Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 66 Lancelot's Future Eye, Reversing The Future Progressive

"Captain HYDRA?" Siberia base, home of Mutant evolution, Lancelot consciously saw Captain America Steve Rogers who should have been frozen.

But in this era, the captain of the United States has transformed into the captain of HYDRA, and has become one of the leaders of HYDRA, controlling the HYDRA base in Siberia.

However, Lancelot is not interested in this HYDRA captain. What he is really interested in is the person who is communicating with the HYDRA captain.

Lancelot felt that his Ability was continuously released, and his spirit followed the network and saw the existence of Captain HYDRA. At the same time, he followed the communication network of Captain HYDRA and went straight up.

Then, Lancelot saw an interesting scene.

In Hawaii, a burly man wearing Stars and Stripes is sitting on a bench at the moment, admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him and having a "ten" talk with the captain of HYDRA.

"Captain America Steve Rogers. That's it." Lancelot suddenly realized. When he saw another captain, Lancelot had already realized the cause and effect.

Apparently, this Captain America on vacation in Hawaii is from the future of Endgame.

According to the plot of the Avengers alliance 4. Endgame, after defeating Thanos, Captain America began to be responsible for the return of the Infinity Stone.

After returning the original stone, the Steve Rogers from the future did not choose to go back to the future, but stayed in the past, and fulfilled the agreement with Peggy Carter

"Sure enough, as long as it is the MUC universe, the future Captain America cannot be avoided." Lancelot shook his head slightly, and then turned off his self-awareness.

The appearance of Captain America in the future indicates that the timeline has been disturbed.

If it was Lancelot before, he was helpless about the future, but now that he has the pupil technique of the future eye, Lancelot can see the future through the future eye.

"Future eyes." Lancelot's red pupils had countless images flickering non-stop, and then Lancelot only felt as if he had got the perspective of God.

The future, which was originally like a fog, gradually revealed its true colors in front of Lancelot.

2023, Xavier Talent Institute, New York.

All five level Mutants come together, Professor X, Magneto, Shadowcat, Wolverine Logan, Sun Sunspot, Bishop Bishop and more.

Lancelot looked at the future Mutant in the Xavier Genius Academy, and frowned slightly. He didn't see himself, nor did he see the figure of the Mutant Evolution House

Lancelot zoomed out his field of vision and looked down on the whole New York from a high altitude. At this moment, New York has been turned into ruins. On the ruins, countless Sentinels shuttle and dance unscrupulously.

"We should leave, we should follow in the footsteps of my king." At this moment in the Xavier Genius Academy, the aged fifth-level Mutant looked at Professor X angrily, and said in a deep voice.

"Eric, it's too late. My king can't come back." Professor X said with a bitter smile on his face.

"So, who is the king you are talking about?" Shadowcat, as an Awakening Mutant in the new era, does not know any king.

"My king, Lancelot, is the king of Mutants, who once led Mutants to create a glorious evolutionary home.

"However, due to an accident, my king, together with the great family of evolution, were all transported into the universe by some kind of force, and got lost in the vast and deep space of the universe." Professor X's eyes showed a touch of reminiscence, Then he spoke.

"Charles, what should we do next?" Magneto and others looked at Professor X, the future Professor X, and smiled wryly again.

"There is no way but to use Shadowcat Katie's ability to teleport Wolverine Logan back to the past." Professor X said in despair while sitting in a wheelchair.

"Professor, Sentry is coming." Just after Professor X made the decision to reverse the future, a group of space doors opened, and then Mutant came out of the space door flickering.

"Get ready to fight." Professor X gave the order immediately, and then all the Mutants began to fight with Sentry.

And Lancelot frowned slightly after seeing the countless Sentry appearing in the Xavier Genius Academy.

Then he looked at a Sentry, and began to release his pupil technique, vision.


Lancelot only felt that his spirit went upstream, poured into the future time and space, and then attached to the future Sentry.

For a split second, Lancelot felt like he had a little control over the future of Sentry.

However, just a second later, the link was forced to break.

But Lancelot's spirit returned to his body, and the future picture disappeared instantly...

"Did it fail?" Lancelot shook his head helplessly. He originally planned to use his vision and future eye abilities to directly possess the future Sentry.

However, because time and space are not stable, Lancelot's vision can only control Sentry for a second.

"Maybe, when the future Shadowcat establishes a space-time channel, I can transmit my spirit there." Lancelot thought to himself, through the eyes of the future, Lancelot has already learned that the reversal of the future will come as scheduled.

And he didn't find himself on the future timeline, which means that this timeline is probably a time branch.

"Now, we just need to wait patiently for the arrival of the future reversal." A smile appeared on the corner of Lancelot's mouth, and then his body floated into the air.

"Let's meet Captain HYDRA while we have enough time." Lancelot was covered with a golden energy layer, and then his whole body soared into the sky.

On the Siberian Ice Field, a golden streamer galloped past.

In just a few minutes, Lancelot had already appeared above the HYDRA base, looking at the thick ice sheet in front of him.

Lancelot raised his right hand, and a dazzling beam of light rushed straight down in an instant.


The thick ice sheet exploded in an instant, revealing the HYDRA base inside.

"Captain HYDRA, aren't you going to look for me? Now I'm here." Lancelot's pupils condensed slightly, and then Lancelot's voice was transmitted to 3.7 HYDRA base through his vision.

"Captain, what should we do?" Dr. Zola was terrified at the moment. He had already received news about the Mutant Evolution House a few months ago, and he even knew the horror of the Mutant Evolution House.

"Lancelot? One of the variables in the future."

Inside the HYDRA base, HYDRA captain Steve Rogers is also dignified. Through his future self, he has learned everything about the future. After being awakened by himself, Steve Rogers has been committed to protecting the future from changing.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use his powerful calendar area.

"Future variables must be killed in the cradle."

PS: Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more, subscription is really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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