Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 232 God-Level Mutant Swarm, David’S Horrifying Mutant Power

August 1987, New York City, inside the Xavier Academy for Gifted and Talented

A gorgeous Bifrost fell from the sky, and within the Bifrost, Lancelot walked out with Mystique Raven, White Queen Emma, ​​Phoenix Jean Gray, and the soul Ultron.

"My king." Cyclops Scott, who had heard the news a long time ago, walked over quickly and saluted Lancelot respectfully.

At this moment, Cyclops, after several years of growth, has become more mature and steady, and has the feeling of a future X-Men captain.

On his face, he also wears gold-rimmed glasses that are as cool as quartz stones. These are tailor-made for him by the kingdom of gods, which can increase his laser beam a hundredfold.

"Cyclops, where's Charles?" Lancelot glanced at Cyclops, then asked.

"My lord, Charles is guarding his child." Cyclops Scott frowned slightly [then took Lancelot to the west of the manor that Charles taught.

In these years, the Xavier Academy of Geniuses has been transformed into a space of huge amounts of space by the god race technology of the kingdom of gods, and its area is extremely large.

And Charles' spiritual manor was built by Charles using his pure spiritual power.

Standing in front of this huge amount of silver-white building at this moment, Lancelot can easily feel the King of Spiritual Power above the manor.

"Charles' ability to control the microcosm of the mind has become stronger." Lancelot sighed sincerely, and then stepped into the mind manor.


As soon as he entered the spiritual manor, there was a rapid change in front of Lancelot, and scenes of spiritual projections in the manor were constantly changing.

It was all Charles had in mind about him and his wife Olena.

From their acquaintance to becoming a couple.

Scenes, all the details are presented in front of Lancelot.

"My lord, was I wrong?" Charles' inner voice appeared in Lancelot's mind. Compared with the gentle and kind voice before, the voice at this moment was very old.

"Olena is dead." Charles' spiritual voice sounded again, and at the same time, in front of Lancelot, the mental projection was frozen on a picture.

That's Charles' bedroom.

Olina, haggard and dull-eyed, is holding a baby, with a pure Angel-like smile on her face.

David, David Haller. I will be your guardian Angel after death. My child, I can see the fear and confusion in your heart. In the depths of your heart, there is endless darkness and endless malice. They all want to devour you and occupy the dominance of this body. "Olina has her eyes on her child David Haller from the beginning to the end.

Her voice was extremely gentle, but her gaze gradually became firmer.

The pure heart allowed her to see the heart of her child before she died. In the young heart world of her son David Haller, there were monsters of strange shapes crowded together, and among these devils was a young baby.

"Charles, I hope you can make my child grow up as soon as possible." Olina's voice was as gentle as ever, which made Charles, who was sitting in a wheelchair, feel more guilt and self-blame.

"I can't give my child a complete childhood. He is surrounded by countless demons. He needs to have his own independent and mature heart." Olina said with a hint of self-blame in her voice.

"Olena, this is the spiritual growth serum of the kingdom of gods, which can make children's spiritual growth rapidly." Charles opened his right hand, and a red mist bloomed from his protoss bracelet. In the red mist, a silver-white The spiritual serum emerged.

Under Olena's gaze, Charles gently injected his child David Halle with the spiritual growth serum.

Visible to the naked eye, David Haller's mind began to thrive, and as David Haller's mind grew, his body also developed rapidly.

In just a moment, he grew from a baby to a teenager's body.

"Charles, I hope you will erase all my memories of you." Olina watched the baby in her arms turn into a teenager, with a smile on her face, she turned her head and said to Charles.

"Olena." Charles' face was full of remorse.

"I want to ensure that my heart is as pure as before, so that I can become David's guardian Angel and protect his heart." What Olina said left Charles speechless.

Although she was just an ordinary person, she saw a lot of things when she was on the verge of death.

Looking at Olina's firm gaze, Charles could only use his spiritual power to clear all Olina's memories of Charles.

And at the moment when the memory was cleared, Olina's spiritual world became pure and flawless again, and Olina gradually closed her eyes.

"David, David Haller. Use your ability, use your ability, to absorb my heart into your body." The ignorant David Haller only felt that he heard a warm voice, Then David Halle's body burst into a ray of light.

Olina's pure heart was sucked into her body by David Haller.


