"Yes, in the future, we will repeatedly determine whether it is a fake Hulk. The detector on the interstellar spacecraft specifically detects the gamma-ray energy value around it, and it can basically be confirmed that it is the real Hulk!"

   The liaison officer nodded hurriedly.

   formally took over the Heavenly Sword Bureau of the Hulk-related materials, and has all the information about the Hulk.

   includes the radiation amount of radiated gamma rays.

   Li Gui or Li Kui can tell the truth at a glance.

   "Before this, there had been weird phenomena that could not be reached by any electric waves in this area..."

   Su Chen frowned a little bit tighter.

   All the information that seemed to be related to it, a blue gem slowly emerged from Su Chen's hand.

   "It looks like someone deliberately sent a dead person in front of me."

   A figure slowly emerged in Su Chen's mind.

   "Since you are dead, can you just die honestly?"

   Su Chen snorted in disdain.

   "After solving this guy, it seems that it is time to go to her and have a good talk, I want to know, what does this woman mean?"

   Along with Su Chen's words, a light blue light has completely wrapped Su Chen.

   "The Supreme has already set off!"

   Seeing this scene, the liaison officer hurriedly reported! .

Chap Chapter 217

   "Your supreme is a bit too powerful..."

  On the Xandar star, a gray-haired middle-aged woman looked at Captain Marvel and spoke very calmly.

   Although the expression looks so calm, the light that keeps flashing in the eyes of this old man still shows that there still seems to be some thoughts flashing fast in this old man's heart.

  Beside this old man, the legionnaire was accompanying him with an uneasy expression on his face.

   If what Su Chen did to Yi Ge before, everything made them feel shocked and surprised.

   Everything that happened not long ago gave them a sense of panic towards Su Chen.

   This is not a characteristic of Sandal Star, and it has nothing to do with politics.

   But every wise creature, when he sees this scene, he will always tremble from the bottom of his heart.

   When they were fighting side by side with Su Chen, or closely following in Su Chen's footsteps, what they saw was that Su Chen was very brave enough to erase one difficulty after another with ease.

   After Su Chen disappeared from the place where Gao Tianzun was, everyone fell into a long wait.

   Except Captain Marvel vaguely guessing what Su Chenjue was going to do, no one can know exactly where Su Chen went.

   And no one knows what Su Chen wants to do.

   "You just have to wait, but I am a little worried about the scene like that, is it too strong for you..."

   Captain Marvel explained this way, and at the same time a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

   She seems to have predicted a certain future.

   "I think we have enough capacity."

   The legionnaire who had been psychologically beaten shook his head, and did not agree with Captain Marvel's point of view.

   Is there anything that can impact the Three Views more than the previous events?

   wiped out a dozen planets easily.

   then cleared what could be regarded as the darkest trading zone in the entire universe, the land of nothingness.

   Immediately afterwards, an entire unit of the Cosmic Elder Group was destroyed.

   Although some members of the current veteran group still survive, they are dead in name.

   It's hard for anyone to believe that the existence that has become a stone statue will have any combat effectiveness.

   The commander of the army thinks that the shock he has received is enough to impact people's three views, can there be anything more shocking than this?

   But what happened immediately afterwards not only impacted the regimental commander's three views, slapped his face, but also made his whole person tremble uncontrollably.


   The commander of the legion who thought he had seen a real **** once again lost his way.

   Although their main combat direction was to launch an offensive against the Universe Pension Group, from which they found Igo's whereabouts.

   But other than that, it's not that they don't fail to work hard.

   Ego hides his own body, but it is impossible for him to hide all his clones.

   Unless he can make this universe obey his orders!

   But obviously he can't do it.

   And these exposed clones have also been closely monitored by Xandar Star.

   It doesn't need too much manpower and material resources. Such a huge planet cannot suddenly disappear. All they need is a small spaceship.

   Impossible... disappear suddenly?

   "Legion commander, we don't know if it was a sudden accident on our side... that planet, that planet is disintegrating!"

  All the surveillance systems of the spacecraft are all connected together to form a huge control room, which is also the combat command room for this time against Yigo.

   And a slightly trembling voice from the monitor came from one of the screens.

   And this is just the beginning.

   The clone in his field of vision was originally pulsing blue continuously like a heart.

   This makes it look full of vitality and full of lethality.

   This kind of thing that seems harmless to humans is like jelly, no matter what kind of substance it comes into contact with, it can always corrode and assimilate easily.

   Including the planet!

   And now in the original bright blue snot-like substance, a kind of run-down gray suddenly appeared!

   Then this kind of gray spread to the entire planet at an extremely fast speed, and a small vortex appeared in the center of the planet!

   It seemed that a vacancy suddenly appeared in the interior of this planet, but immediately after this vortex, it slowly expanded to the entire planet.

