Marvel: The Supreme King

0353. Superman family! (First update, please customize)


The cloak made a hunting sound with the wind.

In the sky above the actress Qin, there was a very spectacular and rare sight.

The huge Superman family gathered together, mighty, suspended in the starry sky and stared directly at the members of the Tianshen group who came through the space.

Under the increasingly large Kryptonian military power, the number of Superman has naturally ushered in a breakthrough.

There are more than 70 people, and the momentum is sufficient.

The female general, Foola, folded her arms in her arms, and looked down at the members of the Celestial Team above the earth with a cold expression.

"Let me see what your celestial group has the ability to judge us Kryptonians.

"Hmph, it's very interesting."

Never before has the Celestial Judge ever received such a threat.

Feeling the biological aura faintly coming from the sky around him, he naturally wouldn't sit still.

"Just the number of you Superman is not enough, I forgot to tell you that there are quite a few members of the Tenjin group as strong as us.

The voice just fell.


The ripples in the air became more and more violent, and under the power of space, more and more members of the god group seemed to be inspired to come across the sky.

A stalwart figure thousands of feet tall came across the sky, and that tall body like a mountain cast a shadow on the ground.

The body covered under the armor even released the majesty belonging to the cosmic god group.

They oversee the universe, intervene in biological processes, and are the titular uncrowned kings of the universe.

At the beginning of the creation, when the first universe was just born, the cosmic gods already existed, and now the big bang of the universe has happened many times.

They still exist.

That distant and desolate vast aura is the symbol of the Heavenly God Group originating from the first firmament.

When the members of the god group were completely angry, the people on the female star Qin felt more and more the boundless pressure.

It is also the pressure from the high life level.

As if encountering a natural enemy on the food chain, every ordinary person in actress Qin's body trembled inexplicably.

"God is nothing more than that."".""

When everyone was terrified, they couldn't help but sighed that the Kryptonians might be coming to an end.

"Is the actress Qin about to have a new owner?"


Sensing that the fluctuation of the power of space is becoming more and more rippling, Foola, the beauty of the iceberg, directly asks the Superman family beside him to attack.

In the sky, flashing red light suddenly rendered the entire sky.


One after another flashing red light beams continuously run through the sky.

Hot sight!

This is the most typical logo of Superman.

Superman joint shot.

The thermal sight beams of each other intertwined and crossed each other, and in an instant, several members of the Celestial Group were cut into innumerable pieces.

Hard to guard against.

The pressure on the members of the Celestial Group immediately felt enormous. They had just supported an energy shield, but in the blink of an eye, there were too many heat sights radiating from the surroundings.

for a moment.

He was completely cut off by the unfavorable hot gaze.

With the combined efforts of so many Superman, their armor could not last for half a round at all.


The energetic super girl Kayla showed her best Superman ability. She clenched her fists and gathered all her strength in her pupils.

The eye sockets were completely like a soldering iron, and with the sound of an eruption, a fiery red light beam spewed out.


The energy shield supported by the god measurer was shattered in an instant, and he let out a scream, but the blazing beam had already penetrated his head.

"Mind Anatomy.

The super Kryptonian Haer also got his hands on it. Taking advantage of the fact that a member of the Celestial Group could only block the swept hot sight beam, he suddenly launched his killer move.


One of the opponent's legs was inexplicably removed, and the tall and tall figure of the whole person lost his balance and fell directly towards the ground.

The members of the Tenjin group who fell to the ground were like fish on a chopping block, unable to move, and suddenly ushered in a dead end.


At this moment, a cold voice came from the air.

It's Foola.

She avoided the energy Shockwave of the Tenjin Judge, and launched another killing move directly at the members of the Tenjin group who were constantly emerging from behind.

Superman's big move, time and space freeze.

Foola gushed out with all his strength, releasing a force of icy frost from the pore.

This is a force specifically frozen at the molecular level.

in a blink.

In the world of ice and snow, in the cold and frosty environment, a tall and stalwart figure was covered in a layer of frost, but their figures were already unable to move.

Freeze time.

In many comics, many people can guess that the Mutant Iceman with omega potential may slow down and stop all movement, freeze all movement at the molecular level, and stop time for four weeks.

But now this theory is perfectly realized.

Under Fuola's anger, he completely stopped the time of the more than 20 members of the Celestial Group.

They were immobilized and defenseless, and they were suddenly reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.


An astonishing force burst out from the Heavenly God Judge, and he forcibly broke free from the stagnant state of time and space.

The upper and lower limits of the strength of the Cosmic Deity Group are very high, and the judge in front of him who is responsible for judging racial crimes is also showing his powerful strength.

`||Damn shit.

"You criminals who murdered the Celestial Group and abused genetic technology dare to rebel against our Cosmic Celestial Group.

The judge was outraged.

His face under the visor was already cold.

"You don't even know how powerful our cosmos god group is.

"Do you think the number in front of you is a lot? No, this is just a small number of members of our cosmic god group (alright).

His words just fell.

The sky above the female star Qin trembled, not only that, the entire surrounding star field was shaking violently, but under the power of the vast space, a large number of members of the god group broke through the sky.

Under the turbulent momentum, a rough count has already reached hundreds of people, just a few seconds, hundreds of stalwart figures thousands of feet high came through the space.


The boundless coercion was pouring down, the vast pressure seemed to have condensed into reality, and the high-rise buildings even collapsed suddenly inexplicably.

Under this coercive pressure, not to mention that it is difficult for ordinary people to inhale, they are about to suffocate completely, and even the suspended Superman can't bear the force and have to drill down into the air.

The judge laughed.

"This is the Cosmic Deity Group."

Thousands of stalwart figures as tall as mountains came from the sky, filling the planet's surroundings.

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