Su Chen's expression couldn't help but fluctuate.

   Such a superficial ability to rewrite reality, in front of Su Chen, is simply an axe.

   But this intention to die has been successfully passed on to Su Chen.

   Since ancient times, Lancer Lucky E is not unfounded.

   Su Chen's palm was not stretched out, only a finger was stretched out lightly.

   The will that pointed at Su Chen from the tip of the gun instantly changed its direction and pointed to Odin's heart!


   The Eternal Spear is not far from Odin, and in the next second after this will is rewritten, the Eternal Spear has penetrated Odin's heart!

   In an instant, Odin was like a deflated ball, and countless divine powers rushed out of his chest and dissipated in the air.

   But even in this way, Odin still walked forward step by step with an indifferent expression, as if he wanted to continue attacking Su Chen.

   The man who is manipulated, the sad ending is already doomed.

   Eternity is no longer eternal. .

Chapter 156:


   Finally, the scarred Odin fell to the ground, no longer alive.

   And the Eternal Spear was placed aside weakly, even without the strength to penetrate into the ground.

   This artifact finally has no value anymore.

   Even if it is the value of collection.

   On the surface of the Eternal Spear, there are densely dense cracks, which are different from the damage caused by the previous bending. These dense scars extend from the inside of this long spear from the inside out.

The intense battle before   , coupled with the departure of the owner, has completely destroyed the core of this long spear.

   Eternity has become nothingness, just like the dawn of the gods, the Eternal Spear also ushered in its own end.

   Su Chen stepped past Odin's body, and then continued to walk forward.

   An old overlord is not worthy of being called a overlord.

   Behind Su Chen, countless sentry robots are mercilessly slaughtering the soldiers of the fairy palace.

   The robot's combat logic prioritizes the most threatening ones.

   Previously, Odin attracted most of the sentry robot's firepower, which also reduced the 12 casualties of the soldiers in the fairy palace to the deepest.

   But this relief is only temporary after all. With Odin's death, the target of the sentry robot is relocated to these ordinary fairy palace soldiers.

   A slaughter that was even cleaner than before begins again!

  Although they could not attack Audi, the sentinel robots also began to evolve their unique fighting stance based on the battle with Odin!

   That fluffy flame began to imitate the way Odin's divine power exploded, setting off layer after layer of shock waves around.

   Maybe the sentinel's evolution speed is far lower than that of Su Chen, but they are evolving after all, and they are the Su Chen who has weakened countless versions!

   The soldiers of the fairy palace are being slaughtered continuously, but it is not just the soldiers of the fairy palace who are being slaughtered.

   The Kitari's legion had already joined this battle at some point. Battleships and airships large and small opened fire mercilessly at the sentry below!

   It's a pity that it only plays a role in delaying the arrival of death.

   As the streamlined head of the sentry gradually opened, one after another attack resembling death rays from the head of the Destroyer, ruthlessly hit this group of poor Chita Swiss soldiers!

   The only difference between the Chita Swiss soldier and the fairy palace soldier is that one is blooming on the ground, and the other is looking for a mother in the sky.

   And all of this happened behind Su Chen. At this time, Su Chen was walking step by step towards the enemy with an iron face in front of him.

   is also the only enemy that Su Chen has encountered so far with strong emotional fluctuations.

   "This is impossible, you are just a mortal..."

   Loki's face was blue and the corners of his mouth were chapped, as if he was talking to himself.

   He originally thought that he had an army of Kitari people, plus so many soldiers controlled by the Scepter of Mind, even his father Odin, he has no worries.

   Even if it is impossible to reach the earth to **** the remaining infinite gems, at least it is safe in Asgard.

   Layers of protection on the outside gave Rocky a false sense of security.

   It's just a pity that this sense of security has now been ruthlessly broken by Su Chen!

   As Su Chen approached step by step, Loki's breathing became more rapid!

   firmly squeezed the right hand of the psychic scepter, at this time it was already a little pale because of excessive force.

   "God of lies and fraud, Loki."

   Su Chen slowly stopped his steps and looked at the person standing in front of him who was full of fear.

   "Don't you think you are boring now?"

   Su Chen pointed at the psychic scepter that was still flashing.

   From the moment he saw Su Chen, Loki had exhausted all his powers to drive the Scepter of Mind.

   He has fantasized about controlling Su Chen more than once!

   Unfortunately, it's just a fantasy.

   To control other people, Loki needs to have close contact with them with a scepter, let alone Su Chen?