   There was no sound and no more impact.

   But this planet is so intact, disappearing from the front of this spacecraft...

   This situation began to appear in the first screen, and then it spread to the second and third...

   until the last one.

   Except for the different exclaims of each observer, the reactions of each planet are so similar.

   all lost their lives completely, and then collapsed.

   ". He, no, how did that supreme lord do it..."

   The legion commander looked at everything in front of him in an incredible way, and even felt that his thinking had appeared blank.

   The current legion commander doesn't even dare to call Su Chen casually.

   They once regarded Ego, who had swallowed a small half of the universe, as a kind of god-like existence, even though this **** was very unfriendly to them.

   And now this kind of thing that can wipe out all traces of the existence of gods in an instant, how should it be called?

   "He actually used that weapon."

   And this response was as early as Captain Marvel's expectation, Captain Marvel sighed and said.

   This is the only way to kill Eagle and all the potential possibilities of Eagle.

   "This way, my hemp (good promise) will be more annoying..."

   Seeing all the eyes of everyone in the army nearby changed, Captain Marvel pressed his forehead helplessly.

   As expected, less than a few minutes after this incident happened, Captain Marvel had already appeared in the administrative center of Xandar Star and appeared in front of their leader.

   And Captain Marvel could clearly feel that under the peaceful attitude of this elderly woman, a kind of alert psychology surged.

   They defeated a powerful enemy, which they did not celebrate.

   Because of the methods used by their allies in the past, they couldn't understand, and even reached a state of panic.

   When people encounter a method that exceeds their thinking ability, they always have such an attitude.

   "I understand what you are afraid of, but I can assure you with all of me that he will never be the next Igo.".

Chapter 218:

   Captain Marvel's attitude gradually became serious.

   at the same time gently pressed his chest, very serious.

   "I have known the Supreme for a long time. At first, I was shocked and terrified by the powerful power he possessed. I have seen him conquer one place after another."

   A look of memories flashed in Captain Marvel's eyes.

   Despite what she said, it seemed to make the ruler in front of him even more uneasy.

   "I can also tell you clearly, what kind of method Su Chen used to make Igo disappear this time, if I guess it is correct, the Supreme used the 6 infinite gems he has treasured for a long time."

   The next words of Captain Marvel caused even more exclamations around him.

   The face of the ruling party is even more abrupt!

  Even if other people have never understood what the 6 infinite gems represent, how can they not know these ancient legends as the leader of the largest neutral force?

   "But this is not what he looted wantonly. Ironically, some people sent the gems to him."

   A funny look suddenly appeared on Captain Marvel's face.

"In the beginning, there seemed to be an infinite gem on the earth, which attracted the attention of other people, and when they wanted to hit the earth, they always greeted the supreme and powerful counterattack, so those greedy gems turned the gems instead. Staying on the earth, this is the origin of the 6 infinite gems."

   A sneer of disdain appeared on Captain Marvel's face, which was aimed at the predators who had never known the heights.

"In addition to these people, there are also some other forces' ideas that have hit the earth. It is precisely because of their greed that ultimately led to their negative supremacy. It is not only a counterattack, but also a beneficial and overwhelming gesture. They plundered their territory, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it."

   Captain Marvel still looked serious, and the ruling man in front of him gradually withdrew his surprised expression, seemingly fascinated.

   There are no strict regulations in the laws of the universe. Instead, paying a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood is the most basic practice.

   This is also recognized by the leader of the neutral force in front of him.

"Some people say that the Supreme Master is a natural overlord, but I don’t think so, I think the Supreme, in fact, his personality is not the slightest difference from his age now, just a lazy child who wants to be lazy. That's it."

   Captain Marvel spread his hands.

   "But some people don't think so. They feel that they can arbitrarily violate what the Supreme cannot tolerate, such as the people he protects, so in the end they all become the stepping stones of the Supreme, and they have achieved the prestige of the Supreme."

   Captain Marvel sighed.

   "Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if they touch them... I have never seen the Supreme actively invade any place."

   Captain Marvel looked at the ruler in front of him calmly.

"You are now uneasy about the existence of the Supreme, but in fact this just proves the attitude of the Supreme. If he wants to, he can completely occupy this planet by the way after erasing Igo. I don't think anyone can stop him. "

   The words of Captain Marvel caused wry smiles from the ruling party and the legion commander.

   Yes, this is also the source of their uneasiness. They have no way to stop an existence that makes them feel so uneasy.

   "It seems that my worries seem to be a little redundant. I am very happy that there is another orderly person with a neutral attitude in this universe."

   The ruler nodded lightly, but his tone was a little erratic.

   Obviously, the words of Captain Marvel did not fully gain their trust, but at least they let them put down most of their worries.

   "I hope that in the future Xander Star can get a strong ally to maintain peace together."

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