They regard the Black Lantern Legion as the most terrifying enemy and must be eliminated, but this group of guys who are supreme in their eyes, actually keep this legion in captivity.

   is like raising a dog, tame this vicious dog, and release them when needed.

   This one from high to low, the gap that suddenly appeared, made many members feel a little uncomfortable.

   But I have to admit that they also had a heartbeat about what Su Chen said.

   maintains the peace of a universe, and they have been doing the previous things, but if you look at what the guardians do, the so-called peace they guard is ridiculous.

   does not guard the real peace, it is just a farce of self-directed and self-acted on a stage.

   To truly integrate with other corps, to truly perform the duties of the corps, I don't know how many members are in the heart of this matter.

It is also precisely because of this sentence. Although the disbandment of the legion and their enemy has become a guardian, this matter feels a bit unacceptable, but all the members silently implemented this order and went there. One planet undergoes legion integration.

   The fourth part of the Fourth Army finally officially arrived on this planet.

   This planet is outside the solar system, but it also revolves around the solar line, so it only takes a short time to reach the earth.

   There is no one on it. This is not a planet with intelligent life in itself, but at this time, it would be great to come to the stationed legion to integrate the legion.

   Before looking for a lantern beast in the early stage, Su Chen had already checked everything here, and at that time Su Chen decided to use this legion as the station of the Fourth Corps.

   Since the goal is the entire universe, and the source of this legion is also the entire universe, it is inevitably impossible for them to exist only on Earth.

   was born on the basis of this fundamental force of the universe. If there were no accidents in the Third Army, I am afraid it would be difficult for them to do much in other universes.

   Unless there is the energy of this emotional spectrum in other universes.

   In short, this is a legion specially set up to conquer Universe One.

   When this green meteor landed on this planet, members of other colors had already surrounded them.

  Although he had some psychological preparations in advance, when the members of the Green Lantern Corps saw the members of other legions, the atmosphere still became a little serious.

  Before the Green Lantern Corps, members of the other three Light Source Corps had arrived here one after another.

   The red angry legion, the orange greedy legion, and the yellow terrorist legion.

To be precise, it is the first part, the second part and the third part of the fourth legion, because from the moment Su Chen left their assembly place, the past history of these legions and the meaning of their own existence have been accompanied by the legion. All of the disbanding disappeared.

   And now the fourth part of the Fourth Army has just arrived.

   But compared to the arrival of several other legions, the arrival of the Green Lantern Corps seemed to make this silence even more weird.

   The three legions in front have different numbers and different abilities, but in essence their concepts are still slightly similar.

   Compared with the hope and courage represented by the Green Lantern Corps, the first three forces are more or less negative.

   And none of their members are peace-loving or fighting for peace. Some of the members and members of the Green Lantern Corps are still preserved. There are certain grievances, whether it is before or after becoming a member of the legion.

···Seeking flowers·····

   Before the arrival of the Green Lantern Corps, at least they still had some common topics, but the current scene does not seem to allow them to communicate too much.

   And now that the Green Lantern Corps arrived, the entire environment suddenly became completely silent. The members of the four legions looked at each other, not knowing what to say, and what attitude to use to communicate.

   The angry Red Legion hardly had much contact with the Third Legion, and the Greedy Legion only coveted the powerful energy of the Green Lantern Legion.

As for the Legion of Dread, it goes without saying that if it weren’t for the existence of some necessary danger, they would have been fighting each other. Not to mention, the members of the Legion of Dread were from the Green Lantern Corps. Betrayed from inside.


   "You are here."

   "Yes, you guys are here too."


   With this embarrassing and explosive communication, the whole environment fell into silence again.

   Some members of the Green Lantern Corps took a deep breath.

   At this time, the embarrassing and suffocating environment on this planet suddenly gave them an illusion. When Su Chen spoke to them before, the environment was quite good.

And now they can only wait silently for the arrival of the remaining three legions that are destined to arrive. I am afraid that only at that time will Su Chen come back to make arrangements for them, and this is an embarrassing feeling. Will end.

   After thinking about this matter, no matter it is a member of any legion, there is a feeling of living like a year in an instant.

   When will the other three legions arrive...

   But before the other three legions have not moved, some other people in another place have already had other different moves.

   "This guy is crazy!"

   "He is so bold, how can he do it like this?!"

   "You are talking about these things with now, so why don't you think about what we should do?" Shan.

Mime private 375

   The place where the Black Death Emperor was once sealed is also the place where the guardians have been staying.

   The fierce quarrel has never stopped.

   From the moment the Black Death Emperor left, until now.

   Even though they all voted and were willing to release him and use him to deal with Su Chen, the dispute between the Black Death Emperor still exists.

   And although they don't have any way to monitor the Black Death Emperor in their hands, they can still perceive the power of the Black Lantern Legion.

   Not long after the black death emperor left, the power of the Black Lantern Legion suddenly grew to an incomprehensible level, which made some guardians talk a lot.

   "The speed of enrollment expansion like this is really terrifying. Almost in the blink of an eye, he recovered almost half of his heyday strength!"

   "How is this possible, unless he has been waiting for us to release him!"

   Several of the guardians changed their expressions in an instant, and even desperately planned to contact the Lantern Beast again, asking them to force the Seven Lantern Army to suppress the Black Lantern Army.

   The black horror of the past proved the power of the Black Lantern Legion and their ubiquitous and indestructible characteristics.

   Seeing that the entire Heilongjiang has recovered nearly half of its strength, some of the guardians suddenly remembered this painful memory.

"No, maybe this is the best thing for us. He can restore the strength of the legion at an extremely fast speed, and it also proves his ability. Similarly, only such a guy can deal with that wicked one. Su Chen!"

