Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 22 Mutant Gene Stabilizer, Lancelot: Serve Me As King

In the hall, Lancelot led Raven towards Karla, and following Lancelot's footsteps, all the Mutants subconsciously moved out of the way.

When I just arrived at the base and was about to receive the batch of Mutant comrades, I saw that the girl named Anna was emotionally unstable and directly turned into a ball of water.

Lancelot is not very familiar with Anna's girl, but he knows Anna's sister Karla very well.

Silverfox Karla.

The lover of Wolverine Logan in the future, who single-handedly made Wolverine's woman, her variant Ability, can control other people's minds as long as she touches them.

Although compared to Professor X and White Queen Emma's Telepathy, it is a million points worse, but it can be regarded as a spiritual ability.

"Anna, the younger sister of Silverfox Karla, possesses the ability to control the flow of water, but because of the unstable variant of the Ability, it often turns into a mass of water." Lancelot glanced at the water flow that was constantly trying to gather but collapsed, thinking Anna's Mutant information emerged.

"Dr. Leonard, bring the mutant gene stabilizer here. Remember to use the gaseous inhalation type." Lancelot took out the communicator and notified Dr. Leonard.

A minute later, Dr. Leonard rushed over with a group of medical staff, holding a special alloy box in his hand.

"My lord, the mutant gene stabilizer is here." Dr. Leonard quickly opened the box, and took out a tube of light blue medicine from the box.

Variant gene stabilizer.

It is one of the research results of the Evolution House Laboratory. Dr. Leonard and others have developed a drug that can stabilize the mutant gene through reverse research on the mutant mutant growth hormone.

Like the mutant growth hormone, the mutant gene stabilizer has no side effects, and its function is only to help the out-of-control mutant stabilize its own mutant gene.


Lancelot took the stabilizing potion casually, and then pressed on the metal container, a cloud of mist was released from the container immediately, covering Anna.

"Cough cough." After inhaling the gene stabilizer for a minute, Anna's body quickly gathered from the water flow into a human shape, recovered her body, and then began to cough crazily like a drowning person.

"Take her down for treatment." Lancelot glanced down at the wet Anna, and then ordered the medical staff behind him.

"Yes, my king." The medical staff bowed respectfully to Lancelot, and then took Anna away from here.

"Thank you, thank you..." Seeing Anna being carried away by the medical staff, Silverfox Karla nodded gratefully to Lancelot.

"My name is Lancelot."

"King of Mutants."

Lancelot glanced at Karla casually, then turned his head to look at the surrounding Mutants, his voice became high, full of domineering and elegant.


The surrounding Mutants immediately boiled over because of Lancelot's domineering declaration. Everyone looked at Lancelot in astonishment, either with disdain, doubt, or questioning in their hearts.

However, Lancelot ignored the sight of these mutants, he walked towards the high platform in front of the hall, and then sat on the seat above the high platform.

"Serve me as king, serve me as master." Lancelot sat on the seat, looked down at the Mutants below, and ordered with an unquestionable voice.


And almost after Lancelot finished speaking, a huge fiery red flying bird flew out from his eyes, flying across the sky, the huge flying bird seemed to wrap Lancelot completely.

"My king!"

Under the high platform, after all the Mutants saw the fiery red bird on Lancelot's body, the red mark of the bird was instantly engraved in their eyes, and then integrated into their brains.

All the Mutants' complicated gazes were replaced by fanaticism and respect. Under Lancelot's gaze, these Mutants knelt on one knee and offered their loyalty to Lancelot.


Like a burning phoenix, the fiery red bird on Lancelot's body turned into stars and disappeared.

"I, Lancelot, will give you the dignity and glory of being a Mutant." Lancelot's solemn words, accompanied by the power of Geass, instantly engraved Lancelot's theory of Mutant glory in the minds of all Mutants.

"Variation and Glory!"

"My King Hail, Lancelot Hail!"

All the Mutants frantically looked up at Lancelot who was sitting on the high platform, with a frantic and excited tone.

Lancelot looked down at the Mutants under the high platform, who had completely surrendered in front of him, and the smile on his face gradually became presumptuous.

From the Mutant below, Lancelot saw many familiar faces.

Electronically controlled Bradley, No. 0 agent David, Phantom John, Tank Fred, Silverfox Karla, Gambit Remy, Toad man Matthew, Mutant ink that appeared in the era of reversing the future, and Angel who only emerged in the Apocalypse era Warren Kenneth.

Unfortunately, CIA agents did not find Psylocke and Storm Ororo Monroe.

Definitely, in addition to these familiar mutants, more are some first-class mutants born in this era.

Most of them are just like Anna, unable to control their mutant abilities. Ninety percent of these Mutants are physically alienated, and some of them even have no power at all, just deformed bodies.

"This is my first batch of Mutants. As long as I completely control the Mutants of Hellfire Club, I will become the real King of Mutants."

"King Lancelot!"

Lancelot's eyes are deep and excited. These dozens of Mutants will be Lancelot's most loyal team members, and they will also be the first batch of subjects in the Mutant Kingdom built by Lancelot.

"Let's go, my comrades. You are still too weak and need a little help." Lancelot stood up from the high platform, and then walked towards the core laboratory of the base with Mutant.

"Yes, my king." All the mutants stood up and followed Lancelot silently.

Although Lancelot used Geass to engrave thought stamps in the minds of these mutants, their thoughts will not be controlled by Lancelot, they are still themselves, their original characters.

For this group of Mutants, nothing has changed.

The only thing that has changed is that Lancelot has become their king.

PS: Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and the fresh flower evaluation tickets, Xiao Chongchong is very grateful, thank you for your support.

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