"Maintain, universe peace?"

When Nezha heard this, he had a strange expression on his face, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, you actually said that you are maintaining the peace of the universe?"

Nezha has been professionally trained, and generally can't laugh unless he can't help it. Hearing Danvers' big words, he really can't help it all at once.

How big is the universe? Why do you want to protect the peace of the universe?

Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big.

And, does the universe need you to keep the peace?

The universe is so big, and destruction and rebirth are happening all the time. Anytime, anywhere, civilizations will be destroyed and new civilizations will be born.

As far as this universe is concerned, why do you say that you want to maintain its peace?

What a joke!

Not to mention anything else, at this very moment, there might be a civilization that is facing destruction. Don't you want to maintain world peace? Why don't you go to help these civilizations?

What's more, based on the news about the universe that Huaguo has received from Asgard, there are many warlike races in the universe that are full of aggressiveness. Why don't you see them attacking these forces?

Oh, so you dare not!

But yes, the power of Captain Marvel Danvers is indeed powerful, and it is not bad to put it in the universe, but, with the power of a single person, want to protect a civilization? What are you kidding?

And, according to Danvers, she doesn't protect only one civilization?

But speaking of it, your strength, Danvers, seems to be pretty good. Why didn't you disappear when New York, America, was invaded by aliens?

Oh, forgot, didn't you say that you maintain world peace in the universe? What business on earth matters to you?

Nezha scoffed at Danvers' statement, not paying attention to it at all.

Come on, it's another S.H.I.E.L.D thing.

Self-righteous, arrogant, not even knowing how much money you have, and trying to talk empty words, wanting to protect the world?

Do you know how many worlds there are? Learn more about multi-universe?

As far as the current Huaguo is concerned, it should be an alliance formed by the Huaguo of the two worlds. Now there are tens of millions of troops. Every soldier is very powerful, and many soldiers are not weaker than Thor.

With such strength, the current Hua country does not dare to speak loudly about protecting world peace.

With so many worlds, how can you take care of everything?

This is nothing short of a joke.

"Little devil, what is that look in your eyes?"

Perhaps Nezha's contempt made Danvers very upset. She frowned at Nezha and said, "I'm here to find Chen Mu. I heard from Nick Furui that Huaguo is now in charge of him?"

"Then you are looking for the wrong person. Brother Mu is just a scientific researcher, and cannot influence Huaguo's decisions."

Nezha looked at Danforth with a look of looking at sand coins, and said: "Our Huaguo belongs to the people, not to a certain person. Every important decision in Huaguo will depend on the majority of people. the sound of."

Chen Mu does have the importance of influencing the decision-making of Huaguo, but he will never exercise this so-called right.

Chen Mu has never forgotten the fact that he is only a member of Huaguo.

"Nick Fury will never lie to me." Danforth frowned, eyes full of disbelief, he looked at Nezha and said so.

"That nigger?" Nezha thought for a while, then thought of who Nick Fury was, and then said with a look of disdain: "He knows shit, he doesn't know anything, he's also SHIELD Director, I heard that in his S.H.I.E.L.D Are they all HYDRA's undercover agents? Hehe, it's really interesting!"


Facing Nezha's words, Danvers was very speechless, but he didn't have any refutation.

Isn't that the truth?

In S.H.I.E.L.D, 99% of the people are now HYDRA, and Pierce has replaced Nick Fury to become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Presumably, he is now using thunderous means to clear S.H.I.E.L.D of agents who really belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.

This is all right, maybe in a few days, all the people in S.H.I.E.L.D will be replaced by HYDRA people, what else is it called S.H.I.E.L.D, just change its name to Snake Shield Bureau.

Although these things are a bit difficult to say, Nick Fury still told Danforth without reservation, letting her know the serious situation now.

"What do you have to say? Just tell me, Brother Mu doesn't have time to talk to you jumping jokers."

For the people in America, Nezha couldn't feel any good feelings, and said with a displeased face.

"Since Chen Mu has invented so many advanced technologies, he should contribute them. Recently, we are trying to establish the Heavenly Sword Bureau to gather the power of various civilizations in the universe and build a common force to maintain the peace of the universe. "

Danvers said with a serious face, but what he said made Nezha and the surrounding soldiers of the Spear Bureau feel a little weird.

What kind of brain circuit is this?

"The Holy Place spaceship of the Thanos Legion is the most advanced warship even in the entire universe. It is more advanced than the spaceships of the Cree Empire, and the spaceships of the Hua Kingdom can destroy it. Proof of its excellence."

As expected, the fact that one of the holy place spaceships of the Thanos Legion was destroyed by Huaguo has also spread in the universe.

This kind of powerful warship is enough to disdain the whole world!

Danforth, on the other hand, also fell in love with the technology of this kind of warship, talking high-sounding words and daydreaming unrealistically.

"The Heavenly Sword Bureau needs such warship technology. As long as the Heavenly Sword Bureau can have such a powerful warship, it will be easier to punish evil and promote good in the universe!"

Danfoss was amazed by the idea of ​​Nick Fury's Tianjian game, and thought it was a particularly good idea. In the universe, build a universe version of S.H.I.E.L.D!

Now that she has come to Earth, she has obtained the consent of Tower Ross. The Skrulls are willing to become a part of the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Now that they lack powerful high-tech weapons and warships, Danvers naturally set his sights on Hua country.

After all, a few days ago, the news that Huaguo's battleship destroyed a holy place spaceship of the Thanos Legion had already spread in the universe.

Danvers vainly wants to master the weapons of the Kunpeng spacecraft, so that the Tianjian Bureau will have greater confidence to maintain the peace of the universe!


This is a wand.

Everyone present couldn't help but flash this thought in their hearts.

"Heavenly Sword Bureau, is that the organization that Nick Fury wants to establish recently?"

At this time, Chen Mu had also stepped on the flying sword, and slowly came to the air. Hearing Danvers' words, he couldn't help being a little funny.

"That's right, you are Chen Mu, right?"

Captain Marvel looked proudly, glanced at Chen Mu, and said with his eyes above his head: "You should have heard my proposal just now."

"The Tianjian Bureau needs the technology of the Huaguo warship, which is very important for maintaining the peace of the universe!"

Don't doubt, Danvers is so arrogant. In the plot of Avengers alliance4, she arrogantly said that she can solve everything as soon as she appeared on the stage, she was really arrogant.

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