Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 5 Lancelot's Secret Base, The Home Of Mutant's Evolution

In a secret research base in Virginia, a supersonic plane landed slowly.

Lancelot got off the plane, and then he saw Congressman Humpherson with a flattering smile on his face.

"Sir." Senator Humpherson walked up to Lancelot respectfully, bowed and saluted, his eyes full of respect.

"How is the construction of the base going?" Lancelot glanced at Humpherson and asked.

"Sir, fortunately, the Mutant evolution home base you requested has been built." Humpherson nodded, and began to lead Lancelot into the base that had been prepared for a month.

A month ago, after Lancelot used Geass' power to control Senator Humpherson, he used Geass to force the entire CIA building and all CIA agents on missions in three days.

The entire CIA, together with all the agents on missions, were easily controlled by Lancelot.

The CIA intelligence system completely serves Lancelot alone.

After taking full control of the CIA, Lancelot issued an order to build a secret base for himself, and the entire CIA immediately began to operate efficiently.

In just one month, Lancelot's order was perfectly executed.

Lancelot walked into this base hidden in the depths of the forest. The entire base has the file size of hundreds of football fields, almost hollowing out the entire underground forest. The entire underground base is divided into living areas, training areas, research areas, etc. and other facilities.

Countless people are busy in the entire underground base at the moment, most of these people are the ace agents of the CIA, as well as the most elite tactical team and logistics support personnel of the CIA.

But now, each of them has been turned into a state of death under the control of Senator Humpherson, and they were secretly sent here to work for Lancelot.

Definitely, there are also the top scientists in the world that Lancelot ordered the CIA agent to secretly convene, and the largest number are scientists in genetics.

"Okay, everyone put away the research in their hands." After arriving at the base, without Lancelot's instructions, Congressman Humpherson had already summoned all the scientists.

He summoned these scientists into a specially built hall, then bent down respectfully, and personally led Lancelot to stand on the highest stage of the hall.

Standing on the high platform, Lancelot, wearing a luxurious and luxurious robe, looked down at the scientists below.

He could see doubts, confusion, astonishment, and fear in the eyes of these scientists. Most of these scientists were kidnapped by CIA agents by force. within the base.

Although the scientific research equipment here is very complete, these scientists are anxious all day long and have no intention of researching at all.

At this moment, the group of scientists looked at Lancelot standing on the high platform, and they were surprised. Obviously, they did not expect that the chief executive of this secret base turned out to be an Asian, and his eyes.

"Serve me as Lord until death." Lancelot didn't pay attention to the inner thoughts of these scientists. In his blood-red eyes, a huge amount of fiery bird appeared. The bird sang, and then rushed into the eyes of all the scientists. , subsequently rewriting their thinking.

In front of Geass, no matter what kind of thoughts these people have, it is useless, Lancelot can easily stamp their thoughts on them.

"I will die for my husband, and I will die until I die." The scientists in the high platform were left with fanaticism after Geass, and they said in unison.

"Very good, let's continue your previous research." Lancelot nodded in satisfaction, then walked off the high platform, and under the leadership of Senator Humpherson, he turned around the entire base.

After walking out of the base again, Lancelot finally couldn't help laughing wildly again.

"Geass is indeed invincible."

After laughing wildly, Lancelot regained his composure, then glanced at the dozen or so CIA executives following him, and gave the order indifferently.

"Forget everything about the House of Mutant." As soon as Lancelot finished speaking, the eyes of more than a dozen CIA executives suddenly showed confusion. The Geass in their minds directly erased all their memories of the secret base.

For people who have been hit by Geass, erasing memory is just a matter of Lancelot's order. Absolute order can forcibly modify a person's memory, character, thought, and even will. Erasing memory is the easiest thing to do.

"Humpherson, how are my fellow Mutants doing?"

After boarding the supersonic plane, Lancelot sat on the luxurious sofa seat, looked at the clouds outside, and said casually.

"Sir, Professor X Charles Xavier and Magneto Eric Lehnsherr are still constantly looking for Hellfire Club's Black Emperor Shaw." Humpherson stood respectfully in front of Lancelot and reported in detail.

"Still looking for Xiao's trace? Their movements are slower than I imagined." Lancelot frowned slightly, and tapped the table with his right hand.

After taking control of the CIA, Lancelot has been paying attention to the situation of the X-Men base secretly formed by the CIA.

But it is a pity that the plot of the first battle of Mutant is still in the transition period. The young Professor X and Magneto are still flying around the world to track down the conspiracy to destroy the Hellfire Club.

It should be two months before Black Emperor Xiao invaded the X-Men base and the final battle on the small island.

"Two months, that is to say, at the time of the decisive battle, I was just able to conduct a secondary pupil draw." Lancelot said with a smile on his face, thinking to himself.

Although he has obtained the Geass Absolute Order, with the horror of the Absolute Order, he can even easily imprint a thought stamp into anyone's brain.

However, Lancelot knows that although Geass is very strong, it still has weaknesses. To activate Geass, the opponent needs to look directly into his eyes. If they cannot look directly into his eyes, then Geass will not be effective.

And besides Geass, his body is too weak, just the body of an ordinary person. Even with a pistol, he can easily kill himself.

That's why, knowing that this is the first battle of Mutant, Lancelot still didn't rush to the X-Men base.

"Have Wolverine Logan and Sabretooth Victor been found?"

"I'm very sorry sir, we didn't find any trace of Wolverine Logan, but Sabretooth Victor, we have already found it." Humpherson apologized with guilt on his face.

"It's not particularly trash." Lancelot gave Humpherson a cold look, and said indifferently.

He had assigned the task of finding Wolverine Logan and Sabretooth Victor a month ago, but until now, a month later, the CIA agents only found traces of Sabretooth Victor. Charles Xavier's brain wave strengthening device is really too slow.

"It seems that after taking control of Sabretooth, I still have to go to Base X."

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