Marvel: The Supreme King

0223. My will is all over the galaxy! (The fourth update, please customize)


The boundless mind fluctuations suddenly leaped over the actress Qin and diffused into the star field.

The mind fluctuations immediately set off ripples in the starry sky, gradually covering the distant planets, and soon, every life planet was enveloped by this mind fluctuation.

In an instant, with the help of Mind Gem, which is like a brain wave strengthening machine, Yun Chen's mind fluctuations have covered the entire Virgo galaxy.


One after another spiritual link is continuously connected, and everyone in the Virgo galaxy is quietly descended by a will.

It can be said that At the moment Yun Chen's will is to fill every corner of the Virgo galaxy.

In a sense, he has turned into the Virgo galaxy.


Flip through the memory and read the deepest part of each person's memory.

This time, Yun Chen spent a lot more time, because there are too many people in the entire Virgo galaxy.

Reading hundreds of millions of people's memories is a very terrifying thing. With the support of Mind Gem, Yun Chen finally started a large-scale screening.

as predicted.

A lot of Skrulls were pulled out by Yun Chen from the vast crowd.

You know, the Virgo galaxy is so close to Bourbon 930, where the Cree and Skrulls fought each other in the past.

Therefore, it is natural that the entire galaxy must be invaded by the Skrulls early.

It's just that their targets are no longer Kree people, but Kryptonians.

But now, the entire secret invasion, all the Skrulls lurking in the galaxy have been found out by Yun Chen one by one.

"All right."

"You can die in peace."

This time, Yun Chen's voice resounded in the hearts of each of their Skrulls.

It is no longer to die silently, but this time it is to let them die clearly.


"What's that sound?"

"Damn...that's not the voice of the Krypton Emperor.

The words that suddenly invaded their minds suddenly made every Skrull look shocked.

You must know that they have all changed their appearances and figures in the Virgo galaxy, and incarnated into a down-to-earth local.


Now this unknown existence suspected of being the Krypton Emperor has directly revealed their true veil.

There were two Skrulls who were close to each other. They looked at each other and looked at each other. After making eye contact, they undoubtedly confirmed that they both heard a voice.

"All right!"

The words of the heart emerged again.

"I condemn you to death!""

Yun Chen's angry words immediately fell into the minds of every Skrull.

"Do not!


The Skrulls only felt inexplicable tremors in their minds, and they felt the passing of vitality under the trembling of their souls.

His eyes turned white, and his consciousness began to gradually dissipate.


All the people of various identities disguised by the Skrulls undoubtedly collapsed to the ground, their consciousness dissipated, and they completely turned into their original Skrulls.

Like cutting straw, the shadows lurking on every planet collapsed.

This scene after scene shocked the people around, and the figure who suddenly fell down completely died, which was enough to surprise them.

But who would have thought that a person who gets along day and night is actually a Skrull pretending to be.


The world is too crazy.

Shanzhai Xingren is worthy of being Shanzhai Xingren, but they are secretly lurking in the grassroots stations under the superb ability.

Waiting for the right moment, without thinking too much, will surely set the Kryptonian Empire's backyard on fire.

However, now their conspiracy was completely smashed by Yun Chen, who dominated the incarnation of the mind.

Their deaths are unclear, after all, the Skrulls can't imagine that a person's will is actually flooding the entire Virgo galaxy, and they have been found out through a vast spiritual project.

Died not wrong!

Definitely, what made Yun Chen curious was that there were still several fish that slipped through the net, withstanding the shock of the mind, and ran away desperately.

Apparently, it's the Super Skrull.


A Super Skrull flew towards the sky suddenly, and he survived the mental shock just now. After all, the mind fluctuations that radiated the entire galaxy would not destroy him, the Super Skrull, in an instant.

It's just that he couldn't understand how he escaped Yun Chen's vision under Yun Chen's will.


Under the teleportation, Yun Chen's figure appeared silently in the starry sky.


The Super Skrull Flight stopped at this point, and he had a sullen look on his face. Sure enough, the words that fell into his mind just now were indeed the Kryptonian Emperor.

"How did you find me?

As the Super Skrull lurking in it, he was careful enough to avoid revealing any clues.

But what he never expected was that the other party actually found him from it.

Yun Chen laughed and said, "I didn't just find you, in fact, the Skrulls under you are all dead."


The Super Skrull gritted his teeth, unable to believe the answer coming from his ears.

That doesn't mean that the psychic wave that swept down just now was aimed at all Skrulls.


How can this Superman emperor still have this ability.


The Super Skull roared loudly. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He copied Superman's Ability directly, and came towards Yun Chen.


A long time ago, more than a dozen Super Skrulls were ruthlessly slaughtered by Yun Chen after they successfully copied Ability to become Superman.

Now that he is just a person, he dares to launch an attack, and his head may have been fooled by the mental fluctuation just now.

Yun Chen smiled coldly, and punched him lightly.


The Super Skrull who had just obtained some of the Superman's power in front of him immediately exploded half of his body, and blood mist sputtered out recklessly.


Yun Chen's figure burst out, and easily slammed into the face, with a bang, the remaining half of his body suddenly exploded completely.

Under the fluctuation of mind just now, he not only found out Skrulls, but also some rare existences of Super Skrulls.

After seeing that they were discovered, these Super Skrulls were in a hurry and were ready to try to escape.

It's a pity that Yun Chen can't let them go, a soul stab from a long distance took away a life in an instant.

At the same time, Yun Chen's body was like a waterfall of information, directly teleporting to the distant starry sky.

The volley is another punch!


The figure of the Super Skrull suddenly exploded.

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