth technology in the world with one thought, in Bradley's In front of the mutant Ability, there are no more secrets.

"My lord, this is my discovery." Bradley pressed his right hand on his temple, and countless electronic signals flashed out, and then presented a picture in front of Lancelot.

In the screen, the communication screen between Captain America Rogers and HYDRA Captain Rogers was projected in detail.

"Interesting, so it's like this? Soul splitting, multi-space-time co-identity." Lancelot looked at the picture in front of him, and his face showed a look of surprise.

Captain America Rogers, who returned from the future endgame, is no longer a secret to Lancelot. Even all these years, what Captain America Rogers did is under the monitoring of the Kingdom of God.

Before that, Lancelot was still a little puzzled, why would he be indifferent to himself and everything that happened with Captain America Rogers' personality.

Now he finally knows that it was a personality defect caused by a split soul. The character of Captain America Rogers in the master space-time is a salty fish. He firmly believes that the past cannot change the future, so if he meddles in the past, it will have no impact on the future. .

And the captain of HYDRA in another time-branched world has a sinister and cunning character. Using his control over the future, he joined HYDRA and became the highest leader of HYDRA, the highest head.

"Salted fish Captain America, HYDRA Captain America, will there be Thor Captain America and green titan Captain America in the future on 15th? I'm really looking forward to it." Lancelot tapped the armrest of his floating throne lightly with his right hand. In the future, there are more expectations.

"Bradley, show me the situation of Captain America Rogers." Lancelot said calmly with a smile on his face.

"Yes, my king." Bradley gently pressed his right hand on his temple, and countless electronic messages appeared around Bradley like Professor X using a brain wave strengthening device.

Countless texts, information, pictures, surveillance cameras, mobile phone cameras, the Internet, etc., are intertwined into a vast and vast electronic world.

And in this vast electronic world, the information of tens of billions of people on the entire earth has nothing to hide from Bradley.

But in the blink of an eye, Bradley had already found the trace of Captain America Rogers. Bradley focused his eyes, and the picture of Captain America Rogers quickly zoomed in.

In a secret S.H.I.E.L.D base in New Jersey, USA, countless scientists are busy, and at the core of the base is a huge amounts of metal warehouse. In front of the metal warehouse, the aging SHIELD Director Peggy Carter is wearing a suit The three-point style is in full swing.

In front of Peggy, Captain America Rogers looked at his wife helplessly, trying to persuade her.

"Peggy, you shouldn't do this. Even if you become the Captain America of this era, in the future you will find that your strength is simply vulnerable to those superheroes and super villains." Captain America Rogers looked at His wife, Peggy Carter, sighed helplessly. He knew Peggy too well, just as Peggy knew him in the past.

Once this iron-blooded agent has made a decision, he will never waver.

"I've had enough of your cowardice, shit Steve. You don't deserve to be called Captain America." Peggy Carter looked at Captain America Rogers in front of her in disgust, and cursed angrily.

"Peggy, I think you should calm down for a while, whether it's restarting the super soldier project, or the divorce you filed before." Captain America Rogers looked at Peggy Carter with a serious face, and persuaded again.

Yes, Captain America Rogers' marriage has problems, because of her salty fish character, Peggy Carter can no longer bear Captain America Rogers, Peggy has officially filed for divorce from Captain America Rogers.

"Actually, you don't care about the success of the super soldier project at all, do you? The great Captain America Steve Rogers who has saved the world several times." Peggy glanced at Captain America Steve Rogers mockingly, and then directly entered the metal In the warehouse.

The metal bin in front of me is almost exactly the same as the super soldier project metal bin used during World War II, but its energy output efficiency has been improved geometrically.

"Start the super soldier project, I want to build the entire S.H.I.E.L.D into a super soldier warrior." Lying in the metal cabin, Peggy Carter's voice was transmitted through the built-in communication equipment, making Captain America Rogers frowned slightly .

However, Captain America Rogers didn’t say anything in the end. As Peggy Carter said, he didn’t care about the super soldier project that S.H.I.E.L.D just restarted. No matter whether Peggy succeeds or fails, it will not affect Captain America Rogers. s future.

