Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 38: Magneto's Escape, Lancelot's Geass Connection

"Geass ran away. This is another new discovery of Geass." In the secret KGB base in the Soviet Union, Lancelot was sitting leisurely on the sofa at the moment, a pair of birds with red eyes were fluttering and singing.

As early as when Sabretooth Victor Geass ran away, Lancelot's double-eyed Geass manifested, and at the same time Lancelot discovered that with the help of the double-eyed Geass, he could see everything Sabretooth Victor saw.

Because of this, Lancelot clearly witnessed the battle between Sabretooth and Magneto after Sabretooth Victor broke through the metal cage.

He also saw Sabretooth brutally beat Wolverine Logan on the ground like a sandbag, and broke all the bones that Wolverine Logan threw.

Also saw the scene where Sabretooth slapped Magneto flying with one paw.

This is also the first Geass rampage that has appeared since he first used Geass for so long.

Through Sabretooth Victor and his own Geass sensor, Lancelot can not only see what Sabretooth Victor sees, but also knows the state of Sabretooth Victor's rampage.

Absolutely rational, potential explosion.

The explosion of its potential made Sabretooth Victor's Awakening state even bigger, from the original four meters to five meters.

There are two floors in height.

Moreover, its speed, strength, and resilience have been improved to varying degrees.

"Magneto is still too weak." Looking at Magneto in front of him, Lancelot shook his head in disappointment.

Controlling Magnetic Field, let him use it abruptly to manipulate metal.

His strength also increases and decreases with the surrounding metal.

In the steel jungle, Magneto can turn into a scene person in a second, and it is no problem to set off a bridge. It is a proper level five Mutant.

However, when there is no metal, or there is not much metal, the strength will plummet, and when it is the weakest, it can't even reach the first level of Mutant.

"Speaking of which, Victor's Geass rampage is thanks to Professor X." With the Geass connection of Victor's eyes, Lancelot clearly saw the sluggish Professor X.

"Lancelot, it's Lancelot." While Lancelot was observing Professor X, Professor X's Telepathy also felt Lancelot's gaze. In Professor X's eyes, Sabretooth Victor's eyes at this moment were reflecting Lancelot's blurred figure .

And when Professor X looked into Sabretooth Victor's eyes, he seemed to hear the birds chirping again, followed by a splitting headache in his brain.

This made Professor X close his eyes in pain, and his tall and straight body became limp on the metal wheelchair.

"Eric, get out of here." Professor X didn't dare to stay here any longer at all, he turned his head and ordered to Magneto beside him, with an indescribably anxious tone.

"Shut up, Charles." At this moment, Magneto only felt pain in his internal organs. He turned his head angrily and yelled at Charles. Then he opened his hands, and the two huge metal plates under his feet instantly floated, and then the magnetic force Under the effect of this, he retreated rapidly.

In a pinch, Magneto exploded to his full potential, truly reaching the level of a top-five Mutant.


In just a second, Magneto took Professor X and Wolverine Logan back hundreds of meters.

"Victor, catch up and try your speed." Lancelot looked at Magneto and others who gradually turned into two black dots, and gave a soft command.

Following Lancelot's words, in the eyes of Sabretooth Victor, who was thousands of miles away, a bird fluttered like a burning bird, and at the same time, Lancelot's voice sounded in Sabretooth Victor's brain.

"Of order, my king." Sabretooth Victor's gigantic head bowed slightly, and he opened his tiger's mouth, making a rumbling sound, the voice was deep and powerful, and even the vibrating air trembled.


Victor Sabretooth glanced at Magneto and the others who had turned into black spots, and then made a pounce with his whole body.


Sabretooth Victor ran up, obviously weighing several tons and the height of a two-story building, but once he moved, he was in a vigorous posture, like a tiger descending a mountain, and swooped forward at high speed.

Bang bang bang.

Victor's body was flying at an incredible speed. The five-meter-high Sabretooth was huge. His running posture revealed the elegance and calmness of a feline, as well as the chilling aura unique to Sabretooth.

"Fack." Seeing the giant Sabretooth rushing towards him like a galloping train, Magneto cursed in horror, then waved his right hand, and countless metals turned into giant metal walls to block Sabretooth Victor's running route. superior.


Sabretooth Victor let out a loud and deep roar, and the running body didn't seem to slow down in the slightest.


Sabretooth Victor slammed his head against the metal wall in front of him. At this moment, the metal wall, like paper paste, was easily smashed by Victor.

Boom, boom, boom.

And the next few walls were all smashed into pieces. At this moment, Sabretooth Victor was really a tiger out of the cage, and the tiger leaped over the mountains and forests, unstoppable.

"Charles, think of a way." Seeing Victor Sabretooth approaching rapidly, even a well-informed man like Magneto, who has experienced countless life and death tortures, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Heaven, heaven." At this moment, Professor X was also terrified, he resisted the pain in his brain, and reminded Magneto.


Following Professor X's reminder, Magneto's hands were pressed down, and the metal plate under his feet lifted the three of Magneto into the air quickly.

Boom boom boom.

And just as Magneto was lifted into the air, the ground under his feet roared and shook as if an earthquake had erupted, and then a giant Sabretooth galloped towards him.


Watching Magneto and the others take off into the air, Sabretooth Victor didn't have any hesitation, his body crawled slightly, and then he stretched his limbs and flew directly into the air.

The height of more than ten meters was easily crossed by Victor Sabretooth. Looking at the huge tiger head and ferocious sabre-toothed fangs close at hand, Magneto's pupils shrank rapidly.

"Get back to me, you monster!" Magneto roared again and again, the power to control the metal was overloaded, the metal disc under his feet separated a group of metal rings, and the metal ring quickly covered Sabretooth Victor's body On the tiger's claws.

Then Magneto activated the magnetic force frantically, pulling Sabretooth Victor down a distance of one meter, while his left hand was also manipulating the disc under his feet, and continued to lift into the air.


Sabretooth Victor's tiger claws clenched tightly, his muscles tensed like steel and iron bones, and the metal ring shattered immediately, but also because of the influence of Magneto's magnetic force, his body began to inevitably fall towards the ground.


The five-meter-high Sabretooth fell to the ground, setting off a huge cloud of smoke and a huge amount of potholes. At this moment, Sabretooth Victor looked up, his eyes staring at Magneto above his head without any emotion.

"Okay, Victor. There's no need to hunt them down." Lancelot's voice reappeared in Victor's mind, and after hearing Lancelot's words, Victor's body crawled slightly again.

"As you command, my king."

PS: Thank you for your monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets and comments, Xiao Chongchong is very grateful, thank you for your support.

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