"Warning, warning, there is a special situation in the space elevator, there is a person flying outside our cabin!"

Encountered in this situation, Liu Peiqiang or others were also at a loss at the moment, and quickly contacted their superiors.

The appearance of Clark stunned everyone, which was completely beyond their imagination.

Can someone fly in space with a physical body?

Is this reasonable?

Although most of the astronauts present are air force elites from various countries, they are simply ordinary people who are doing great things in the ordinary. For example, Liu Peiqiang, before that, he was still doubting whether there was really a The existence of solar helium flash...

And now, the appearance of Superman is beyond their imagination.


At this time, Clark suddenly noticed that a large number of drones were flying towards here, and he turned his head immediately. Super Vision showed him that countless armed drones were flying towards the space elevator. The goals speak for themselves.

It has been a while since what happened to Tu Hengyu, Nuwa has thoroughly grasped the progress of this world, and also discovered the problems that this world is facing today.

There are constant conflicts between people who support several different plans, especially the people of the Digital Life faction. Under the impetus of some behind-the-scenes black hands, since these incidents, they have been carrying out sabotage operations and caused a lot of damage.

In fact, most of the people who support the digital life plan are powerless people who have nothing and dream of living in other worlds.

It is also based on this that the Digital Life faction is secretly manipulated by some people to destroy other plans.

At this moment, under the arrangement of a certain force, the people of the Digital Life Project are preparing to launch an attack on the space elevator.

Trying to destroy the space elevator, in doing so, also gives the upper hand to a plan that he can support.

But this time is different, Nu Wa controls the entire human society, she needs human beings to unite as soon as possible, the plan she supports from the beginning to the end is only the project of moving mountains, which is later the project of Wandering Earth, she knows very well that this is the The earth in this world is the only way out, and it is also the most helpful plan for her, so she must terminate all other plans.

So, she took control of the supercomputer and became the mastermind behind this world.

This time, she wants to use the people of the Digital Life faction to destroy the space elevator, so as to contain the Ark project, which is the spaceship faction supported by America, and let some "human elites" leave the earth.

Nu Wa's method is actually very simple and easy to understand. She uses the people of the Digital Life faction to create various threats in order to unite human beings.

The original humans also had this plan, but they have always been restrained and controlled the loss, but now that Nu Wa has taken over, it is naturally different.

After all, people with digital lives, how can they have such an ability to easily master all drones.

Seeing that the unmanned drone army came unkindly and fought with the fighters driven by humans, Clark spoke to the crowd and flew towards the drone swarm.

The overwhelming drones are actually very powerful. Even today's human fighters are also very advanced, but facing the drone swarm, they are caught in a hard fight.

Because the computers are all controlled by Nüwa, the network directly fails. Facing the drone swarm, the air force pilots cannot rely on the computer to lock them, but can only rely on visual attacks.

This has very high requirements for drivers and is very dangerous.

Fortunately, the troops guarding this Gabonese space elevator are all outstanding troops from various countries. Facing the attack of the drone swarm, they can barely resist it temporarily.

It's a pity that there are too many drones. Soon, a large number of drones broke through the blockade of fighter planes and approached the space elevator.

Now, many people have also seen that these drones, or the black hands behind them, have a very clear goal, that is, the space elevator!

"These bastards!"

Zhang Peng, a member of the Huaguo flight, couldn't help cursing angrily in the fighter plane. Today's human beings are united and want to get through the difficulties together, but there is always a group of mice that hold back at this time.

It's fine if you lie flat, but don't make trouble!

The space elevator is very important for the development of space technology for human beings. No matter which plan it is for, it must be backed by strong space technology, so that it can support other plans.

And now, the attack of the supporters of the Digital Life Project turned out to be a space elevator!

In Zhang Peng's view, this is simply unreasonable!

After all, over the years, many terrorist attacks have been initiated by people from the digital life genre, and this time is naturally no exception.

If he could, he now wanted to be able to stuff the brains of all these pro-digital beings up their asses.

I don't even think about it, the earth is going to be destroyed, and I still want to live in a virtual world. To put it nicely, I want to change my way of life, but to put it badly, that is to act as an NPC in a virtual game.

This is nothing more than escaping from reality. After the sun swallows the earth, where will there be any computers on the earth, and where will there be servers for you to live on?

To take a step back, even if you send a supercomputer into space and no one maintains it, how long will your computer last?

Do you still want to keep people to maintain computers for you?

Why do you need others to protect you and take care of you people?

Besides, aren't you afraid that the maintenance personnel will be bored at that time, or go crazy after staying for a long time, playing games and cutting you off as monsters?

Data Immortality?

It was a joke from the beginning to the end, used by a person who is not very good at fooling his mind.

"Their goal is a space elevator, find a way to stop them!"

Zhang Peng said these words to the control room, but faced with the massive drones, there was nothing he could do.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, when Zhang Peng and the others felt powerless, two fiery rays of light descended from the sky, like lasers, quickly swept across a large area of ​​drones, causing a series of explosions, and a shadow quickly shuttled through a large number of drones. Among the drones, destroy all these drones.

This made Zhang Peng and other flight crew members stunned, because they all saw that the shadow was a person!

A figure traveling countless times faster than the speed of sound easily broke through the cluster of drones and destroyed a large number of drones. In his eyes, the laser beam before was emitted from the eyes of this figure.

Superman's thermal vision is especially useful against these drones.

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