Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 206 The Skrulls Of The Space City Of The Kingdom Of Gods, The Establishment Of Skrull City

In August 1984, Lancelot conveniently destroyed the Cree Fleet that had entered the solar system after conducting three lucky draws for god-level pupils.

At the same time, the remaining 300 Skrulls were taken to the kingdom of gods by the red devil Asazo.

As soon as they arrived at the kingdom of gods, all the Skrulls were shocked by the incomparably cool and magnificent huge amounts of space city of the kingdom of gods.

"This... This is simply a bustling interstellar city. Even the mother planet of Skrull and the capital of the Kerry Empire, Hala, are not as dazzling and eye-catching as the space city in front of me." Greta, the Skrull man, was even more amazed.

She has never seen such a gorgeous and magnificent city, even more magnificent than Star Gold City, the capital of the Golden Sovereign tribe known as the city of the future, full of sense of technology.

Especially the protoss towers all over the space city, the kind of towers with unimaginable power, make Greta seem to have come to the kingdom of God.

"To Ross, you are wrong. I found the most ideal refuge for the Skrulls." Greta couldn't be more excited. The reason why she fled the Skrull planet was to seek a refuge. The pursuit of the Cree Empire and the cruelty of war.

And now, Greta seems to have found her most dreamed refuge. "Six fifty"

Behind Greta, the 300 Skrulls were equally astonished, especially when they saw the countless soul projections and biological Sentinels in the space city, as well as the various energy brilliance of the space city. The Lu people were shocked.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of God, the Skrull family from the Skrull Empire." Just when Greta and the others were shocked by the coolness and magnificence of the space city, a voice sounded behind them.

Greta waited for the Scruws to subconsciously turn their heads to look, and their face suddenly became gloomy.

"Kree people?" Greta's face was serious, her whole body was tense, and she looked at the figure behind her with some fear.

It was a graceful girl with a devil figure and an Angel face, but this was not the reason for Greta's fear. What really terrified her was the girl's complexion.

blue skin.

"Hey, alien visitors, don't need to be so nervous." This girl with blue skin is indeed Mystique Raven from the kingdom of gods.

Seeing the alert and hostile eyes of these green-skinned Skrulls, Mystique Raven shrugged, and then the blue scales on his body fluctuated like flowing water.


The original Mystique Raven disappeared, replaced by a Skrull with green skin and sharp ears. The face of the Skrull was exactly the same as Greta in front of him.

"Oh, Shet, how is this possible? Shapeshifting Ability?" Greta looked at the other self in front of her in horror, and couldn't believe her eyes.

In her cognition, in the entire universe, only the Skrulls have this shapeshifting ability, and they can change into any race at will.

However, what is she pouring out now?

She actually saw a girl with blue skin who was suspected to be a Cree, and she actually possessed the racial gene ability of the Scruis.

The shock in Greta's heart could not be added.

"Skrulls are not the only ones who have the ability to shapeshift." Mystique Raven changed back to her original body, and then opened her right hand. In her hand, it was a diamond-shaped living stone.

This is a biological gene detection stone developed by the kingdom of gods using biotechnology.

Can detect anyone's genetic sequence, and even body structure.


As Mystique Raven opened the diamond-shaped bio-stone, a group of bio-rays burst out from the rhombic-shaped bio-stone, and these bio-rays enveloped all the Skrulls.

A minute later, on the rhombus-shaped bio-stone, biological three-dimensional projections appeared one after another, which had read all the genetic information and body structure of the Skrulls.

But before the Skrulls could react, Mystique Raven opened his right hand, a cloud of red mist emerged, and then one by one bionic mosquitoes flew out, each took blood samples from the Skrulls, and then disappeared in the into the red mist.

"Greta, you are pregnant." Mystique Raven glanced at the biological stone in her hand, and through the biological stone, she saw Greta's belly, where a small life was being conceived.

"Okay, come with me." Mystique Raven snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand after finishing these, and a space portal appeared in front of the Skrulls.

"Gift Crab, what kind of Ability is this?"

"Manipulating space? How is that possible?"

"Where did we end up?"

All the Skrulls looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, and felt panic in their hearts for a while. They had never seen a race that could manipulate space.

Even within the Dark Order of Thanos, there has never been one with an Ability in space.

Under the shocked eyes of the group of Skrulls, Mystique Raven led the group of Skrulls outside the space city.

Outside the space city, there have long been mutant protoss waiting for Mystique Raven.