The mind projection stopped abruptly, and Lancelot had already stood in front of Charles. At this moment, Charles was sitting in a wheelchair, his face was old, and his eyes were full of self-blame and guilt.

"Charles, look into my eyes." Looking at Charles' appearance at this moment, Lancelot frowned slightly, and then gave the order to Professor Charles.

After hearing Lancelot's order, Charles raised his head subconsciously, looking at Lancelot's eyes with a pair of cloudy and numb eyes.

"Geass. Absolute order." In Lancelot's eyes, a vast fiery red bird flapped its wings and croaked, and then flew into Charles' eyes

"Return to your original state of mind." Lancelot issued an absolute order to Charles, and under Lancelot's Geass, the mental outlook taught by Charles was completely new in an instant.

"My lord, I've lost my composure." A gentle smile appeared on Charles's face again. Although he still couldn't forget Olina, he was no longer depressed.

Lancelot's Geass, forcibly cleared Charles of all negative emotions, guilt, remorse, remorse and so on.

"Where's David Haller?" Lancelot nodded to Charles, then asked.

"My lord, I put David Haller in the bedroom." Charles tapped the wheelchair lightly with his right hand, and the wheelchair floated into the air, and then brought Lancelot to the bedroom in the deepest part of the manor.

Charles opened the door. A young man who looked exactly like Wilhelm Stryker was sweating profusely at the moment releasing his mutant ability.

This young man is obviously the son of Wilhelm Stryker, master of illusion Jason Stryker.

"My king." Jason Stryker saluted respectfully after seeing Lancelot.

Lancelot glanced at Jason Stryker, then looked towards the bedroom, and saw that the original bedroom had changed into another scene under Jason's Ability.

It was a playground, and a teenager was playing happily in the playground, like a carefree child.

Originally, this scene should be very warm, if the words of the young man are ignored.

"Enough is enough, I'm going out. I'm a top psychiatrist in New York who treats me like a child."

"Oh, Shet, I'm so mad right now, I'm going to burn this playground down.

"Hey, calm down, Joey. You've got me on fire."

"Mom, I want my mother."

"It's too noisy, can't you just shut up?"

"Mommy Falk, I'm going on a date, and no one can stop me from dating."

"Shut up, you're interfering with my child's play."

The voices of men, women, and children came from the boy's mouth, and at the same time, the expression on the boy's face was changing all the time, some ferocious, some hysterical, some gentle, some fearful, and so on.

"Daqun, god-level mutant." Lancelot looked at the young man quietly, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes burst out with bright golden light.

"God's righteous eyes." Lancelot's eyes burst out with a bright golden light, and the teenager in the playground, under Lancelot's divine righteous eyes, suddenly revealed his original appearance.


The original boy exploded at this moment, and figures walked out of the boy's body one by one, and then occupied the entire playground.

There are thousands of figures of different shapes, crowded in the small playground, looking extremely surprised, and the expressions, demeanor, and personalities of each person are completely different.

This is the original appearance of David Haller, an Omega-level Mutant, his mutant ability is to swallow and absorb the spiritual consciousness of others into himself, and every time he absorbs a spiritual consciousness

David will give birth to a new variant, Ability.

This is the first true Omega-level Mutant that Lancelot has ever met, even scarier than Phoenix Jean Gray.

Because there is no limit to David Haller's growth.

He is constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual consciousness, even absorbing those decedent spiritual consciousness from the spiritual dimension world.

David Haller is not an independent spiritual body, but composed of countless spiritual bodies.

It is also because of this that David Haller will be called a large group in the future.

"Does David Haller already possess thousands of different mutant abilities?" Under the observation of Lancelot's God's Prosthetic Eye, at this moment, David Haller's spiritual world gathers thousands of different spiritual consciousnesses body.

This is because Charles opened the world of the spiritual dimension without authorization, allowing David Haller, who was still an infant, to unconsciously absorb the decedent mind in the world of the spiritual dimension.

Most of these decedents have become dark and weird due to death, and even many spiritual consciousnesses have only one emotion left over time.

Or tyrannical, or insidious, or greedy and so on.

Lancelot just quietly looked at the thousands of large groups of conscious bodies in the playground. The noisy sound made the quiet playground full of people.

