Marvel: The Supreme King

0376. The equation of life! (The third update, please customize)

"The third snap is for you."

It's too late, it's too soon.


With a crisp sound, Yun Chen's right hand snapped his fingers easily.


In the surrounding air, this crisp finger-snapping sound reverberated suddenly, and silently, the fluctuations of the infinite power have softened things silently, quietly descending on the will of the Life Court.


The life court was shocked, and did not expect that the counterattack of the other party had come quietly.

Just for a moment.

He felt that the coercion emanating from his whole body disappeared, as if a blackboard eraser completely erased the fluctuation of his existence.

What's even more bizarre is that one of the faces in the life court representing 'need' has dimmed.


He suddenly seemed to be facing a great enemy, and began to desperately "Zero Sanqi" to resist this indeterminate and infinite power.

The will that came from countless light-years away became more and more powerful, but the Court of Life found itself like pouring oil into the brazier, and the momentum of this obliteration became more and more intense.

At this time, even his other face that represented 'revenge' had disappeared without a trace.

Damn it!

This is the power that can easily obliterate half of the life in the universe? No... More than that, he is an existence that has been entrusted to supervise and manage the entire order.

Even if this is just a huge will that came from oneself, where is half of the life in the universe can be compared.

Damn it!

The boat capsized in the gutter.

Realize this.

Life Court took advantage of the fact that this consciousness had not completely died out, and immediately tried its best to stop sticking to its own will to exist, and instead burned it all.

Like a meteor, they all smashed towards Yun Chen's figure.

"At the end of the force, you dare to make trouble in front of me?"

Yun Chen didn't even bother to hide from this force.

Let this burning will come crashing.


He didn't move.

Not even the slightest tremor to speak of.

The performance in front of him is as if a mayfly is shaking a tree, which is very ridiculous.


"how can that be......"

When the will that came from the last certain point was completely wiped out, the Court of Life once again felt an illusion from the other party, and the other party seemed to be the universe, a multi-universe.

A boundless, vast multi-universe.....

As a result, his own attacks and even coercion could not work on him.

how can that be.

But after the last ray of consciousness was completely wiped out by infinite power, the Life Court finally saw the symbols that appeared on the angular face of the other party.

Damn! It's true...

This confirms a terrible answer in the life court's heart, and it is no wonder that they mistakenly believe that the other party is the origin of the universe.

"The Formula of Life!

"The other party actually possesses this power.

When the last ray of consciousness dissipated.


Countless light-years away, the golden and majestic figure in the exotic space 'parliament' suddenly staggered, and the entire mountain-like body swayed and kept retreating.

dong dong!!

Every step of the retreat brought violent tremors to the entire space, and even the surrounding space was filled with a trace of cracks under the trembling of the starry sky.

The expressions of the gods of the universe who participated in the council suddenly changed greatly, and they all raised their divine power to protect their bodies.

In the end, after taking five steps in a row, the Life Court finally stood firm.

The starry sky returned to calm, and only the slightest crack revealed what had just happened.

The Court of Life actually stepped back...

How is this going.

Every cosmic god was inexplicably surprised, and his expressions changed drastically.

Eternal gritted his teeth, looking unbelievable.

The goddess of death lowered her head slightly, her eyes couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes, she knew what the life court was doing just now, and it was very likely that the life court was sanctioned by the Superman.

"The Great Court of Life, you...

"Lord Life Court, you should be fine.

The universe gods did not know how to speak. This was the first time they had seen the omnipotent court of life so gaffe.

He staggered and swayed endlessly, just like a child who had just learned to walk.

At this moment, they deeply understand that the so-called life court is not completely omniscient.

For a time, the cosmic gods only felt that the towering golden figure in front of them seemed to be a lot shorter, and they only felt that they were no longer as respectful as before.


Realizing the gaffe, the life court still couldn't help but shake its head...

Because so far.

The consciousness in his head was still a little dizzy.

Although the will of judgment that had just descended was just a wisp of his consciousness, but it was completely obliterated for no reason, and it still hurt his origin.

Especially in the end, he was very unconvinced and let his will come more and more to affect the reality, trying to resist the infinite power, and in the end he lost his wife and lost his army.

All were completely obliterated by the third snap of fingers, causing the Court of Life to suffer a lot of injuries all at once.

"Damn, I underestimated him. If I had known this, I should have let the main body come directly to pronounce the verdict."

"The most incomprehensible thing is that the power of the other party seems to be stronger than that of Nemesis, so that my ruling power cannot separate his power for a while.

"No, in addition to that infinite power, what should be paid more attention to is the life equation on him.

"Yes, the damned guy somehow got the power of the equation of life after stealing the authority of the Nemesis."


a time.

The three faces of the Life Court are rapidly communicating with the power of the mind.


They have summed up each other's Ability.

'An infinite power beyond and above the Nemesis. ’

'The equation of life. ’

The Life Court fell silent for a while.

Not to mention the terrifying infinite power, the life equation 2.6 alone is enough to make the life court puzzled.

"Why is this power born in his body?"

At the beginning of the founding, white light came and the darkness was dispersed. This white light and the equation of life created the entire positive matter universe.

Soon after, life was born, and human and god hatched at this moment, and the white light scattered seven colored lights, giving life rich emotions.

The reason why the Life Court can feel the vast universe from the opponent's body is because of the life equation.

Because the equation of life is the entire construction of the multi-universe, an important force for the construction of the entire reality.

Therefore, it is difficult for the life court to shake the opponent's body.

"There is so much a new monster in the universe.

The Life Court sighed.

He is now estimating whether or not he wants his body to come.

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