"Miss Raven." Apocalypse with dark gray skin was wearing biological casual clothes at the moment, sitting on a biological floating seat. After seeing Raven coming, Apocalypse nodded politely to Raven.

"Apocalypse, create a home for these interstellar refugees." Raven ordered to Apocalypse, and the eyes of Apocalypse who sat on the biological floating seat turned white.

"Molecular control.


In front of the Skrulls, countless yellow sands appeared out of thin air, and then the yellow sands quickly gathered and transformed, and a small city with the style of a space city in the kingdom of gods appeared.

This is Apocalypse using Telepathy to look through the memories of the Scruws and reproduce the capital city of the Scruw mother planet in their memory.

For Apocalypse, replicating the city and scaling it down is as simple as breathing.

However, for the Skrulls, everything in front of them is simply a miracle.

"The kingdom of gods, this is really the kingdom of gods." Greta looked at the city in front of him excitedly, and knelt directly on the ground.

Hula la.

Following Greta's kneeling, the other Skrulls also bowed down in fear.

After seeing the Apocalypse rubbing the capital city of Skrull with their hands, they fully understood what kind of power the kingdom of gods has.

This is simply the kingdom of the gods.

"Skrulls, from now on, you are under the protection of the kingdom of God. Similarly, you also need to show your own value." Mystique Raven glanced at Greta and the others who were kneeling on the ground praying fervently, and said with a serious face Said.

"All of you, freedom, life, ability, and even your soul, will belong to my king Lancelot, to the kingdom of God." Mystique Raven's voice was solemn and majestic.

In fact, the reason why Lancelot took in these Skrull refugees was just to study the racial ability of the Skrull people...

As for whether the Skrulls surrendered or not, Lancelot didn't care.

Who cares whether the ants under their feet surrender or not.

Letting these Skrulls live in the kingdom of gods is the greatest protection for them, and it is also Lancelot's only kindness to these Skrulls.

If in the future, this group of Skrulls cannot show their value, Lancelot will personally kill them and extract the souls of these Skrulls.

The kingdom of gods is the kingdom of gods of mutant protoss.

If other races want to live here, they need to pay a price.

"I am grateful for the kindness of the great god-king Lancelot." Some basic information about the kingdom of gods and information about Lancelot, the ruler of the kingdom of gods, automatically appeared in Greta's mind.

She knelt down excitedly and enthusiastically to the palace of the god king where Lancelot was, with an indescribably grateful tone.

"Go ahead. From now on, all the resources you need can be provided by the Kingdom of God, but this kind of provision is not selfless. You can exchange materials through your own labor, or knowledge, or Ability." Mystique Raven opened his right hand, and protoss bracelets suddenly appeared on the right hand of the Scruis.

However, compared to the golden bracelets worn by the people of the kingdom of gods, the god bracelets worn by the Scruis are silver.

The silver bracelet only has some basic functions, which can be regarded as the ultimate castrated version of the Protoss bracelet.

"Well, you can choose a name for your city." Before leaving, Mystique Raven reminded.

"Skrull City." Greta said the name of the city without hesitation, Mystique Raven nodded, and glanced at Apocalypse, Apocalypse directly used the power of molecular control, on the highest spire of the city, Engraved with the words of Skrull City.

The city of Skrull in the kingdom of gods was officially established.

This is the first alien race in the kingdom of gods, and similarly, it is also the first alien race studied in the kingdom of gods.

"Shapeshifting ability, the Skrulls can even simulate memory 1.9, which really surprises me." After returning to the space city, Mystique Raven said with a look of excitement on his face, and his tone was full of admiration.

"It's a pity, these Skrulls are just a group of commoners, and only Greta has the excellent Skrull shapeshifting gene." Beside Mystique Raven, Apocalypse has a deep gaze, and the mutant Ability who knows everything makes him see it at a glance. I saw the ability and potential of these Skrulls.

Of the 300 Skrulls, most of whom are civilians and some scientists, Greta is the only one with a powerful shapeshifting gene.

Although other Skrulls can also shapeshift, they cannot reproduce the Ability of the shapeshifter.

Only Greta can reproduce the Ability of the shapeshifter while shapeshifting.

This is the shapeshifting gene ability that only Super Skrulls can activate.

"The kingdom of gods, we Skrulls must join the kingdom of gods and get the real protection of the kingdom of gods." Greta looked at the familiar city in front of her, and her heart became extremely firm for a while.

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