Marvel: The Supreme King

0029. Give Ms. Marvel a lesson! (Second, please collect)

PS: The picture shows Ms. Marvel Carroll.

Repair it?

This man is too arrogant. Ms. Marvel Carol frowned.

But thinking that the other party seemed to know the secret behind her, she seemed a little absent-minded, and there was a look of confusion on her delicate face.

"It's a deadly thing to be distracted while fighting."

The words that came suddenly resounded in his ears with incomparable clarity.

too close.....

Carol was startled for a while, and a slender figure appeared in his vision.


She hurriedly crossed her hands and pushed forward, and hurriedly made a defensive posture. With a bang, her body still couldn't resist the punch of Yun Chen in front of her, and it flew out like a shooting star.

However, Ms. Marvel's combat effectiveness is obviously much stronger than her accuser Ronan.

Carol took a deep breath and stabilized his body. The cosmic energy around him gathered all over his body, forming a dazzling golden light.

"It's my turn now."

After a few Roar inhalations, Carol's breath kept rising.

She raised a finger, golden light suddenly bloomed on the fingertip, Carol absorbed the flame of the nearby Fixed Star, and then turned into a terrifying incandescent light on the fingertip.


The rays of light bloomed wildly, instantly dyeing the entire star field in front of them into a white light.

The terrifying light is enough to completely burn the eyeballs of ordinary people, making people unable to open their eyes at all. Not only that, there is a faint burning meaning between the skin.


Yun Chen squinted his eyes and outlined a smile.

"But I not only have a pair of eyes of insight, but my ears are also very terrifying."

The voice just fell.

He raised his right hand lightly, and very prudently held the lurking lady of surprise, Carol.

"You thought that was it?"

The blonde beauty Carol drank softly, and her slender arms suddenly increased in strength by tens of thousands.

That's because she absorbed the gravity around the universe, and the gravitational fluctuations suddenly made the strength of her arms reach a terrifying extreme.


Carol blasted the figure on the opposite side.

"Don't underestimate women."

The surprised woman, Carol, did not let up her offensive. She soared across the starry sky and dashed away at a rapid speed like a meteorite.

It's just that Yun Chen didn't succeed for her, and the figure that was thrown out instantly stabilized. At the same time, the cells of his whole body also absorbed the cosmic energy from the outside world at this moment.


The two faced each other at this moment, without any fancy kung fu, and without any weapons in hand, only pure physical collision.

boom! !

Every time they touched it, it was like a meteorite hitting the earth, producing a huge sound wave.

Carol is not allowed to be a man, such a graceful and tall blond beauty actually competes against Yun Chen with a domineering attitude.


She moved her body, but she didn't see how she was moving. The cosmic energy around her turned into energy shields, resisting and weakening Yun Chen's fist.

For the use of cosmic energy, Ms. Marvel simply played tricks.

After all, cosmic energy is a general term, summarizing all kinds of different energies.

The light emitted by the Fixed Star can be used by Carol and directly turned into a strong incandescent light.

The ubiquitous gravitational fluctuations were also used by her to increase the strength of her arms.

Even the energy fluctuations that can be seen everywhere are also ingeniously turned into energy shields by her to easily defend against opponents.

With such a perfect strength setting, it is no wonder that she will hold the throne of the Goddess of Marvel in the future.

"Woman, you are really interesting."

Yun Chen still had a smile on his face, a pair of incomparably clear eyes glowing with burning fighting intent, he dealt with Carol with ease, his fist waving produced multiple attack effects, breaking a face shield, Carroll pushed back easily.

It is true that Ms. Marvel is much stronger than General Zod, and she is the most powerful person Yun Chen has ever met.

But even so, it's still a long way off.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you for your tutorial. Now, let's ask you to check the teaching results, ma'am."

Teaching results?

Ms. Amaze Carol was stunned for a while, not knowing what the other party was trying to say.

But the next second, her delicate face was finished with the meaning of sluggishness.


Yun Chen, who was in front of him, also raised a finger slightly, and the rays of light from Fixed Star converged here, and then turned into a terrifying blazing white light that covered the entire star field.

"Not good!!" Ms. Amazed Carol was extremely shocked, how could the other party concoct her own Ability.

But she had no time to think about it, because a terrifying wind had been approaching quietly.


She closed her eyes tightly, and judged the opponent's attack direction based on the air flow, so without saying a word, relying on her use of cosmic energy, she turned into pieces of shields to support her side.

"You thought it was that easy?"

Zhang Yang's words came from far to near.

I saw that Yun Chen used the ability of 'energy extraction' again, and his arms actually absorbed the gravitational fluctuations around him, and his power suddenly increased.

What's even more terrifying is that he also superimposed the ability of 'space shock'.

boom! !

The star field in front of her seemed to be torn apart, and the terrifying vast fluctuations suddenly set off, and the pieces of energy shield shattered directly, and the surprised lady Carol, who was behind her, was fatally hit.

It was like a boat in a stormy night, wrapped in the energy flow, and was completely thrown out.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. It turns out that there are also these contents in the use of energy." Yun Chen did not conceal that he copied Ms. Marvel's Ability.

Under the passive Ability of brain activation, he can quickly analyze the ability of the opponent. *

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