And at the center of thousands of large groups of conscious bodies, there is an incomparably pure mind, and this spiritual conscious body is the dead Olina.

At this moment, Olina is spreading her spiritual wings to protect an ignorant young man, and some spiritual consciousness bodies can't help but start to look fierce

"Olina, you can't protect him, this kid is destined to be devoured by us." A burly man with a tyrannical face, his eyes full of killing intent.

Before his death, he was a brutal murderer who had tortured and killed many women with his own hands.

"The big group, we are the big group, it's great to be part of David Haller." At this moment, the burly murderer raised his right hand, which was under everyone's gaze,

It turned into a sharp metal knife.

"Stop it, Beaufort. We are a big group, don't you want to kill each other?" A thin man in a white suit stopped the murderer Beaufort

Before, said dissuadingly.

"Marefa, what I hate the most is preaching to me, go to hell." Beaufort's face was full of tyranny, and the sharp knife in his right hand pierced the chest of the man in the white suit instantly.


As the sharp knife pierced through the man in the white suit, the pupils of the man in the white suit dilated instantly, and then his spiritual body collapsed and was absorbed into the body by Beaufort.

"This...I feel like I've become stronger." Beaufort stared wide-eyed, looking at his spiritual body in astonishment.

He felt that his spiritual body became stronger, and at the same time, he also mastered another variant Ability.

"So that's the case, will killing other spiritual consciousness bodies make me stronger?" Beaufort grinned ferociously, looking around violently, and then opened his right hand.

"Psychokinesis." A girl was captured by the Psychokinesis that Beaufort had just obtained, and when Beaufort raised the sharp knife and wanted to pierce the girl's chest again, the girl

The boy's eyes burst into flames.

Then the girl's whole body was covered in flames.

930 Hot flames instantly enveloped Beaufort's body, and Beaufort, who was extremely arrogant just now, was instantly melted by the flames.

"Fack squid." The girl pointed her middle finger at Beaufort, but before the girl could react, the girl's body was pierced by an energy beam.

Under Lancelot's God's righteous eyes, the originally crowded playground was instantly divided, and every spiritual consciousness looked at everyone vigilantly.

In the real world, David Haller is still playing carefree like a child, but the expressions and words on his face are constantly changing.

Obviously there was only one person, but it made the quiet playground extremely noisy, with various voices coming and going.

"Fack." Just the sound made Jason, the master of illusion, unable to maintain the illusion in front of him any longer. He couldn't help but uttered a curse and subconsciously covered his ears.

"Crazy." Jason couldn't help blurting out, and he even felt that he was going crazy when he was with David Haller.

What the illusion master Jason didn't know was that when he was influenced by David Haller's voice, his spiritual consciousness was forcibly absorbed into his body by David Haller.

A spiritual body identical to Jason appeared in David Haller's spiritual world.

And this Jason, the moment he appeared, looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

"Gift Crab, why did I appear here?" Jason turned his head and looked around, only to feel that there were densely packed people around him, which made Jason a little surprised.

However, as a member of the mutant protoss in the kingdom of gods, Jason is not flustered. His phantom ability is released, dragging all spiritual consciousness bodies into their respective phantom worlds


"Huh, who can tell me what's going on?" Jason breathed a sigh of relief, and forcibly dragged thousands of spiritual consciousness bodies into his illusion world, letting Jason

Feel the pressure.

He glanced around, and then instantly found a pair of familiar eyes.

"My king, it's my king's divine eye." Jason looked up at the pair of dazzling golden eyes in the spiritual world, and was immediately extremely excited.

These eyes are the existence that only Jason can see.

Other spiritual consciousness bodies turned a blind eye to the golden eyes above their heads.

"Has Jason's spiritual consciousness been absorbed?" Lancelot looked at Jason's spiritual consciousness in the crowd with great interest, and with a thought, Jason's eyes were filled with fire.

The red bird flapped its wings and sang.

This is Lancelot's Geass.

Geass, is the symbol of every ten people of the Kingdom of God.

Jason's spiritual body was absorbed by David Haller, and the power of Geass was also absorbed into David Haller's spiritual world.

Geass' orders are absolute and go deep into the soul. Even the newly born Jason's consciousness cannot escape Geass' absolute control.

"The first god-level mutant gene group that truly has unlimited potential, and can even distort reality and manipulate time."

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