Marvel: The Supreme King

0306. Relive the old dream! (The fifth update, please customize)


The members of the Justice League were stunned for a moment, but they were completely shocked by Ms. Marvel's words.


Superman is not dead?

"So we buried him in an underground place that was cut off from the sun, didn't we change direction and kill him?

The Flash Barry showed a wry smile, it turns out that the other party dug up the grave is such a truth.


The red coffin was torn apart under the action of a Psychokinesis, and a solid corpse caught everyone's eyes amid the spilled sawdust powder.

Superman Clark's body.

"Even after being dead for a while, Superman's body still hasn't started to decompose like ordinary people." Carroll marveled.

"Yes, the cells in Superman did not die," Yun Chen said.

Under the sun shining overhead, Yun Chen's keen perception could even detect that the cells in Clark's body were cheering like a elf.

What caused Clark's body to crash all of a sudden was undoubtedly the fatality in his heart. The front and back were transparent, and it could be seen that the ferocious bone spurs of the Doomsday directly penetrated.

Definitely, also because of kryptonite, the night did not allow Clark's Self-healing Ability to recover in time.

"Okay, this body is handed over to you.

"It won't take a few days for you to see him come back to life, definitely if you have the heart, you can send him to the sun for a bath.""

Yun Chen raised his eyebrows, and he has done his best.

The main purpose of coming to Earth is to punish the mastermind who stole Kryptonian technology and destroy all Superman clones.

Next, he will also have a dedicated Kryptonian scientist to go to the Kawachi cave, and even need to conduct a comprehensive search of the earth.

The earth still has the ruins of the Kryptonian Empire in the past, which is unexpected, but it is also reasonable. After all, the Eyre family has already thoroughly studied this sun.

It seems that special personnel need to be dispatched to check whether there are any omissions.


It's like taking a vacation on Earth.

Speaking of which, Yun Chen still has some unfinished tasks in Earth.

For example, he still has a very important treasure that has been kept here, and it is time to recycle it after finishing some hands.

Kavaci Caves.

The cave that was originally blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D members was greeted with a bunch of strange figures.

Wearing a black battle armor, he is tall and exudes a mighty aura.

Among them were several people in white robes with transparent masks.

It was the beauty of the iceberg, Foola, who led the Kryptonian elite warriors and several Kryptonian scientists to the ruins left by the Kryptonian Empire in the past.

"You are...."#"

The members of S.H.I.E.L.D didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Because it was an elite warrior who had retired from the interstellar battlefield, the cracks in his bones seemed to reveal a bloody killing intent.

At this time.

Detective Phil Coulson walked over with a smile on his face, signaling to everyone that the S.H.I.E.L.D members put their guard down.

"My own person. 99

Detective Phil Coulson has always been an all-rounder, and of course there will be no problems.

This time, it was General Foola who came to lead the order, and it could be seen that the Kryptonian Empire attached great importance to the ruins of the past.

"Your people can leave now."

"We will be fully responsible for the security facilities here."

General Foola's frosty and glamorous face was as inhumane as ever.

She is tall and slender, and in a Superman battle suit, she looks arrogant and ruthless like a queen.

Detective Phil Coulson wanted to say something, but when he saw that the other party was not a good talker, he immediately gave up and acted according to the intention of the Kryptonian very honestly.

"Remember, no one including you S.H.I.E.L.D can steal the slightest bit of technology here."

When it comes to Imperial Genetics, Foola doesn't want to go wrong.

Agent Phil Coulson nodded suddenly.

In the face of an alien empire larger than the earth, the S.H.I.E.L.Ds who rule the world's security have nothing to say.

What's more, before that, Ms. Amazement Carol had an inextricable relationship with the Krypton Emperor, and naturally did not dare to disobey.

After some handovers, the Kryptonian elite soldiers took over the security here, and scientists also began to excavate this Kawachi cave.

On the other hand, it's a two-pronged approach.

When Lex Luthor died, the President of the White House kept silent about it. In order to completely destroy the genetic technology that Luthor mastered during his lifetime, the entire Lex group was taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Definitely, there are also dedicated Kryptonian staff coming to the door.

All this does not need Yun Chen to follow, as a supreme emperor, he naturally does not need to do everything himself, and has countless subordinates for him to drive.

This evening, in a garden villa in Washington, DC.

Yun Chen was staying at Carroll's house. The two hadn't seen each other for a while, but they were newly married.

Afterwards, the two discussed the future progress. If possible, he wanted to continue to develop the Kryptonian Empire and let this woman go with him.

outside the house.

Niece Kelly can finally let go of her worries,

`|| Can't these two guys restrain themselves? 99

under night.

In an apartment in Washington, D.C., three black silhouettes fell to the ground in the dim moonlight.

The three cuckoo sisters had been escaping from the underground base for some time, and they were prudent and silent.

Born to be a shocking weapon, they will never be easily let go by those military personnel, which makes them somewhat nervous when they are free.

"Don't worry."

Su Fei broke the silence.

"Under the protection of that terrifying existence, we will be at peace with each other, don't worry, (Nuo Nuo's) I believe he will honor his promise."5

When they thought of the terrifying existence that forcibly imprinted their cuckoos' souls, they felt a little scared.

"You don't trust me like that?"

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

On the balcony, a burly and sturdy figure cast a dark shadow under the moonlight.

"It's you...."

The cuckoos were terrified.

They have attacked this terrifying existence with the power of their minds, and naturally they have clearly seen the face of each other.

That handsome face that is not angry and arrogant, like the innate monarch temperament, is simply unforgettable.

"Please forgive my rudeness, the master has changed."

Su Fei suppressed his fear, took the hands of the two sisters and made them bend over respectfully with him.

She didn't know how to show respect, so she bent over so lamely.

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