Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 192 Aim Organization, Killian And Dr. Essex

May 1984, Manhattan, New York City.

In the center of Manhattan, there is a large-scale cutting-edge laboratory. The entire laboratory occupies the center of Manhattan, and all the facilities inside use the most cutting-edge experimental equipment.

Here, is the recently flourishing AIM organization.

"Dr. Kiri Amber, Dr. Curtis Connors, the latest biological equipment has been delivered." Inside the laboratory, several scientists in white coats came to the laboratory with a report on the experimental equipment. AIM's Chief Scientist Dr. Kiri Amber, who was inspecting the laboratory, reported in front of him.

"So fast? I know." Kiri Amber looked at the list of experimental equipment in his hand, with a look of shock on his face.

There are more than 20 types of these experimental equipment, and the total cost is as high as 2 billion US dollars, such an astronomical figure [even a super-large laboratory cannot provide it.

However, the mysterious founder of the AIM organization sent all the experimental materials within an hour after Killian made the list.

"Who is our BOSS? It's really inhumane." Kiri Amber was full of surprise, and he couldn't help but wonder who the BOSS behind AIM was.

"Dr. Conners, how is the data collation going?" Dr. Kiri Amber instructed the scientific assistants to assemble the experimental instruments by category, and then turned to another one-armed man and said.

"Genius, genius idea, genius conception, other than that, I can't find any adjectives." Dr. Curtis Connors, Dr. Lizard, one of Spider-man's enemies in the future, was amazed at the moment A piece of research information in the beginning.

"Huh? What did you write about the information that can make Dr. Connors amazed?" Dr. Kiri Amber looked at the excited and amazed Dr. Connors, and took the research materials in his hand

Dr. Kiri Amber knew that these research materials were transmitted by fax from the mysterious person code-named Ten Rings, the mysterious AIM behind-the-scenes BOSS. Dr. Kiri Amber didn't pay any attention at first.

In his mind, AIM's behind-the-scenes BOSS is likely to be an heir to a chaebol group with serious curiosity-seeking psychology, or even a young man.

Out of curiosity about Mutant Apocalypse, this young man spent huge sums of money to form the AIM organization. This kind of idea of ​​playing games is something that many big chaebols are good at.

Yes, Ms. Killian Amber regarded the AIM organization's behind-the-scenes BOSS as an ATM. As for the biological research data transmitted by the ATM, Killian was full of disdain.

My own behind-the-scenes BOSS knows the biology of a hammer.

With a sneering attitude, Dr. Kiri Amber lowered his head to look at the research materials in his hand, but just at the first glance, Dr. Kiri Amber's pupils vibrated instantly.

'On the role and development of the special protective mechanism of the human brain nerve center. '

'The human brain has a special protection mechanism, which allows the human body to release self-repair neurons after being injured or encountered a virus invasion, so that the body's immune system can start to operate. Then, if there is a special virus, it can always affect the human brain This protection mechanism makes the brain always think that it is in a damaged state, and thus constantly stimulates the body to repair itself. Then, whether it is possible to achieve Self-healing Ability, one of the variants of Mutant Apocalypse.

"Gift Crab, this... This is simply a genius idea, a genius idea, using a certain virus to affect the human brain, so that the brain always thinks that its body is damaged, so that the cells are constantly divided and reorganized, and it can even make the brain think I am about to die, so I constantly release adrenaline to increase my body strength, and greatly increase the strength and speed of human beings." Dr. Kiri Amber couldn't help but exclaimed, as a scientist, he was reading this document at the moment At the tip of the iceberg, I was already shocked and fanatical about it.

"The Extremis project? People are in a desperate situation and constantly regenerate. If the research is really successful, then AIM will have biotechnology that is decades or even hundreds of years ahead of the earth." Kiri Amber flipped his hands quickly research data in .

He discovered that the research data passed on by his BOSS Ten Commandments were not just empty theoretical conjectures, but also detailed research data and some wrong directions.

"Mr. Ten Commandments, possesses scientific knowledge hundreds of years ahead of us." Looking at the research material of the Extremis project in his hand, Ms. Kiri Amber couldn't restrain his admiration

"It's not just the Extremis plan, there are many genius ideas on it. When Mr. Kiri Amber marveled at the ingenuity and genius of the Extremis plan in his hands, a rather gentlemanly voice sounded behind Mr. Kiri Amber.

