Marvel: The Supreme King

0386. The dawn of creation, white light (sixth more, please customize)

Although the goddess of death is the manifestation of the end of all life in the universe, the end of life of all things.

But compared to this endless darkness at the beginning of the creation.

She still felt a real darkness.

In particular, the decedent continued to recover, and the goddess of death felt that the power of the other party was growing stronger.


An enlightenment instantly sprouted in my heart.

"The Black Lantern Corps is strengthening his power, allowing him to recover from the endless darkness as soon as possible, and then descend into the multi-universe...


The goddess of death, who has always been fearless, actually felt the meaning of fear and worry.

After all, arguably the first victim was herself.

The arrival of the Black Death is enough to easily seize the authority of the goddess of death herself.

That's right.

The goddess of death can clearly feel that as long as the other party descends into the multi-"zero-three-seven" metaverse, the end of all living beings and the rest of life symbols will be captured by the Black Death Emperor.

There seems to be a hint of meaning in this.

After all, the entire multi-universe was built on the endless darkness of the past, but now this darkness is about to come and retake its own world.

"Damn, how should this be..."

It is difficult to understand that the entire universe is really going to fall into the hands of the Black Death Emperor? The goddess of death frowned, but maybe the Seven-color Lantern Corps has a way to deal with it.

To deal with the darkness at the beginning of the world, the best way to deal with Ability is the legendary white light!

Cosmic Asgardian Gunther has also read the Book of Oa Prophecy, and he also knows that with the rise of the emotional spectrum, the Black Light vows to make a comeback.

This is an early prediction.

Compared with the scarface of darkness, Gunther formed his own Blue Lantern Corps after leaving his Asgardian companions.

Blue light means hope, and people with blue light rings will never give up hope.

From that day on, Ganser made a plan to face the darkest night, not to avoid it, but to face it directly.

"Only when the seven colored lights converge into one, the white light will bloom again.

"We need the strength of the Seven Lantern Corps.

At the moment.

in the endless starry sky.

There are already five colored light lanterns gathered in one place.

The leader of the Blue Lantern Corps, the Sunwalker...

Green Lantern Corps member Hal Jordan...

The mysterious green lamp tribe, the leader of the green girl...

The new leader of the Red Lantern Corps...

And the Yellow Lantern of Fear, once known as the strongest Green Lantern member Senesto.

Before that, the green light, the yellow light, and the red light were enemies of each other.

But now, they have given up the hatred in their hearts.

"In the darkest night, it's nothing."

Facing the black light that will completely obliterate the light of the entire multi-universe.

The members of the lantern troupe of the seven emotional spectrums must let go of each other's prejudices, otherwise they will only usher in the ending of becoming a black lantern.

Definitely, what Hal Jordan didn't expect was that the lead was actually Sinestro, the yellow light of fear.

Sinesto showed his leadership qualities and took the lead in letting go of hatred.

The once strongest Green Lantern has to say that he does have two brushes.


In the boundless starry sky in front of me, I saw a bunch of humming sounds constantly sounding, and I saw that the former members of the lantern group were now turned into black lights, and they all swept in.

The vast and endless number of people poured out black and poured, like a black tsunami from the starry sky, giving people a lot of pressure.

"Pay attention to your will, don't waver..." Sinesto said softly.

Damn, don't think about it, this is talking to himself... Green Lantern Hal secretly sighed, but at the end of the edge of life and death, he suddenly restrained his other thoughts.

"Let's unleash the power that belongs to our emotional spectrum."


In the boundless starry sky, a green luster suddenly bloomed, and the light beam belonging to the will erupted first.

Soon, the yellow light bloomed wildly, and the last came first, forming a mass with the green luster.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan light belonging to pity, and the red luster from anger, all sprayed out one after another.

"And my blue lantern..." the Sunwalker said.

Blue light flashed out.

This ray of blue light is meant to inspire people, and everyone understands at this moment that the power of hope of the blue light can give people a huge increase in power.

For a time, under the increase of the blue light, the five-color rays of light converged in one place, almost turning into a group of bright rainbow rays of light, illuminating the swept black ocean.


Under this five-color luster, these Black Lantern members who could not be easily killed, suddenly melted like snowmen under the scorching sun.  …

The boundless scouring momentum was instantly wiped out by this colorful light.

The members of the Black Lantern Corps withered away, and the momentum of the fall was simply too fast.

The power of the emotional spectrum finally showed a ferocious meaning at this moment.

"That's the power of the emotional spectrum."

There was a hint of longing in Sinestro's eyes.

"Sure enough, when the seven lights converge, maybe the white light that belongs to this universe can be recalled, and that is the supreme power of the emotional spectrum. 35

In order to deal with the endless darkness before the creation, the best way to restraint is the dawn of creation, that is, the power of the white lamp, which is the source of life that builds the multi-universe.

"Young girl, the remaining orange lights, and the purple lights that suddenly disappeared, need your help." Sinesto said.

Qingnv, this mysterious lady from the Qingdeng Tribe, has a sense of a hermit.

Hearing this, she nodded immediately.

For the mysterious green lantern, her power of compassion can transform the power of other lanterns, and she can also reach any place in the universe as she pleases.

"Now, let's rush to the place where Zi Lan is."

Behind them, there are some members of the lantern group who follow, there are a lot of people, more than 30 people.

Qing Deng raised his staff and lightly tapped the void, and for a while, an arc gate of the space was drawn out by her.

"Let's go.

The 2.6 force of the space filled the air, and Qing Deng easily rushed to the place where the Purple Lantern Corps was with more than 30 people.

Unexpectedly, he just stepped out of the void, but he came to the top of a mountain range on a planet.

On the cliff not far away, a tall and slender figure just stood above, obviously only two meters tall, but inexplicably gave the illusion of a stalwart supporting the heaven and earth.


A Roar couldn't breathe, and the members of the various lantern groups who came across the sky suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, as if the sky and the earth were pouring over.

Only by avoiding the sight of him looking directly at the figure can he escape the sudden heavy pressure.


What a horrible existence.

"very good.

Yun Chen turned around, faced them and smiled, "I've been waiting for you for some time, now it's time to contain your power.

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