"Restart the Super Soldier Project? Captain America Peggy Carter?" Lancelot looked at the electronic projection screen in front of him with deep eyes, with a playful smile on his face.

"My lord, do you want to terminate this so-called S.H.I.E.L.D super soldier project?" Bradley's eyes flickered with countless electronic messages. His consciousness has completely controlled the base where Peggy Carter is located. All he needs is Lancelot to issue an order. He can directly affect the results of the experiment and make the restart of S.H.I.E.L.D's so-called super soldier plan fail.

Even Bradley can directly overload the energy of the metal tank. At that time, not only will Peggy Carter not become a super soldier, but she will lose her life because of it.

"No, I really want to see what impact the female version of Captain America will have on this world." Lancelot's eyes were full of curiosity, and before he knew it, he, the butterfly who traveled through, had already set off a stormy sea.

Even the Marvel if series, are staged in the MCU.

He really wants to know whether Peggy Carter can directly replace Captain America and become the future superhero leader.

"Bradley, control the progress of Peggy Carter's experiment, and limit the equipment of this base so that it can only produce six super soldier fighters. Lancelot directly issued an order to Bradley.

"I obey, my king." Bradley responded respectfully, and then used his mind to implant his mind commands into all the experimental equipment in the entire base.

With the release of Bradley's variant Ability, all the equipment in the New Jersey base in the United States hummed slightly, and then all the equipment was written into Bradley's instructions.

"What's going on? The energy index of the metal warehouse has dropped, and an unknown data error has occurred in the production of the super soldier's serum." The scientists in the base looked at the sudden data error in front of them in astonishment, and were at a loss for a while.

Their previous experiments were extremely smooth, after all, they had the super soldier serum formula that Peggy Carter got from nowhere.

Before Peggy Carter came, they had mass-produced ten super soldier serums that were used to transform Peggy Carter this time.

However, just when they were preparing to continue to mass-produce super soldier serum, for some reason, an unknown error appeared in their experimental data, as if they were shackles added by some kind of existence.

The assembly line that originally mass-produced super soldier serum can no longer produce a super soldier serum.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? It's not scientific at all."

"Obviously all our steps are carried out according to the serum formula provided by Director Paige, why are there different results."

"It''s just incredible that we got hundreds of different experimental results."

Hundreds of scientists were dumbfounded looking at their experimental data at this moment. They clearly followed the same steps to produce super soldier serum, but the results they got were completely inconsistent.

"What happened? Why did you terminate the experiment?" Peggy Carter in the metal cabin also discovered the problem at this moment. She opened the metal cabin, walked to Dr. Francis who was in charge of this experiment, and asked.

"Director Peggy, the energy index of the metal bin has started to drop for unknown reasons." As the chief scientist of S.H.I.E.L.D, Dr. Francis frowned at this moment, still puzzled by the light.

"Unknown reason? Is it a problem with the aging of the experimental equipment? Have you tried replacing the equipment?" Peggy Carter looked at Captain America Rogers beside her, and the suspicion in her eyes flickered.

"Director Peggy, we have replaced the equipment more than a dozen times." Dr. Francis's eyes flickered in disbelief. He still couldn't understand why the final experimental results were completely different despite the same experimental procedures and the same experimental data. different.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many completely different experimental results?" Peggy Carter picked up a piece of experimental data, and then looked at hundreds of different experimental results in astonishment, and couldn't help being amazed up.

Even if she is not a scientific researcher, she still knows some basic experimental principles, experimental data, and experiments with the same experimental steps, the results should be completely consistent.

"Terminate the experiment for the time being, and replace it with a batch of the latest equipment, preferably from the Stark Group." Peggy Carter frowned and sighed helplessly

"My lord, Peggy Carter is ready to temporarily terminate the super soldier plan." Earth, above Egypt, Bradley gently lowered his right hand from his temple, and then reported.

"Very good, Bradley." Lancelot gave Bradley an appreciative look, and praised him.

Electronic blockade, this is the ability developed by Bradley, any experimental equipment that has been written into the electronic blockade, under the influence of Bradley's blockade command, will actively start to interfere with the experimental results, or even directly rewrite the experiment data.