"Doctor Essex." Sergeant Kiri Amber frowned slightly, looked up at the handsome British man in front of him, and greeted perfunctorily.

In the AIM organization, there are also two factions. One of the factions, like Dr. Kiri Amber, intends to rely on the research on Mutant to defraud research funds and use the financial resources displayed by AIM to [research their own scientific research projects.

And there is another faction, which is the fanatical admirers of Mutant. Among them, they always firmly believe that Mutant is real, and they blindly worship Apocalypse and his four horsemen in the Apocalypse incident.

This group of people believes that Mutant's Ability is the guiding light leading human evolution.

And Nathaniel Essex in front of him is one of the most fanatical genetic scientists from London, England.

"You people are simply moths in AIM." Dr. Essex taunted Dr. Kiri Amber unceremoniously, and then snatched the research materials from Mr. Kiri Amber without any explanation.

"Extremis... Is this a research project specially developed according to Apocalypse's Self-healing variant Ability?" Essex briefly flipped through the research materials of the Extremis project in his hand, with a look of interest on his face, But then Essex threw the information on the ground.

"Apocalypse is an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who has lived for thousands of years. The secret of his longevity is definitely not Self-healing Ability." Dr. Essex glanced deeply at the information that was still on the ground, and said in a low voice. Said.

Yes, Essex is a fanatical supporter of Mutant Apocalypse. What he swarms is not Apocalypse's incomparably powerful mutant ability, but Apocalypse's undead ability that has survived for thousands of years.

Essex wants to reproduce the immortality of Apocalypse through scientific research, and transplant it into his body.

Essex, wants to become the second immortal human after Apocalypse.

"Phoenix Project." Essex flipped through the research materials in his hand. There was a thick stack of research materials. For a top scientist like Essex, many of them were clichés and could not arouse his interest at all.

There is only a thin one-page research material, which aroused Essex's strong interest.

'On the implementation and feasibility of the Phoenix Project.

"Use advanced cloning technology to clone your own body. Once your body suffers death, you can use neurobiological technology to transfer your brain consciousness to any of your own clones to complete the resurrection." Essex looked at the front For a while, his eyes burst out with a light of surprise.

"Phoenix Project, transfer your own consciousness into a backup clone...What a genius idea." Essex seemed to have found a confidant, and he held the research materials tightly with his right hand .

The issues discussed in this research material have many similarities with what I am pursuing.

As a top scientist in genetics, Essex has already overcome the problem of cloning technology.

The real key to this Phoenix Project is not the cloning technology, but how to transfer one's own consciousness into the clone's brain at the moment of death, so as to achieve resurrection.

"Phoenix Project, Phoenix Project." Essex left, and now he wants to study the feasibility and technical problems of the Phoenix Project proposed by Mr. Ten Rings.

Essex, unlike other scientists, witnessed the cruelty of war and the death of many soldiers at an early age, and death dealt a heavy blow to his young heart.

He began to fear death, and even wanted to escape death.

It is also for this reason that he works hard to learn knowledge, and wants to use scientific means to allow himself to obtain a long life and stay away from death.

However, as he got older, he gradually realized that it is simply a fantasy for human beings to want to live forever.

Just when Essex desperately wanted to give up this research, Apocalypse appeared, like a ray of dawn, the God of Mutant who has lived thousands of years ago, brought Apocalypse huge amounts of shock .

He originally thought that the existence of Mutant and Apocalypse was fabricated by some unscrupulous media to attract attention.

But after joining the AIM organization, with the help of the financial resources of the people behind AIM, he collected a large number of paper reports and various records about Apocalypse's events in Egypt around the world.

After a scientific comparison, Essex found that all the records are exactly the same, and the descriptions of Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are even more surprisingly consistent.

Essex became convinced of the existence of Apocalypse.

At the same time, Apocalypse, as the first existence that lived for thousands of years, also brought a ray of hope to the desperate heart of Essex.

He became a fanatical fan of Mutant.

And now, AIM's behind-the-scenes BOSS has once again found a direction for Essex, the Phoenix Regeneration Project, as long as he can complete the research in this area, he can achieve eternal life in another level.

"Mr. Ten Commandments? You really make me very curious." Essex returned to his genetics laboratory, looked at the signature of the research materials in his hand, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Dr. Essex." Just as Essex was preparing to carry out research work on the Phoenix regeneration project, one of his scientific assistants hurried over.

