Marvel: The Supreme King

0034. Want me to fetch water from a bamboo basket? (The first one, please collect)

Magical immunity?

The Asgard people who had sworn their vows just now were stunned.

"It's impossible! Nonsense!"

They yelled angrily, staring at Yun Chen with anger in their red pupils.

Asgard relies on Norse Mythology, and many of them hold the position of gods. Compared with the barbaric and brutal Kree Empire, the Asgard people with a splendid history of gods are more like a conservative nobleman.

"Don't be ashamed!"

"Take this arrogant kid for me."

shouted the Asgard, who had one of the gods 'Earth'.

The well-known Asgard people have a tacit understanding. They respect the teachings of the god of the earth just now, and release their magic power one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding magic elements are very rich, rolling slowly like waves.

Standing in the furnace hall, Yun Chen looked at the tricks of these Asgard people with interest. Suddenly, his eyes saw a dying star core high in the distance.

"Fading Neutron Stars."

It was a star core that fell like a jujube, but at the moment it exuded a bright red fire, like a fireball suspended in the starry sky.

The dying star core is surrounded by a circle of star rings to focus the fireworks produced by the star core, and the dwarf Nidaweiler uses the star fireworks to create magical weapons.

This is where Mjolnir was born.

"Yes, this place is mine from now on." Yun Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"wishful thinking."

This is the ancestral property of the Asgard people, and it is not allowed to be interfered by others.

With a roar, the Earth God waved his hand, and the sound of a flute suddenly came from the hall, and the horn of attack sounded.

Adhering to the teachings of the gods, the Asgard people who knew magic at the scene took the lead in launching their own magic attack.

The magic power is enriched to the extreme, and the waves transformed by the elemental tides have reached their peak.


Chant, chant, and guide with gestures.

Simple elements are shapeshifting at once, turning into ice arrows, fireworks, storms, thunder...


In an instant, the surging fireworks, the frost that fell like a shower, and the thunder and lightning fell down, Yun Chen's body was suddenly attacked from all directions.

However, the power can be called insignificant.


Yun Chen clenched one hand and crushed a crossed lightning bolt in the palm of his hand, his arm shook, and the rolling ice storm was shattered.

When he opened his mouth, it was even more exaggerated, and the raging fireworks that rushed towards him flew upside down, blowing the Asgard people in front of him to their knees.

"Just these things?"

Yun Chen laughed, the so-called magic attack was nothing more than that.

Under Magical immunity, he couldn't even feel a real attack from the magic element.

Even the physical impact was directly invalidated by their own steel body. It can be said that their painstaking magic method is just a joke.


The god of earth panicked.


Even the Asgard people, who have always been fierce and fearless, have changed their expressions greatly. Is the magic attack effective? What about the weakness of Krypton Superman?

Thinking of the other party blowing down so many people in one breath, the Asgard people seemed a little terrified.


The God of Earth frowned, and at the next moment, he took the lead in attacking, and when the army's heart was shaken, he had to stand up.

"Just let me see your power."

With one big step, he crossed a distance of dozens of meters.

The majestic body suddenly came into Yun Chen's eyes. Beneath the quaint earth-colored armor was a sturdy body, which seemed to be moving like a sky-high mountain range.

Under such a huge figure, Yun Chen's body was completely submerged in his shadow.

"Get out of here!"

The earth god is drinking low.

He holds the title of "God of the Earth", and with the blessing of the gods, his power is also among the best among the Asgard gods.


Just before his punch fell, Yun Chen's attack had come first, it was an ice-blue light beam, and the light was so fast.

After everyone saw an ice-blue light beam cut through the sky, the huge body of the God of the Earth collapsed.

"Do not!!"

Everyone was so frightened that they took a step back, only to see that there was no skull in the corpse lying on the ground. It turned out that the icy blue light beam that was so fleeting just now directly took away the head of the God of the Earth.

Yun Chen stepped forward, showing no emotion, and stepped directly on the corpse in front of him with both feet.

Stepping on the heights, he lowered his eyes and looked down at the Asgard people in the furnace hall.

"Surrender, save yourself from death."

Under the unrivaled posture, there were a group of Asgard people who dared not raise their hands to look directly at him.

Magic doesn't work.

Even the gods who hold the title of gods were defeated by one move.

So arrogant and arrogant, everyone knows that it is difficult to compete.


The Asgard people finally got a little bit of backbone, and they shouted, "For Asgard, for the god-king Odin."

After shouting slogans, some people rushed up without fear of life and death.

Another group of people actually did the opposite and rushed to the furnace pipes around them. The weapons in their hands were aimed at the dying star core in the distance, and they wanted to directly destroy these facilities.

"Bastard!" Master Dwarf yelled.

It turned out that these guards were unable to stand guard and did not want the important casting hall to fall to the enemy, so the ruthless jade and stones were burned, and Yun Chen directly fetched water from the bamboo basket.

"It's despicable."

Yun Chen was angry, and the icy luster in his eyes flourished again, turning into a terrifying frozen ray that slaughtered the Asgard people in front of him. *

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