"Go down." Lancelot ordered to Bradley, and then Bradley respectfully saluted Lancelot, and the mental projection in front of Lancelot disappeared immediately.

After Bradley's mind projection disappeared, Lancelot set his sights on the center of Cairo, Egypt below.

In front of the Apocalypse Pyramids, the Four Knights of Apocalypse looked at the four mutant protoss who had suddenly appeared, felt the powerful aura of the four mutant protoss, and couldn't help but look solemn.

"Wolverine Logan?" Apocalypse Four

The death of one of the knights, Angel Mora, looked at Wolverine Logan and the other four who came out of the magnificent portal with a serious face, and couldn't help saying in surprise.

Ever since Awakening the mutant Ability of the Ninth Reincarnation, Death Angel Mora has remembered the first battle of Mutant.

In the first battle of Mutant, among the X-Men members formed by Professor X, there was Wolverine Logan.

That's why Death Angel Mora looked so surprised after seeing Wolverine Logan.

"Be careful, everyone. Wolverine Logan has a terrifying Self-healing Ability. Bone claws can pop out from both hands, and she can turn into a giant wolf six meters high." Death Angel Mora will

In memory, Wolverine Logan's variant Ability has all been said.

"Are you... Agent Mora?" Wolverine Logan was also a little surprised. Because he wanted to gather the new generation of mutant protoss to participate in the battle of Apocalypse, he had been selected in the Kingdom of Gods

Appropriate mutant protoss, without paying attention to the Apocalypse situation on Earth.

Therefore, Wolverine Logan had no idea that Angel of Death, one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, would be his acquaintance, Mora, the CIA's trump card agent 480.

"Long time no see, mutant comrade." Wolverine Logan looked at the dead Angel Mora with a smile on his face, and then took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it.

Greeting death Angel Mora.

"Wolverine Logan, long time no see." Death Angel Mora looked at Wolverine Logan solemnly, then opened his right hand, and a golden dagger was instantly thrown by Death Angel Mora


A rapid tearing air sounded, and a golden dagger pierced Wolverine Logan's heart in an instant, and the sharp golden weight pierced into Wolverine Logan's heart.


Wolverine Logan only felt a slight pain in his heart, looked down at the golden dagger on his heart, and pulled it out casually.

"Is this your mutant ability? Mora." Wolverine Logan glanced at the golden dagger in his hand with interest, and then looked up at the death Angel Mora.

But in just a few breaths, the wound on Wolverine Logan's heart has healed to its original state. With the power of God Race technology in the Kingdom of Gods, Wolverine Logan's Self-healing can

The strength has reached an extremely terrifying level.

"Go to hell, Wolverine Logan. I know your weakness." Death Angel Mora's eyes became cold and merciless, unlike the other three controlled Apocalypse knights, she had already

Fully recognized his identity as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

Because it was Apocalypse who activated her mutant ability, and she could feel that in this world, only Apocalypse had the same ability of soul rebirth as herself.

This made Mora regard Apocalypse as his own kind, so in the face of Wolverine Logan's invasion, Mora would not have much hesitation at all.

Anyone who threatens the safety of Apocalypse, or Mutant, is regarded as an enemy by Death Angel Mora.

"Gold shines." Death Angel Mora's eyes radiated golden light, and the golden dagger in Wolverine Logan's hand instantly turned into an extremely sharp golden sickle.


The golden sickle extended directly and quickly, and then slashed at Wolverine Logan's neck, so fast that even Wolverine Logan didn't even react.

Death Angel Mora's eyes shone with indifference. She got all the X-Men's abilities and weaknesses from Professor X as early as the first battle of Mutant.

Among them is Wolverine Logan's abilities and weaknesses.

As long as you cut off your head, your Self-healing factor will be invalid. "At this moment of death, Angel Mora showed a smile on her face, and she couldn't help but feel a little grateful in her heart.

private contribution.

As an ordinary person, she can easily get all the weaknesses of mutants, but with Mora's ability, as long as people have weaknesses, they can be killed directly.


In fact, everything went as Mora expected, and the golden scythe he controlled instantly cut Wolverine Logan's neck.

Just by cutting off Wolverine Logan's spine, she can easily decapitate him and kill Wolverine Logan. .

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