"What's going on? Richard." Essex turned his head to look at his young, over-the-top experimental assistant, his eyes full of admiration.

Richard Parker, the name of the experimental assistant in Essex, is only 19 years old this year, and he has already obtained the title of doctor of insect bionics genetic engineering.

Only 19 years old, has achieved such dazzling achievements, which is enough to explain the development of Richard Parker.

Even Essex sincerely likes this handsome and lively young man.

"Dr. Essex, it's time for us to attend the AIM conference. I heard that Mr. Ten Rings will also attend this time." Richard Parker's eyes were full of excitement and admiration. , There is a kind of blind worship.

Especially after reading Mr. Ten Commandments' research materials on gene implantation engineering, Richard Parker became a little fan of this mysterious Mr. Ten Commandments.

"AIM meeting? I see." Essex frowned slightly. The so-called AIM meeting was to meet

In the novel, most people's curiosity-seeking psychology, and held a kind of analysis seminar.

Its main research and analysis is the research report on Mutant Apocalypse, and the summary of Ability presented by him.

Essex, who is a fanatical fan of Mutant, gave up his urgent desire to carry out research on the Phoenix regeneration plan after hesitation for only a moment.

K left his lab.

"Richard, have you determined your research direction? In AIM, if you don't have your own research direction, you will be removed from AIM." While walking towards the meeting room,

Essex was talking with his assistant Richard.

"Doctor, I have determined the general direction. It is still the gene implantation project, but this time I plan to implant the spider's gene into the human's gene." Richard

Parker's face became serious. Once it comes to the research field, Richard Parker will show his outstanding professional ability.

"Spider gene implantation? Why choose spiders? I think since it is gene implantation, it is easiest to choose ants." Essex frowned slightly, he was not optimistic

The research on the spider gene 020 is useless, and it is not even as good as the gene Ability of ants that can lift twice their own objects.

The research direction that AIM is committed to is to allow humans to obtain mutant abilities like Mutant Apocalypse.

Super strength, Super Speed, Super Self-healing, etc.

In AIM, the gene implantation project is not just Richard Parker's special project, many scientists are conducting research in this area.

Among them, animals with special abilities have become the first choice for scientists in gene implantation engineering.

Ant's Super strength.

Insect Flight Ability.

Gecko's short limb reborn.

The molting of poisonous snakes and so on.

As for spiders, other scientists are too lazy to study them because spiders don't have any special abilities.

"Oh, by the way, spiders can spin silk, but Richard, a spider spins silk because it has a special organ in its body that allows it to shoot cobwebs from its butt, so

I'm curious, if humans are transplanted with spider genes, will they also have the ability of spider leaves. "

"If it happens, where will it come from? Butt or..." Essex was in a rare good mood today, and he was going to tease this very genetic researcher.

Talented assistant.

Watching Essex's eyes move to his little brother, Richard Parker couldn't help shivering when he thought of the scene of the little brother spinning silk.

"No, I must eliminate the spider's silk-spinning gene before transplanting the spider's gene." Richard Parker hastily corrected his research direction.

However, Essex did not answer Richard Parker's words, and now he is already sitting in the huge conference room, ready to wait for this Mutant seminar.

Without making Essex wait long, everyone at AIM has already arrived. Hundreds of scientists and talents from other fields gathered in the conference room and waited.

With the start of this AIM conference.


Five minutes later, the entire meeting room went dark, and then a huge amounts of light curtain rose up.

"Virtual projection?" The moment the light curtain appeared, the entire conference room was blown up. It's only 1984, and virtual reality technology has only just come up with a theory.


"This meeting will be opened by my Ten Commandments M." When everyone was shocked by the virtual projection in front of them, a man wearing a black robe and wearing a mask appeared in the projection.

He is a mysterious man with rich hands and full of aristocratic atmosphere.

"Is this the founder of AIM, Mr. Ten Rings? M?" Essex frowned slightly, and his expression was a little surprised.

"Yes, Dr. Essex, you can also call me Mandarin." The black-robed masked man nodded, with a deep light shining in his eyes, and looked at Essex.

"Real-time interaction?" Essex's pupils contracted. Originally, he thought that these virtual projections were pre-recorded images, but unexpectedly they were presented in real time.

Even Essex, who has always thought highly of himself, couldn't help but marvel at such a technology.

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