Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 967 The Guess Of The People Behind The Scenes

"Loki, can we have a nice talk?"

Seeing the female Loki seemed determined to want their lives, the time Asgardian faltered and tried to start communicating with the female Loki.

"My name is Hillvi now."

The female Loki was unmoved, and slowly walked towards the time Asgardian with a long knife, and said, "Remember, I, Hillvi, killed you!"

"Didn't you say your name is Randy?"

Loki couldn't help complaining from behind at this moment.

"It's called Hillville now!"

Female Loki, that is, Hill Wei said without looking back, and then suddenly threw the long knife in her hand towards the Asgardian who was talking.

The rotating blade, without any hindrance, slammed into the neck of Asgardian of Time, and a huge head rolled down. Asgardian of Time, who was still high above and blown into the sky by the Time Management Bureau, was beheaded by Hill Wei Losing their heads, this scene made both Loki dumbfounded.

Seeing Gulu Gulu rolling down to steal you, Hill subconsciously stepped on it, and saw the wire on Asgardian's neck, and then he understood the whole story.

"It turns out that time Asgardian is just three puppets..."

Manipulation was a huge blow to Hill. She thought her enemy was Time Asgardian, but in the end, she found that Time Asgardian was nothing more than a puppet robot, which made her lose her target for a while. He just stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

"What's going on..."

On the other hand, Loki is also completely ruined. He believed what Mobius said, and felt that he could unify the timeline and set the time of the "sacred timeline". How powerful is Asgardian? In the end, that's it?

What makes Loki even more speechless is, with the strength of the Time Management Bureau, how can he get so many Infinite Gems?

"Time Asgardian, is nothing more than a tool someone uses to rule the Time Administration."

Hill Weiner said that at this moment, she completely lost her goal and didn't know what to do.

"I thought that my enemy was the time Asgardian, but it seems that I am just being manipulated by others."

Hill Wei looked very lonely and depressed.

"It doesn't matter, we will definitely be able to find the mastermind behind the Time Management Bureau and let everything come to light."

Seeing that Hill was so disappointed, Loki hurried up and began to comfort him. This guy was really moved, and the other party was "Loki" from another world.

Somewhat hot eyes.

"Mr. Chen Mu, who do you think is behind the Time Management Bureau?"

Loki patted Hill Wei's shoulder, and suddenly remembered that there was an unfathomable Chen Mu next to him?

Seeing his calm expression, it was obvious that he had expected what happened here a long time ago, and he didn't show any surprises.

"I don't know, but I think it should be a black man."

Chen Mu shrugged and continued: "Otherwise, it cannot explain why there are many black people in the positions of decision makers and management in the Time Management Bureau."


What you said is very reasonable, but there is no need to pay attention to these weird points, right?

"But speaking of it, I am quite familiar with the technology used by the Time Management Bureau. Whether it is their time-space gate or the weapon sanction stick, they all come from a technology called "Time Platform", and this A technology that was originally invented by a man named Reed Richards."

The time platform technology has been developed by MR.Fantastic in the Illuminati, but the MR.Fantastic of the Illuminati has not perfected it. It can only be used for space transmission, but not for time. Shuttle, and this technology of the Time Management Bureau is more convenient.

"Oh, Reed Richards, also known as MR.Fantastic, is a superhero in America."

Therefore, the behind-the-scenes people of the Time Management Bureau are somewhat related to MR.Fantastic.

The portal used by the Time Management Bureau is actually a perfect time platform, and their weapons, which they call "sanction sticks", are things like fire sticks, which are also time platforms, but they are the people who will be hit , sent to a certain space.

The essence of the sanctions and resets imposed by the Time Administration is to send people to a world where they cannot return in theory. In fact, there is nothing great about it.

"Superhero? Just like the Jokers in Avengers?"

When it comes to superhero, Loki is very upset. After all, he was sanctioned by the Avengers group. When he said this, he brought some personal grievances.

But what he said is okay, the so-called superhero is really just a group of Jokers in strange clothes.

"Roughly the same."

Chen Mu said with a smile: "MR.Fantastic is known as the smartest human being, and has developed a lot of powerful high-tech, but the MR.Fantastic I know has just developed the technology of the time platform, and there is no time yet. The Authority’s time platform technology is so perfect.”

"Perhaps, the Time Management Bureau was established by people in the future, and it also has the technology of the time platform."

It has to be said that Loki actually still has a brain, and he quickly figured out this possibility.

"The Time Management Bureau can travel through time, perhaps it is an organization established by someone in the future, and this person behind the scenes also controls the time platform technology of MR.Fantastic."

"Yes, that's what I thought."

Chen Mu glanced at Loki admiringly, and continued: "I suspect that the Time Management Bureau is MR. It is not difficult to go to the past time and space."

In fact, the guesses of the two of them are almost the same, and there is only one piece of evidence, or confirmation.

"So that's it, so is this person called MR. Fantastic also black?"

Loki nodded knowingly, and agreed with Chen Mu's idea, because it was the only one that could be explained.

Anyway, haven't those so-called superheroes caused trouble all the time?

According to the urine nature of "superhero", this is probably the case with the Time Management Bureau.

"No, MR. Fantastic is a white man."

On this point, Chen Mu can be sure.

"Didn't you say that the person who established the Time Administration should be a black man?"

Loki looked suspicious.

"That's his offspring, maybe which one of his offspring, combined with a black man, gave birth to a black man, you don't know about the genetic pollution of black people, isn't it normal for a child to be black with black genes?"

If a woman gave birth to a child with black skin and African-American characteristics, she would know whose offspring the child is without thinking about it. It couldn’t be because she drank too much soy sauce during pregnancy, right?

Who will believe it?

ps, Kang is the descendant of MR.Fantastic? However, the Marvel movies after Avengers alliance 4 are really stretching the hips to the extreme, comparable to the bad movies in China, Black Panther2 and Ant-Man3, both are bad movies and do not accept refutation, Loki American drama is better, but it also stretches the hips later If it doesn't work, the story of the Marvel world is about to be cleared, and the next step is to walk the line of ten thousand boundaries.

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