Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 111: Funeral Whip

The Marvel world, this is a superhero world, and various superheroes form this magnificent world view.

Here, superhero is the well-deserved protagonist!

However, it is clear that Chen Mu did not follow the routine.

In Chen Mu's thinking, "individual heroism" is not advisable, what he pursues is "collective heroism".

There is a savior in the culture of Western countries. Ordinary people believe that he represents God, and believe that he can be saved, so personal heroes will be derived.

This is where these "superheroes" come from.

As a native of Huaguo, Chen Mu has never believed in a savior, nor asked for a god. He has always firmly believed that saving the world can only be done by himself and by everyone working together.

This is a huge difference between East and West.

In other words, it is simply the difference between the East represented by Huaguo and the West represented by Europe and America.

So at this point, Chen Mu's behavior all the time has also made it difficult for Tony to understand.

The West is a "self-interested" society. Even if you become a superhero, you will give priority to your own vital interests.

In this regard, Chen Mu and Tony are fundamentally different.

"Huaguo is secretly promoting Ark Energy. After four years at most, free Ark Energy will enter the society of Huaguo."

On the way back to the company, Tony sat in the car driven by Happy, watching the busy traffic on the street with complicated eyes. He still hasn't been able to figure out what Chen Mu did.

Ark energy is definitely the most important energy source on the entire earth in the future. Its energy level is very high, and when it is converted into electrical energy, its efficiency is much higher than most energy sources.

Although in terms of electricity, it is not as good as nuclear power, but it is clean and pollution-free!

Ark Energy can definitely replace all energy in the world, and this will directly damage the interests of most international energy giants, and even most energy exporting countries.

Whether it is oil, coal, or natural gas, these traditional energy sources will all lose their existing value after the promotion of Ark Energy.

And these things are now controlling the economic lifeline of the entire world!

To put it simply, promoting Ark Energy for free is cutting off the lifeline of all these energy companies and countries!

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!

Tony is very aware of this, so even in the future, even if he develops Ark Energy and successfully uses it for civilian use.

However, he did not dare to fully promote it. As for the public technology? It is even more impossible.

From the plot of Avengers alliance1 to the later Avengers alliance4, Ark Energy seems to have never appeared again, and Stark Group has only quietly transformed into an "energy company" in secret.

That's right, his Ark Energy is charged...

By doing so, not only will he be able to make money to recover the cost, but more importantly, no matter how awesome his Stark Group is, he will not dare to rashly attack the entire market and the entire world!

If Tony did that, his Stark group would be wiped out the next day.

However, Huaguo did just that!

As a country with great power, and for its own people, Huaguo's future promotion of free energy is to offend the whole world. If there is no strong power, it is impossible to withstand the pressure of the whole world. !

It's no wonder why Hua Guo developed its own military power crazily during this period of time.

If there is not enough power, when he said that energy is free, can he withstand the threat of other countries?

But now, the current Huaguo naturally dared to pat his chest and say, he dares!

"Happy, tell me, if all the energy in our lighthouse country is free, what would it be like?"

Thinking of this, Tony looked curiously at Happy who was driving aside, and couldn't help asking.

"Energy free?"

Happy's eyes lit up, full of excitement, and he said, "Free electricity and gasoline? That would be great!"

"Boss, you don't know. The price of gas has risen again. The author can't even afford gas. If this continues, he will have to walk to work. How can he have time to continue updating?"


Tony had a black line on his face, and then he didn't want to talk. However, from Happy's words, he could also see that even in the lighthouse country, ordinary people's expectations for "free energy".

Although, Hapi is not considered an "ordinary person" at all. As Tony Stark's bodyguard and driver, how could his salary be low?

But even so, Happy also expects the energy to be free, so there is no need to think about other people.

Presumably, in this world, except for people from various energy groups, everyone would hope for free energy.

However, in a capitalist country, this kind of thing will never happen.



At this moment, Happy suddenly yelled and turned the steering wheel suddenly, the car slid sideways and made a harsh sound.

In front of the car, in the middle of the road, a strange man appeared. There were several simple devices on his body. Surprisingly, on his chest was a reactor shining with blue light. On each of his hands, there is a very long metal whip, and a dazzling blue electric light is shining on the whip.

Sangbian, Ivan Vanke, he is a technical genius, his father, Anton Vanke, used to be Tony's father, Howard Stark's colleague, but because Anton Vanke tried to use Tesseract to create benefits, he was eventually expelled by Howard. Soon he died in Siberia.

As the son of Anton Vanke, Ivan Vanke vowed to make the Stark Group pay the price and want to bring down the other party.

He also appeared as the villain of Iron Man2.

But now, after some messy things, Ivan Wanke finally found a chance, finally found Tony's whereabouts, and came out wearing his armor, wanting to attack Tony.


Hit by the electric whip, the car was split in half. Fortunately, neither Happy nor Tony had any major problems, and ran out of the car wreckage in a hurry.

"Boss, is this your enemy?"

Happy scratched his head and looked at Tony with a mournful face.

"have no idea."

Tony also looked confused, he said he didn't know the man in front of him?

Who is this? But seeing the reactor on his chest, he was surprised.

Because Chen Mu already had a reaction furnace, Tony didn't have much reaction to other people having a reaction furnace. He just felt that there are still a lot of smart people in this world. No, another one can come up with a reaction. The Furnace Man appeared.

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