Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 91 Space Ark Reactor, The Research Result Of Dr. Pym

The establishment of the spiritual tower makes the kingdom of gods completely invisible in space.

In addition to mind shielding, the spiritual towers of the kingdom of gods also have many spiritual abilities, among which the most widely used by scientists in the kingdom of gods are mind memory transmission, mind projection, and telepathy.

Through the spiritual tower, the Kingdom of God has completely realized the real-time spiritual communication with the Mutant Evolution House on Earth, as well as the mutual transmission of memories between the Earth and the Kingdom of God.

The mind projector was built rapidly.

Through the soul projector, people in the Kingdom of God can project their souls to the evolutionary house of Mutant on Earth, without the need to travel between the two places through the space gate.

The spiritual memory transmission can transmit the research results of the earth's Mutant evolutionary home to the scientists of the kingdom of gods, so that these scientists are making progress almost every minute.

All scientists have backed up their research results and scientific knowledge in the "six-five-three" in the mind and brain, which is convenient for all scientists to read and bring forth the new

With the support of the spiritual tower, the time difference between the earth and the kingdom of gods has been fully utilized. Scientists from the earth began to come to the kingdom of gods one after another, only going to the earth for scientific experiments through spiritual projection.

Home of Mutant Evolution, Siberia, May 1979.

At this moment, in the House of Mutant Evolution, only a group of Sentinels are left patrolling non-stop, and in the huge base, countless spiritual projections are constantly busy.

And in a laboratory, Anthony Vanke was unkempt, and in front of him was an arrogant instrument.

"I succeeded, I succeeded." Looking at the machine in front of him emitting blue light, Anthony Vanke was as happy as a child.

He is the only scientist who has not gone to the Kingdom of God. After Lancelot stamped his thoughts on the Kingdom of God, Anthony Vanke directly let go of his hatred and devoted himself to building an Ark reactor for Lancelot.

In order to complete the construction of the space Ark reactor in the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, Anthony Vanke is working almost non-stop on the earth.

Eat energy serum when you are hungry, inject vitality potion when you are sleepy, and inject fast recovery serum when you are tired.

Even Anthony Vanke transplanted duplication ability for himself. Hundreds of duplications worked day and night, and finally developed the Ark reactor suitable for space today.

"Quickly, turn on the transmission of spiritual memory, extract all the construction memory of Ark reactor, and upload it to the spiritual tower." Anthony Vanke looked at the huge amounts of Ark reactor in front of him, then raised his right hand, and a cloud of red mist emerged from his palm And out, within the red mist, are two soul patches.

Anthony Vanke put the spiritual patches on both sides of his temples, and then started the transmission of spiritual memory, and the memories about Ark reactor were transmitted to the spiritual brain of the Kingdom of God.

And Dr. Leonard and others, who had already received the news, gathered in the Mind Tower at this moment, and each of them had a mind patch on their heads.

As the minds and brains flashed like diamonds, all the information of the space Ark reactor appeared in the brains of all the scientists.

"Quick, let's build the space Ark reactor." Dr. Leonard opened his eyes, and then directed the scientists to move quickly.

"Dr. Pym, use your Pym particles to shrink these materials." Outside a pile of materials, a white man in a scientific white coat took out a red test tube with his right hand.

This white man is obviously Dr. Hank Pym who researched Pym particles.

At this moment, Dr. Pym put the Pym particles in his hand into a flashlight-like device, and then pressed the switch.

"Shrink." A ray of light shone down, and the material in front of Dr. Pym suddenly shrank into a small model.

Then Dr. Pym opened his hand, a cloud of red mist emerged from his right wrist, instantly wrapped up these shrunken materials, and sent them all to a huge amount of plain in the space city.

On the plain, all the scientists were on standby, and after the materials appeared, they began to quickly assemble them.

In just a moment, a small exquisite Ark reactor has been created by this group of scientists.

"Dr. Pym, it's up to you." Dr. Leonard nodded to Dr. Hank Pym, and Dr. Pym took out his flashlight-like device again and turned on the switch.


The small Ark reactor in front of him instantly changed to a normal file size, and the five-meter-high Ark reactor exuded a blue energy light.

"Zoom in." Dr. Pym didn't stop his movements, and clicked on the instrument again, and the five-meter-high Ark reactor in front of him instantly began to zoom in rapidly.

As time passed, a huge Ark reactor hundreds of meters high lay across the plain of the space city, and huge and vast energy gushed out from the energy port, straight into the sky.

After the huge Ark reactor was built, a space gate appeared in front of Dr. Leonard and the others. The figure of Lancelot walked out of the space gate.

At this moment, Lancelot looked at the huge Ark reactor hundreds of meters high in front of him, and gently patted Dr. Pym's shoulder with his right hand...

In New Jersey in 1970, Lancelot had already taken control of Dr. Hank Pym through Geass.

Since 1970, Dr. Hank Pym has built the Pym Particle Laboratory at the Mutant House of Evolution.

In 9 years, Dr. Hank Pym finally completed the application of Pym particles, and made a reduction and magnification instrument through the biological shapeshifting metal of the Mutant Evolution House.

It is an instrument in Dr. Pym's hand that is similar to a flashlight File size. As long as the switch is turned on, Pym particles will spew out from the instrument, and then directly shrink or enlarge the object

"Dr. Pym, how is the design of the Ant-Man battle suit going?" Lancelot asked again after praising Hank Pym.

"My lord, I have already designed the basic model of the first-generation Ant-Man battle suit. Combined with the shapeshifting metal of the Evolution House, I will definitely be able to surpass the original research." Dr. Hank Pym looked at Lancelot enthusiastically and excitedly, said in response.

"Very good, I'm looking forward to your research results, Dr. Pym." Lancelot nodded in satisfaction, the Ant-Man battle suit is not important, for Lancelot, the important thing is the next research in the quantum field.


And when Lancelot was praising Dr. Pym, a dazzling meteor suddenly galloped through the dark space of the universe, and then flew towards the earth without stopping.

"Have you come? The god Egg has finally come to the earth." Lancelot looked up at the shining meteor passing through the kingdom of gods, with a smile on his lips.

In June 1979, the 2.0 Living Planet Celestial God Ego sent his energy duplication to Earth.

"The molecular control ability is exactly what I need." Lancelot's eyes were bright, he was very interested in the molecular control ability of the god Ego.

"However, before I get in touch with the god Ego, I have to use the pupil skills I have accumulated in the lottery." Lancelot stared at the huge amounts of the blue earth in front of him, and said with a light smile

After settling in the kingdom of gods, due to the time difference between the earth and the kingdom of gods, there have been some notable changes in the lottery system for pupil art.

It only takes 20 days in the kingdom of gods to be able to conduct a lottery draw for god-level pupils, and an average of five days for a second-level pupils lottery.

And now Lancelot is about to run his own pupil lottery.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more. Subscriptions are really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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