Marvel: The Supreme King

0378. Perfect the flaws of the Kryptonians! (The fifth update, please customize)

Equation of life.

Yun Chen is no stranger to this.

Definitely, even more striking is the anti-life equation.

Because this is the most powerful weapon and one of the deadliest abilities in the DC universe, Darkseid wants to obtain the anti-life formula, so as to make the whole universe submit to his will.

In addition, the cumbersome and long anti-life equation will also corrode and engulf everything it encounters, and when it is broadcast to the universe, it can make all living beings completely lose their will and become slaves of the user.

Just as the white light and the life equation created the positive material universe, the anti-life equation also created a different universe, the anti-material universe.

What is the antimatter universe?

If their universe is built on free will, the antimatter universe is the complete opposite, without any free will.

So it is conceivable how evil the anti-life equation is to be able to construct such a distorted anti-matter universe.

No matter how.

Whether it is the life equation or the anti-life equation.

They are all important elements in the construction of each other's universe and the basis for the birth of life.

It is because of this that Yun Chen's body will bring a feeling of a vast and boundless universe to the Life Court.

As if he were the whole universe, and the universe was a part of his body.

In fact, this is not an illusion.

In a sense, Yun Chen, who has blessed the life equation, is one of the multi-universe.

"Nice power."

When the equation of life was lingering in his body, Yun Chen could feel that his Superman body had multiplied a lot of strength.

"Definitely there is this pure energy...

Yun Chen spread out his right hand, only to see a light ball of energy in his palm.

"This is the specific presentation of the equation of life, the clear white light is not only the origin of the universe, but also the initial force for incubating life.

At this moment, he had already realized something.

If the anti-life equation were to list all the elements contained in it, it would undoubtedly be fear, despair, ridicule, condemnation, judgment, death, the dark side...

The power it presents is naturally dominated by erosion and destruction, distorting the will of all beings, and making the entire multi-universe surrender to its own will.

But the equation of life behaves differently.

The elements contained in the equation are naturally dominated by forces such as life, hope, and will, so that the power presented is more focused on creation and gifts.

Create life and revive all things.


A trace of white light flashed in Yun Chen's eyes, which was the fluctuation of the life equation in his eyes.

For a time, Yun Chen even had a feeling that he could create Kryptonians himself.

This is the authority of the Creator.

Today, he is able to grasp the power of this kind of creation, and all the biological races he has come into contact with in the past seem to have opened up a chain of genes to him.

As if he only had a thought, he could give birth to these new lives at will.

"This is the power of the equation of life?"

Even if he lost the central collection now, Yun Chen was able to create a new Kryptonian life with the life equation.


"Blessings. 39

For a time, Yun Chen thought of another way to use the life equation.

He can give other people a majestic vitality.

Even... Ability.


Yun Chen sighed softly.

At this time.

His eyes swept across the dim and dead star field around him. Not long ago, the energy absorbed by the Oracle cheater directly drained the star field here.

Planets have completely fallen, and even a young Fixed Star has completely turned into a dying star core.

"Now, I give you a new life.""

The words just fell.

The tattoo symbol on Yun Chen's body filled with a hint of white light.

That's the equation of life at work.

in an instant.

Under the power of the origin of the universe, which is also the power of all the roots of incubating life, this starry sky, which was completely drained of all life energy, regained its light.

The dying star nuclei were restored to their original state in an instant, running on orbit, and the rays of Fixed Star poured out, giving people a lazy warmth.

"That's the power of life.

Yun Chen looked at the starry sky where everything returned to light, and suddenly showed a satisfied smile.


A cold, cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He was a little angry.

"After waiting for so long, I didn't come, but it seems that I gave up."

Yun Chen stayed here for so long, naturally waiting for the possibility of the arrival of the life court body.

It is a pity that this life court, which supervises order and maintains the balance of reality, finally did not take this step.

"No matter what your purpose is, you should never provoke me.

A cold light flashed in Yun Chen's eyes.

If it weren't for the infinite power endowed by the Oracle cheating device, which was very condensed and could not be easily shaken, I am afraid that the infinite power in his body would have been forcibly dispersed into seven strands.

Not to mention, if it wasn't for the life equation to make itself one with the multi-universe, I'm afraid it would not have been so easy to deal with this life court.

"`||Unfortunately, I have not yet crushed the opponent's strength. 35

In the absence of sufficient strength to crush, Yun Chen also knew that if the winner could not be determined in a short period of time, I am afraid that they would not take advantage of it, and the entire universe would be destroyed by them.

But it doesn't matter, time is on his side.

Yun Chen squeezed his fists, feeling the surging power coming from it, and sighed inwardly, as long as he gave himself a little more time, he would enter the peak of Baiyin Superman.

At that time, killing a life court by yourself will be as easy as slaughtering a chicken.


Time is on my side.

Be prepared for life court.

Definitely, and most importantly, eternity.

Yun Chen remembered (the good Zhao) the words left by the goddess of death when she was parting, apparently it was Yong Yong secretly suggesting that such a villain should not be allowed to meet him next time.

Virgo galaxy, piano actress.

in the bedroom.

The maid Eudora knelt down on the ground, her slender and graceful figure under a tight robe, outlining a moving and tortuous arc.

She just knelt down like that, letting Yun Chen, who was sitting on the sofa in front of her, press one hand on her white forehead.


At this time, a faint white light diffused from Yun Chen's palm, and strange symbols spread out from the back of Yun Chen's hand and wrist.

For a time, Yun Chen's entire right arm had a peculiar symbol of the equation of life.

A thin white light instantly passed from his right hand into Eudora's head.

"Your genetic chain with a little flaw will be perfected at this moment, and after that, you will have no flaws." On.

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