Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 1063 Landing Operation

The members of the first team of Task Force X seemed to be here to make a joke. Anyway, when Chen Mu and Deadpool came here, they happened to see this scene.

Both of them were a little speechless, especially Deadpool, who seemed very proud.

The fact that the x task force is pulling like this shows that the x agent team he built before is not so weak anymore.

What's this? It all depends on the peers!

"I said before that the x task force is copying my x agent team. Look, it's so weak that it can't compare to me!"

Deadpool was talking to Bala Bala, it was obvious that he was very happy now, and gloating.


Regarding this, Chen Mu didn't say much, and continued to watch the performance of the x task force below.

This group of people is a group of desperadoes. Although the death of the weasel made them a little speechless, they didn't say much. They didn't know each other at all, but they were gathered together because of Amanda. If a teammate dies, it will have no effect on these people at all.

Therefore, the remaining seven members of the advance team also continued to move towards the beach.

"Isn't your mission to help them land? Are you still watching here?"

Chen Mu glanced at Deadpool strangely.

"The Lord God didn't say how to help them, and how many survived. Anyway, in my opinion, as long as one or two survived, it doesn't matter to me how many others die."

Deadpool shrugged indifferently, he didn't care about the lives of these people, he just needed to complete the task according to the minimum standard.

Anyway, the Lord God didn't stipulate what to achieve. The current Deadpool has already learned to be good, and he can take advantage of the basket if he can.

Moreover, as Deadpool who is familiar with the plot, he knows what will happen later, so naturally he doesn't care so much.

Anyway, this group of people will die, only Harley Quinn Harley is left, and when only Harley Quinn is left, he will go up to rescue her and complete the landing by the way, then his mission will be successfully completed.

I have to say that Deadpool's idea is still very feasible.

"Interesting, the world you went to before seems to have a lot of interesting movies. I'll go and watch it after the other things are over."

After Chen Mu said so, he calmed down and watched the play.

In the DC world at this moment, Huaguo is also developing rapidly. More and more incidents of you are triggered by Huaguo. Many superheroes and super villains have had some contact with Huaguo, and Huaguo, with absolute power, It is also to make these people in this world not dare to underestimate Hua Guo.

Nowadays, Huaguo has a very high international status in the DC world, and the most important reason is because Huaguo's power is too strong. It is no longer the case, and other countries can only imagine it.

The poor dead soldier wanted to find some connections to find some big events, and swiped the reward points, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't get his turn at all. After all kinds of requests, the Lord God arranged this mission for him.

It's still Suicide Squad, and it's still a small fight.

In addition to Harley Quinn and the drowned weasel, there are six members in the first team of the advance team. In fact, each has their own abilities and has good personal strength. However, in Suicide Squad, Amanda deliberately arranged them as A small team to die.

The black guard, he has the ability to create energy shields and meteor hammers, his attack power and defense power are very strong, he is a very cheerful young man, but he is a murderous villain, this is in DC Very common in the universe.

Mongal, an alien woman, is said to be the daughter of the cosmic tyrant Mongal, and her physical fitness is much stronger than that of humans.

However, in the DC universe, there are countless aliens who have come to the earth, and it seems that it is not surprising that they are caught and locked up by the US.

In this universe, there are not a few people who call themselves cosmic tyrants, so this Mungo daughter is nothing special.

Broken Arm Man, this guy's super Ability is the ability to separate his limbs and remotely control his own arm Flight, other than that, it is useless, and there is also a fatal weakness.

The separated limbs are still connected to his senses.

In other words, if his flying arm is attacked by someone, his body will still feel pain.

If it's the guy in the comics, this ability is even weaker, and the arm can't even fly. The only function is to pick up his arm and use it as a wooden stick.

It is simply a super Ability that is rubbish to the extreme.

Javelin, who was originally an Olympian, was proficient in javelin throwing. After retiring, he embarked on a criminal path. Now he is sent to the first team, and Amanda wants to kill him.

A wise man, a man with gray hair and a super IQ, his calculation ability is particularly powerful, but his wisdom is not used in the right way, because he is not trusted, and Amanda is simply going to kill him.

Finally, there is an old face, Captain Boomerang. When he was in Midway City, this guy was also a member of Suicide Squad, but this guy didn't die, and he survived by hiding.

However, he still had a bomb and a locator in his mind, so he couldn't escape, so he was sent to prison again.

This time, she was assigned to this small island to perform a mission, and as the first team, it was Amanda who wanted to kill this person, so that the secret of Midway City could be hidden forever.

And then there's Harley Quinn Harley, definitely an old friend of Deadpool's.

Oh, there is another acquaintance, that is Rick, you are the boyfriend of the witch, and he was also arranged by Amanda in the first team.

The witch is dead. Although Joan is not dead, but without the power of the witch, in Amanda's view, Rick naturally has no value.

Therefore, knowing that the first team will definitely die, Amanda still arranges Rick to lead the team, and at the same time controls the life and death of others.

And Deadpool's task is to make this landing a success, only one person is enough to survive, and the candidate chosen by Deadpool is naturally Harley Quinn.

As for the others?

Just die.

On the other side, Harley Quinn and other Suicide Squad members also swam from the sea to the coast and walked onto the quiet beach.

And the beach was too quiet, which made several people feel that something was wrong.

"There is an ambush!"

After the wise man said something, he lay down on the ground and hid behind a stone.

He just has a smarter brain, and he has no combat ability.

As for the other members, they were more or less stronger than ordinary people, so they also sensed that something was wrong, and they all prepared to find a place to hide.

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