   This weakened version of mind control does not even have the qualifications to shake Su Chen's mind defense!


   Loki, trembling all over, threw away the scepter in his hand.

   At the same time, he folded his hands on his chest, and a dark blue icy light began to appear little by little.

   The Scepter of Mind cannot affect the terrifying enemy in front of him, so I have to use another life-saving magic weapon!

   That is the most powerful thing that Loki can use, and it is also the magic weapon he hates most.

   comes from Loki’s own blood, an artifact owned by the Frost clan, the Ice Box!

   Just when the prototype of the Ice Box appeared in Loki's hand, a powerful hand had already pinched Loki's neck.

   Then he lifted him from the ground fiercely!

   "Your moves are too trifling, I'm tired of it all."

   Su Chen looked at Loki, who was still pushing the Ice Box desperately, and shook his head gently.

   The other free hand simultaneously grabbed this ice box that was about to be launched!

   The light blue light instantly spread from Su Chen's left hand, and began to cover Su Chen's whole body!

   Seeing this scene, a glimmer of hope flashed in Loki's eyes!

   But in the next moment, it became a deep despair!

   With that ray of light flashing, Su Chen is safe and sound, and the box of ice has been firmly grasped by Su Chen.

   The Ice Box is indeed powerful, but it's a pity to meet Su Chen who is immune to freezing.

   With the gentle force of Su Chen's left hand, a crisp cracking sound sounded.


   The Box of Ice was immediately squeezed by Su Chen!

   The blue light rising into the sky began to vent to the surroundings unscrupulously!

   The surrounding sentries switched to a mode of rushing flames at the same time, except that the flames were slightly dimmed, and there was no effect.

   But the dumplings filled with Kitari were dropped from the sky, smashing the soldiers of the fairy palace who had turned into ice sculptures on the ground.

   Loki, with violent eyes held in Su Chen's hand, after breaking free from hopelessness, suddenly showed a crazy smile!

   "The Destroyer... was the product of dealing with the gods in the first place. You must have offended them! And the earth whose destiny is changed by you will sooner or later be punished by them!!"

   Rocky spoke loudly in a hoarse voice.

A dumpling next to   , it's wrong, a Kitari also suddenly struggled and wriggled.

   "Master Thanos will never let you go!"

   The chief of the Kitari people did not know how to avoid the fatal freezing just now, but the situation was not much better.

   The legion commander, whose body was covered with frost, was struggling to say this sentence, and he had no life.

   The same is true for Loki, who was pinched by Su Chen! .

Chapter 157:

   "You are wrong."

   Looking at the two dead bodies, Su Chen shook his head gently.

   "It's not that they won't let me go, but I won't let them go!"

   Su Chen's hands suddenly appeared a blazing flame!

   When the extremely high temperature touched the cold corpse next to it, it instantly vaporized, leaving no ashes behind.

   The remaining power of the Ice Box was the key factor that took the lives of these two guys.

   Now their bodies are almost close to absolute zero.

  How can they live under this temperature?

   "Having the owner of such a trash man is just a trash."

   Su Chen's words were full of irony.

   "What's more, whether it's the Celestial Group or the Thanos, they are just stepping stones for my interstellar empire!"

   Su Chen's tone suddenly became hard as iron!

   They are only worthy of stepping stones!

   Behind Su Chen, countless sentinels have come one after another, standing silently on Su Chen.

   The enemy they are going to slaughter, the vital signs have disappeared.

   "It really disappoints me, the dignified Asgard God Realm has only this kind of strength."

   Su Chen frowned slightly, looking at the ice sculptures still exuding the cold around him.

   This victory was a one-sided victory without any suspense.

   Victory is too easy.

  Whether it is a Zetaru or a fairy palace soldier, there is no way to fight back in front of the growing sentry robot.

   The only two stronger players are Rocky and Odin.

   The artifact in his hand is like a child’s toy...

   "I hope their treasure trove can reduce my disappointment."

   When Su Chen said this, he subconsciously chuckled.

   Although their combat effectiveness is really disappointing, the countless accumulation of Asgard over the past tens of millions of years is still quite curious.

   Su Chen walked into the hall in the middle of Asgard and walked straight to the treasure house next to it.

   It’s just that Su Chen didn’t notice, one after another cracks appeared on the mural above the main hall.

   Those magnificent murals began to peel off little by little, revealing the black lines on the back.

   There seems to be a mural after this mural!

   After reaching the treasure house, Su Chen nodded gently.

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