Marvel: The Supreme King

0257. The King of the Phantom Zone! (The third update, please customize)

early morning.

in the bedroom.

The moonlight from the outer starry sky shone from the window, and the endless surging starlight brewed the full power of starlight, making all the shadows here dissipate, and the starlight was uncertain.

This is the palace of the Emperor of the Empire.

With such a delicious maid, Yun Chen is naturally not a saint, and it is inevitable that he will eat it all with his mouth open.

Definitely, this is just the spice of life, and it won't make him completely immersed in it.

From start to finish, he never forgot his ambitions.

With a lazy look on her face, Lucini put on a golden robe for Yun Chen. Not long ago, this medic who had been by her side and could be said to be Yun Chen's first woman in the world has been canonized as a medic. Empress.

She was also the first woman to be counted on fame.

Lucine, the blond female doctor, may not have imagined that she would have the status she is today.

Even the goddess Hela, who guarded one side, and the high priest Ayesha, who was in charge of one star field, had to bow their heads to this frail blonde lady.

Definitely, the post of queen is directly vacant.

Captain Marvel Carroll 943 is more like a lover, like a wild flower growing outside, not too much to do with the Empire.

As for the emperor's heirs?

In fact, Yun Chen didn't consider this issue at all, after all, he estimated that his lifespan would be immortal, and he would not need his own children.

After having fun, it's natural to go back to business.

.....Departing from the Phantom Zone. This is Yun Chen's next plan.

Before leaving, Foola, the beauty of the iceberg, did not forget to say, "Your Majesty, please let me follow.

After all, she went through the phantom area and knew the twists and turns, so Yun Chen agreed.

Without the help of the Kryptonian personnel, Yun Chen took Fuola's body directly into the phantom area in an instant through the Space gem.

Phantom Zone.

This is similar to an unknown pocket universe, excavated by the El family of the Kryptonian Empire in the past.

Since then, this timeless space has been reduced to the exile of the Kryptonian Empire.

Dim and dim.

Between the shadows and shadows, only a layer of hazy mist shrouded the surroundings. Everything in the phantom area is not only as simple as time has stopped, but even the space makes people feel blurred.

Here, everyone seems to have lost their sense of direction.

However, Yun Chen raised his eyebrows, which was not difficult for him.

The feeling of space is naturally not difficult for the master of space.

The stagnation of time, the loss of sense of direction, and the ferocity of the phantom area can be seen to some extent.

"Not only that, the most ferocious in the phantom area is the beast entrenched here." said Foola, the beauty of the iceberg.

Aboriginal beasts?

It's too late, it's too soon.

The starry sky in front of him seems to be rippling like a lake, and the violent fluctuations make people think that one by one cannonballs are smashing into the lake.


Yun Chen's cold eyes flickered with shimmering light, which allowed him to penetrate all the falsehoods and find the source of the turbulence from the darkness.


I saw not far away, a giant beast like a whale slammed into it, and the hazy mist was completely washed away by the momentum that was wrapped around him.

At this time, even Foola could clearly see the appearance of this huge beast in front of him.

"King of the Phantom Zone. 35

Foola sighed.


At this moment, a violent sound suddenly sounded.

Only the figure of the fierce beast colliding in front of him was restrained by force, and his entire huge head exploded.

This starry sky beast is useless under a single glance, but the strange thing is that his entire body that was torn apart did not spray a little blood mist.


Clouds of black mist spewed out from the broken gap, and these (ajcf) slowly rolling mists faintly emerged faces.

Like an imprisoned soul, every face is full of pain.

As if feeling the breath of the living person in front of them, the faces showed a hint of madness, and they came towards Yun Chen and Fuola with their claws and claws.

"Kryptonian criminals who were killed outright, a sense, they became part of the King of the Phantom Zone. 35

Foola said.


At this moment, a scarlet flash suddenly emerged, and Yun Chen's eyes were seen with a thick beam of hot sight.


It burst out of the sky, wrapped in astonishing power, and in the blink of an eye, with a roar, it penetrated the black mist in front of it, and even penetrated the starry beast behind it.


The terrifying heat sight beam not only has a terrifying penetrating momentum, but also endows it with terrifying ultra-high temperature properties, as if it were in the core of the sun.

In the blink of an eye, the imprisoned souls and even the entire starry beast in front of them were completely evaporated.


Only wisps of black smoke showed traces of the other party's existence.

There was also a hint of moving under the face of Foola Frost, she said, "Even if the criminals imprisoned here are eaten by the king of the phantom area, I am afraid that they will not be able to die.

As you can see just now, the Kryptonian criminals who are eaten will even have their souls imprisoned, and life is better than death, and death is worse than life.

Yun Chen touched the center of his eyebrows, and his spiritual fluctuations had already radiated out.

However, the scope of the space dimension in the phantom area is much larger than expected, so that it cannot be covered all at once.

"someone is coming."

Yun Chen said.

Perhaps it was because the glow of the heat vision just now was too dazzling. After all, this is a dark environment, so you can imagine how much it attracts the attention of others.

In particular, this phantom area is still detaining Kryptonian felons, and they have no conscience.

The Kryptonian Empire in the past had a glorious history of at least hundreds of thousands of years, and the number of exiled repeat offenders was definitely an astronomical number.

The inexhaustible time and even the vague sense of space are enough to distort the hearts of the felons held here.


The sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and the beauty of the iceberg, Foola, frowned, she could feel a chill swept over her, as if the gangrene attached to the bones made her back cool.

She turned around abruptly and grabbed the monster flying from her back with her tentacles, but the tentacles were icy cold.

The body of the other party had no substance, so that Foola couldn't touch it at all.

"It's a phantom..."

She frowned.

Rumor has it that creatures who die in the phantom zone have a certain chance of becoming such a phantom.

Before Fuola could make the next move, the wandering soul of the lady was pulled by a gravitational wave and fell into Yun Chen's hands in an instant.

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