   Compared with these impatient guardians who want to restore the free movement of the legion to suppress them, another part of the guardians maintain a completely opposite attitude.

  The power of such a terrifying expansion made them feel a little uneasy in their hearts, but also saw another part of hope.

   can defeat the guys of 7 legions, I am afraid that only the Black Death can fight...

   "I am worried that this guy will make more unreasonable demands after defeating that Su Chen."

   A guardian hesitated for a moment, and then said anxiously.

"This is inevitable. His ambition does not allow him to control only one galaxy, but we can also make some concessions to allow him to slightly expand his fraction. These are all within our allowable range, losing a galaxy, or Several galaxies are within acceptable limits for us."

   But then, another guardian spoke calmly.

   For the thing that they are worried about now, their hearts are truly prepared.

  Although the previously negotiated is only a solar system, for a certain part of the guardians, they are already prepared to bargain with the Black Death Emperor.

   They may lose a little more, but compared with the entire universe, a few small solar systems are nothing at all.

   Especially comparable to the existence of such a person who can threaten the entire universe!

   Guardians are not much different from politicians in some aspects. For them, there is no bottom line that they can abide by. What they want to guarantee is nothing more than to ensure that their best interests are not violated.

   In addition to some small interests, it is not impossible for them to give up.

   This in itself is a characteristic style that belongs to them.

"The Seven Lantern Legion is a deterrent to the Black Lantern Legion after all. The Black Death will not rip with us until the weakness of the Legion is found. After defeating Su Chen, we also need to increase the strength of the Legion. "

   The other part of the guardians nodded, expressing their agreement with this idea, and at the same time put forward a different idea.

"Before we reformed the Green Lantern Corps and obtained those super fighters. Although this matter was once blocked, we think this matter can be put on the agenda again. If the 7 legions all have such fighters, Their combat effectiveness can be improved to a great extent..."

   And the operation that made the sharks so hateful was put back on the agenda by the guardians.

   It's just that they haven't waited for them to have too much discussion about this matter. Just a moment later, all the guardians' faces changed a lot.

  The breath of the black death emperor disappeared...

"what happened?"

   At a moment of surprise, some guardians stood up from their stone pillars.

   Before now, they vaguely felt that this guy's breath was a little weaker, but it was only a little bit, and then it was immediately compensated, so they didn't take it to heart.

   The loss and growth of combat is a natural thing, especially for the Black Lantern Corps.

But at that moment, they could feel that the entire legion, even the Black Death Emperor himself, was instantly like a broken gas ball. The gas inside quickly leaked out, and in the end only a pair of skins remained. No, now. There is no skin left.

nothing left?

   This sudden incident caught all the guardians by surprise.

   At the same time they were shocked, they had not even studied how this thing happened, how it happened, and another thing that made people feel more shocked happened.

   Just when they were still chattering about the complete disappearance of the Black Lantern Legion, and wanted to explore the reason, the face of a guardian suddenly changed, and at the same time, his breath began to become wilting.

   "Damn, I can feel that my connection with the Orange Lantern Corps is cut off!"

   The guardian said with a bit of pain on his chest.

  Some guardians will have a certain connection with the legion, or bind this legion, so that they can also know the recent situation of the legion.

   Except for the Red Lantern Corps in special circumstances, the remaining 6 legions will more or less be bound to a certain guardian.

   As a representative of greed, after hearing the greater benefits given by Su Chen, he naturally unceremoniously cut off the contact with the former guardian and quickly stated his position.

   This will also cause some damage to the lantern beast itself or the legion itself, but this legion no longer exists, do you still care about this loss?

   Just a moment later, the other two guardians also changed their faces, and their breath began to weaken.

   "The Yellow Lantern Corps and the Green Lantern Corps also cut off contact with us!".

Chapter 376:

   At this time, the guardians couldn't sit still.

   "How can they do that?!"

   And those roars that could not suppress panic finally rang in this calm place.

   But the current Su Chen didn't know the panic of the Guardians, and now he just slowly moved closer to the next legion, the Blue Lantern Corps.

   Originally, Su Chen's goal was to reach the assembly area where the Blue Lantern Corps was located, but when he arrived at this assembly area, he suddenly discovered a strange thing.

   Originally, according to Su Chen's order, they should have assembled in their respective assembly areas.

   But now there is no life on the planet where the Blue Lantern Legion is located, which means that the members of the Legion are not here.

   Seeing this scene, Su Chen's brows were a little nervous, but immediately after seeing something, Su Chen's brows stretched out again.

  On the empty planet, except for the huge blue light source, there is no life existence, but there is something extra conspicuous in front of Su Chen.

   That is a long pipe, almost the length of a person, and this is the characteristic weapon of the Blue Lantern Corps.

12   "This thing tells me, have you reached the next legion? This way it saves me the effort to run another legion."

   Looking at this obvious sign, Su Chen leaned a little, and at the same time turned his head and looked at this blue light source from a distance, the whole person flew up and flew towards the next legion assembly ground.

   The gathering place of the Blue Lantern Corps has always been a mystery.

   The number of their own existence is only second to the greedy legion, and what they master seems to have a certain language ability.

   And the place where they are is also unusual.

   Even the few other greedy legions occupy a planet.

   The legion must have its own proper assembly area, which is almost the consensus of the other six legions.

   But the Blue Lantern Corps is different.

   The place where they gather is not so much a huge planet as it is a huge prison.

   Here they are imprisoning some vicious criminals, some of them were caught by themselves, and some of them were transported by members of other corps. It has almost become a unified prison of 7 legions.

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