Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 73 Reversing The Future In 1973, Wolverine Logan Came Through


In the lake on the outskirts of New York, a ball of golden energy soared into the sky, and then the golden energy flickered and disappeared into the sky.

New York, Xavier Estate.

The Xavier Manor at this moment is extremely desolate, and Professor X, who is located in the Xavier Manor, is sitting in a wheelchair in extreme pain.

"Hank, Hank!" Professor X's painful face was distorted, and he called out to Beast Hank anxiously.

In the timeline of reversing the future, Professor X got a rare virus in 1970, which caused his legs to be paralyzed, and lost the recovery potion of the Mutant Evolution House, so he could only spend time in a wheelchair. Three years have passed.

"Professor, are you sick again?" Beast Hank came striding forward, his eyes filled with deep silence.

In this timeline, Lancelot disappeared, and the entire Mutant evolutionary family was leaderless and fell apart.

And Beast Hank, as a member of the former Mutant Evolution House, was also deeply affected and became devastated.

"Ahem, medicine, painkiller." Professor X yelled in pain, his mental state was extremely unstable, and an unknown virus tormented his nerves, making him unable to concentrate, let alone use his spiritual power.

Beast Hank injected Professor X with a painkiller with a blank face, "Then Beast Hank sat on the steps and started to stare blankly.

"Hank, how is Mutant's situation now?" Professor X calmed down after injecting painkillers, he glanced at Beast Hank, and then asked

"Too bad, the Trask industry has already begun to hunt down Mutants." Beast Hank glanced at Professor X, and then hesitated to speak.

"I know what you mean, Hank. You want me to stand up, find King Lancelot, and rebuild the House of Mutant Evolution." Professor X glanced at Beast Hank, and spoke out what Beast Hank wanted.

"The moment my king disappeared, you should stand up. Your brain wave strengthening machine can control the human beings all over the world." Beast Hank became extremely emotional. In the past three years, he has asked the Professor more than once X uses the brain wave strengthening machine to find Lancelot, and even erase all human malice towards Mutant.

But without exception, Teacher X rejected them all.

"I'm sorry, Hank." Professor X glanced at Beast Hank guiltily, and said.

"Professor, you shouldn't apologize to me, you should apologize to all Mutant colleagues who died because of this. Beast Hank made no secret of his disappointment with Professor X.

In three years, even the Black Emperor Xiao, White Queen Emma and others of the Mutant Evolution House died.

The powerful Mutants disappeared one by one, and the newly born Mutants, because of the lack of mutant mutant growth hormones and X gene stabilizers, often lost control of their mutant Ability, so they were once again regarded as monsters and freaks by all humans.

Mutant has once again become an outlier among human beings, and was arrested wantonly like a commodity, and turned into a laboratory mouse to be dissected and studied by human beings.

"I'm sorry." Hearing Beast Hank tell the tragic experience of the new generation Mutant, Professor X closed his eyes again in pain and guilt.

"Excuse me, is Professor X there?" Just as Professor X and Beast Hank fell silent at the same time, a familiar voice made them look around.

A burly man with whiskers came over with a cigar in his mouth.

"Wolverine Logan?" Beast Hank frowned slightly, his body turned into a blue-haired gorilla, and instantly rushed towards Wolverine Logan.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Wolverine Logan, who had just traveled from the future, was taken aback, and then stretched out her bone claws with both hands to defend herself.


Beast Hank roared angrily, and then directly threw Wolverine Logan to the ground, and his sharp claws were directly embedded in Wolverine Logan's shoulder.

"Roar." With huge amounts of pain, Wolverine Logan roared angrily, and then threw Beast Hank flying with force.

"Wolverine Logan. Why did you appear here if you didn't look for my king?" Beast Hank looked at Wolverine Logan angrily, and what he said made Wolverine, who came from the future, look puzzled.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Also, you are Beast Hank, it's been a long time. Well, it's been many years since you died." Wolverine Logan glanced at Beast Hank, and said familiarly Say hello.

"Huh?" Beast Hank froze for a moment, he glanced at Professor X, and Professor X immediately understood.

"The Logan in front of him has lost a lot of memory...he doesn't remember the evolution home of Mutant." Professor X put down his right hand wearily, the previous Telepathy was all he could do.

"Mutant Evolution House? What is that?" Wolverine Logan glanced at Professor X suspiciously, and then began to introduce himself.

"Professor, we meet again, you are much more handsome in the past than in the future." Wolverine Logan sat in front of Professor X, then said with a chuckle.

And then Wolverine Logan began to tell about future Sentry crises, and future Mutant encounters.

"Sentry crisis? Teslak?" Beast Hank and Professor X looked at each other, they looked at Wolverine Logan in disbelief, feeling that there was a huge amount of information.

"Hmph, if my king exists, how could there be any Sentry crisis." Beast Hank snorted coldly, and then left here.

"My king? Who is that? Sorry, Professor, there will be no such person in the future." Wolverine Logan looked at Professor X with a puzzled face. He was very interested in the king that Beast Hank spoke of.

"My king, Lancelot, is the king of Mutant, but three years ago, my king suddenly disappeared." Professor X explained, and then looked at Wolverine Logan with a frown.

"." You said you came from the future, and the future Sentry was built according to Mystique's genes. "

"Is it possible to stop this future crisis as long as we find Mystique Raven?" Professor X asked. He used Telepathy to check the future experienced by Wolverine Logan again.

That's a hopeless future.

Professor X is ready to prevent such a future, and according to Wolverine Logan's information, the key to preventing the future lies in Mystique Raven.

"Yes, Professor. Just find Mystique Raven, and we can end the future." Wolverine Logan spoke the future professor's words.

"It's really ridiculous, the Sentry crisis is obviously caused by humans, and it means to attack your own mutant comrades.

"Professor X, is this the justice you uphold?"

A cold and mocking voice sounded in the ears of Professor X and Wolverine Logan, and then a cloud of red smoke appeared in front of them.

Lancelot stepped out of the smoke.

"My king." Professor X looked at Lancelot in surprise, and his face was complicated for a while.

Compared to Professor X's surprise, Wolverine Logan, who had never (obtained Zhao's) time travel, looked at Lancelot with vigilance.

"Kneel down." Looking at Wolverine Logan who was looking at him vigilantly, Lancelot frowned slightly, and then directly gave Geass instructions.


Wolverine Logan only felt dazed for a moment, then knelt directly in front of Lancelot.

"What's going on here?" Wolverine Logan, who traveled from the future, didn't know why this happened. He just looked at Lancelot in horror, and then Wolverine Logan's consciousness went into a trance, and he returned to the future.

"Hank, prepare a quiet room for me. I'm going to draw a lottery." Lancelot ordered, without looking at Wolverine Logan, to Beast Hank who was looking at him in surprise.

"Of order, my king." Beast Hank was so excited that he looked at Lancelot standing in front of Wolverine Logan frantically, and was overwhelmed with surprise for a moment.

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