Marvel: The Supreme King

0038. Princess Diana! (Second, please collect)

There was a dry taste in Yun Chen's eyes, feeling the chaotic energy flow, he knew very clearly that he had acquired a new Ability again.

"And it's also an ability related to eyes."

A long time ago, Yun Chen was just watching an icy planet, his eyes were hurt by the cold, and under the stimulation, he Awakening the ability of freezing rays.

And now in the solar system, the bright rays of light scattered all over the earth undoubtedly endow the eyes with another Ability.

"Heat Vision!"

"Or high temperature rays."


Yun Chen felt the heat coming from his eyes. He raised his head and roared, and the heat in his eyes burst out, as if a red beam of light pierced through the sky.

The distant sun is indeed of great help to Superman, and it is no wonder that Superman Clark's father, Joe Al, insists on sending his son here.

"Ha ha....."

"Don't lie to me, Joe El, you really found a blessed land."


There were bursts of frightened cries from all around, and all the Amazons were completely taken aback by Yun Chen in front of them.

The red beam of light that broke through the air has disappeared, but the residual temperature spread in the air is still burning the air.

"This is....."

The Amazon queen Hippolyta was also taken aback. She has survived from the age of the gods to the present, and her life span of thousands of years is considered to be well-informed.

This is definitely not an Asgard man.

There is no such figure among the Norse gods.

"However, are you here to show off your ability?" The Amazon queen Hippolyta said seriously, and the surrounding Amazons were even more prepared, looking at Yun Chen in horror.

Yun Chen smiled indifferently and said with a smile, "This is just my newly born Ability, just give it a try."

A newly born ability?

The face of the Amazon changed, and he was convinced.

They are isolated from the world, and naturally they have not been hurt by the cunning of modern society, so most of them are very simple and have no scheming at all.


At this moment, the air suddenly became hot again, and a mass of fireworks sprayed out from Yun Chen's mouth.

"It's a little out of control, it doesn't matter."

Yun Chen raised his eyebrows. After a while, there was a hint of pain in his throat. Obviously, another new Ability was born here.

Standing under the starry sky and the sun, the trillions of cells in the whole body are jumping for joy, Yun Chen can guarantee that fighting in this starry sky full of sunshine, the combat effectiveness is definitely higher than that outside.

Definitely, it's not an exaggeration to see new abilities appearing one after another.

In the movie, General Zod, who invaded the earth, abandoned that armor and felt the radiation of the sun himself, and immediately Awakening the ability of super flight and thermal vision.

General Zod is still like this. Yun Chen, who is far above him, naturally deserves it. He successfully made a lot of new abilities emerge from his body in an instant.

"Your body..."

The Amazon Queen, Hippolyta, had outstanding strength, so she naturally felt the pressure from Yun Chen's body to some extent, and this momentum was still rising and changing, which made people feel particularly heartbroken.

Just this majestic stalwart power, if you look at it for a while, you will realize that it is definitely not inferior to Zeus and other Olympian gods, and even absolutely crushed.

The queen is very clear in her heart, because she has met Zeus and other true gods.

Why does Paradise Island exist?

Why should you be isolated from the world and not ask the world.

Because this is the task entrusted by the ancient gods to the Queen Hippolyta, who is responsible for guarding this island, and at the same time, they also shed a glorious light here.

The fog barrier of the entire Paradise Island is one of them.

And now, beings that are more terrifying than Zeus and other true gods, standing in front of them like this, Queen Hippolyta said that it is impossible not to be afraid.

There was a flash of fire in Yun Chen's eyes, which was the remnant of high-temperature rays. Under these piercing eyes, the Amazon Queen felt very flustered inexplicably, as if the secrets of her body and mind were seen through.

"So you should know my strength. If I was really hostile to you, with my strength, I would have almost wiped you out."

Although Yun Chen's words were plain, there was a strong confidence in them.

Empress Hippolyta was silent.

The dissatisfied Amazons were still full of dissatisfaction at first, but looking at the posture of their queen, they immediately swallowed the dissatisfied words in their throats.

"My arrival is just an accident. If the Amazon Queen wishes, I would like to rest here for a while."

Yun Chen not only felt the emergence of the new ability, but also the changes in his skeleton. Although it was not a big problem, he still wanted to find a place to rest for a while.

Definitely, is there a more desirable place on this earth than Paradise Island?

Queen Hippolyta pursed her lips when she heard the words, she thought for a while, and said, "Yes."

More things are worse than less things, not to mention being able to get acquainted with a god-like existence, which is more or less a good thing.

It's just that there was a sudden unwilling cry in the Amazon's array.

"Who dares to say that we Amazons are safe? I don't believe it."

I saw the flow of people being separated from it like waves, and a beautiful figure stood out from it.

Queen Hippolyta frowned, "Diana, don't make trouble."

Yun Chen looked at the tall and beautiful woman in front of him and was stunned, Princess Diana? Didn't she leave Paradise Island as early as World War I? *

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