Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 62 Destroy The Military Fleet, Professor X Is Paralyzed

" is this possible?" On the high seas of Cuba, the US warships are currently performing missions to escort the waters. According to the information they have received, the Soviet warships will cross the border today.

However, the imaginary scene of a war between the two countries did not come, and the Soviet warship remained on hold.

The original order of high-level Americans to go to war as soon as the Soviet Union crossed the border seems to be nonsense at this moment, and it is extremely ridiculous.

However, although the threat of a world war has disappeared from the invisible, General Wilhelms has discovered another fact that is far more serious than a world war.

General Wilhelms discovered a group of monsters, which possessed terrifying abilities like devils.

Set off a tsunami, the air force ships are just waiting.

And what did General Wilhelms see now? He actually saw that in the center of the densely packed missile explosion, a human being exuding golden light was absorbing the explosion energy without any damage.

"God, is this really human? That's the equivalent of a missile that can easily blow up a small island." General Wilhelms was terrified at the moment, and his adjutant was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Then they saw through the porthole that the Asian man who had absorbed the energy of the missile just raised his right index finger lightly.


At this moment, Lancelot only felt that the energy in his body was extremely vigorous, and he could easily control the energy in his body and release it.

I saw Lancelot raised his right index finger, a ball of dazzling red energy filled his fingertips, and then suddenly expanded into a beam of bright beams of huge amounts of red energy, which instantly hit a warship.


The huge warship exploded immediately, and a glaring red light enveloped the entire warship. Inside the warship, countless soldiers ran away like ants on a hot pot.

Boom, boom, boom.

However, in the next second, the entire warship experienced constant explosions one after another, and then the warship sank instantly.

"Fire, fire quickly." The scene in front of him simply made General Wilhelms unbelievable, and he issued an order to fire by radio in horror.

Another round of missiles was released from the warship, spreading all over the sky.

Lancelot just looked at the missiles in front of him with great interest. Behind Lancelot, Magneto stretched his right hand forward, and all the missiles were still in mid-air.


Bursts of metal brittle sounds resounded in the air, Magneto just turned his arm slightly, and all the missiles turned around.

"Watfak." All the warships and soldiers were terrified, and some soldiers even began to pray blindly.

"Eric, don't do this." On the small island, Professor X said with a dignified expression, full of unbearable persuasion.

Professor X can't bear to see so many lives die, on the one hand, and on the other hand, once the US warships are wiped out here, there is no doubt that the top US leaders will directly launch a war.

"The benevolence of a woman." Lancelot looked back at Professor X with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Professor X, you have to remember that kindness will only make the enemy worse.

"The fury of thunder can make the enemy frightened."

Lancelot sneered and uttered deafening words.

"No, it's not the same..." Professor X obviously couldn't understand Lancelot's philosophy, and the kindness and compromise he had always adhered to made him extremely entangled in his heart.

"Magneto, continue." Lancelot ignored Professor X, and he issued orders to Magneto indifferently.

"Of order, my king." Magneto nodded excitedly, then pressed down with his right hand, and the missiles in the sky suddenly came from where they came from, and went back to where they came from.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of explosions resounded constantly, and the entire high seas seemed to have entered a war scene in an instant, and warships fell silent amidst the explosions.

"Go, kill them." Lancelot suspended in mid-air, giving orders.

And following Lancelot's order, Phantom John brought a dozen Mutants into the warship in an instant.

And the former Hellfire Club's Red Devil Azazuo also teleported to another warship with Black Emperor Xiao.

Inside the warship, Gambit Remy's right hand constantly released cards, and soldiers holding weapons were blown out immediately.

Sabretooth Victor directly transformed into a five-meter Sabretooth, rampaging through the warship, leaving no blade of grass in his path.

One by one, the Mutants began to release their power to their heart's content. And Magneto, the man of the scene, is the most efficient here.

He just suspended in mid-air, waved his hands again and again, and the warships capsized and sank in an instant.

An hour later, there was no U.S. warship in sight on the entire high seas. On the small island, only Professor X and the X-Men did not make a move.

At this moment, they looked at the open sea like a gunpowder battlefield in horror, and they were stunned for a while.

"Fack, you... what did you do?" On the small island, Agent Mora, who had been shooting soy sauce, pointed at Lancelot with guns in both hands, and then asked loudly.

"Oh, here's a fish that slipped through the net." Lancelot landed on the ground, and then looked at Agent Mora with interest.

Lancelot didn't know that Agent Mora had also appeared on this small island. He had been ignoring her before, which was not normal.

Obviously, Professor X had been protecting his little lover with psychic power, so much so that even Lancelot subconsciously ignored her.

"Molla, put down the gun." Professor X looked at Lancelot with some trepidation when he saw Agent Mora's actions, and then comforted Agent Mora.

However, at this moment, Mora obviously lost control of her emotions because of the destruction of the US warship. She looked at Lancelot angrily, and then directly pulled the trigger.


A muffled gunshot sounded, Lancelot just looked at the bullets in front of him calmly, and Magneto, who was standing next to Lancelot, directly raised his right hand and waved it.

Unprepared, the bullet removed by Magneto's right hand pierced Professor X's body. Looking at Professor X who fell to the ground in pain, even Lancelot couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Professor X is paralyzed because of fate." Looking at the remorseful Magneto and Agent Mora, Lancelot slightly shook his head, then walked in front of Professor X, grabbed Agent Mora by the neck, and threw him raised it.

"My king, please forgive Mora." Seeing the cold killing intent in Lancelot's eyes, Professor X begged in pain.

"It's just a human cub, since it's you who interceded, so what if you let her go.

"However, there is always a price to be paid to save people."

"Professor X, don't you want to see war? Then use your Ability to stop it." Lancelot glanced at Professor X, and threw Agent Mora to the ground.

"Come on, follow me back to Mutant House, the brain wave strengthening device should have been set up." Lancelot glanced at Mutant on the island, and then everyone formed a big circle.

Peng Peng.

With two phantoms in succession, all the Mutants on the island disappeared.

The impact of Mutant's first battle had just begun.

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