Marvel: The Supreme King

0412. A gift for Wonder Woman! (The fourth update, please customize)


The observer base on the back of the moon suddenly collapsed, and under the fluctuation of an indescribable force of reality, the entire building instantly turned into a powder and dissipated into the air.

Even the corpse of the observer collapsed into powder and was directly obliterated in reality.

On the side of the couch, there is no room for others to snore.

The moon base where the empire is stationed absolutely does not allow other life to exist. Observers not only pose a faint threat, but the disgusting peeping behavior is disgusting.

It's like a pervert, spying on other people's private life at will, just such a character design is not pleasing.

After solving the Observer, Yun Chen threw the Observer Medal in his hand to the maid, and did not take care of the crime syndicate from Earth-3, and immediately returned to the Empire.

after one day.

At the Palace of the Air.

Dark Phoenix dragged a figure in a long black dress into the bedroom, holding a rope-like weapon in her hand.

Under the guidance of the maid, she passed through the curtains that hung down everywhere in the palace, and came to the loose couch in the bedroom. She bowed her body to express her respect.

Her pair of tactful eyes swept over the slender figure on the couch slightly, and her body was graceful but filled with a sense of power like a female leopard.

A name came to Dark Phoenix's mind, Diana, she knew this Amazonian princess, this is a woman specially accepted by His Majesty.

There are some days now, when they get along with each other, according to His Majesty's incomparably domineering possessiveness, and the habit of collecting, it is naturally difficult to escape the result of being contaminated.

Definitely, so does Dark Phoenix.....

Not long ago, with her excellent Phoenix force, she helped His Majesty capture the map of the Star Blue Stone Army, firmly occupying the love power of the emotional spectrum.

Thanks to Lucine's role as the new Queen of the Star Sapphire Legion, Dark Phoenix was able to stay suspended above the white clouds, in this magnificent emperor's bedroom.

When His Majesty was looking for Lucini for the night, he asked for her body and the entire Star Sapphire Legion...

It must be said that from the moment of its establishment, the Star Sapphire Legion, which had relied on admiration for His Majesty as the source of its strength, was in a sense His Majesty's harem team.

Dark Phoenix, who has always kept the purple lamp ring, finally handed over his body. After breaking red for the first time, he spent several nights after this.

Although her status is not as good as that of Empress Lucini and Lady Amazement, Carol, at least she has a place, at least now she can come to this very private emperor's master bedroom.

"His Majesty."

She bowed her waist, even if she handed over her first time, she didn't dare to act coquettishly and willfully, so she made trouble in front of His Majesty.

After all, which of the maidservants in the emperor's palace has never been fortunate.

"This is a weapon from the hands of 'Earth-3' Super Queen Louise.

Yun Chen raised his brows, walked down from the couch if he was interested, and took over the long rope full of thorns.

"What name?" he asked with great interest.

"Nushun Lasso," Dark Phoenix said.

At this moment, with a soft moan, the Wonder Woman Princess Diana, whose head was completely buried on the pillow, finally woke up.

She heard the words of the conversation, and a pair of sullen eyes looked curiously at the thorn-shaped rope.

Dark Phoenix smiled and said, "Diana, the super queen is not your counterpart, but she is also a powerful Amazon warrior, and this is the weapon in her hand.

Wonder Woman Diana naturally heard about the crime syndicate invading Earth yesterday.

At the moment, she also looked at the gray-black weapon full of thorns with interest.

This is obviously different from the mantra lasso that she often uses in her hands.

There was a hint of interest in Yun Chen's eyes, and he already understood the specific method of this Nushun Lasso in his mind, and when he turned his wrist, the black rope full of thorns in the palm of his hand had landed on Dark Phoenix's body.

Dark Phoenix did not evade, letting the Nushun noose fall on his body.

It's just that Yun Chen's hands are naturally heavy, and the long lasso is full of thorns, and he didn't even tear the black dress of the woman in front of him.


Dark Phoenix immediately felt an inexplicable will invade his mind, and a sense of surrender became stronger and stronger, but she was already very obedient to the majesty in front of her, like a domesticated kitten.

Therefore, under the Nushun lasso, there is no very specific effect.

"not bad.

Yun Chen nodded in praise. In his own hands, this Nushun nostalgia can indeed easily destroy a person's will and make the other party completely surrender to him.

However, he was neither used to using weapons, nor could he use such a lasso weapon.

"This is your present."

Yun Chen threw it to Diana with one hand.

Diana took it over excitedly, she was eager to try, At the moment in her hand, it was waving like a tiger, and the air was faintly pierced.

In order to try this nostalgic noose, the Princess Diana did not fall to the ground without a trace, but the Amazon princess was naturally bold and unrestrained, not to mention that there were no other men present.

Yun Chen admired her heroic appearance and was quite moved.

But he also remembered one thing.

Maybe he can give Wonder Woman more power, just like he gave a group of Krypton 053 stars free from genetic defects, and like he gave thousands of Krypton elite soldiers to be promoted to Superman.

In fact, even without knowledge of the Kryptonian's body, he can apply the equation of life to other people.

Think of this.

Yun Chen stopped Princess Diana, and under the cheerful expression on the other side, he lightened his hand, and a white light jumped from his fingertips, directly penetrating a force of the equation of life into her mind.

"The hidden power of Zeus. 99

"Recover me."

Diana has a demigod bloodline, but now, Yun Chen has given her a further blessing, allowing Wonder Woman to fully inspire her own divinity.

For a time, the divine power of Zeus in the same vein spewed out of her body, thunder flashed, and the entire bedroom turned into a thunder.

However, under the invisible infinite power, this gushing power could not spread to the bedroom, nor could it destroy the buildings in front of him.

a long time.

The blue light that emerged from Princess Diana's body converged in an instant, and Diana, who was quietly experiencing everything, also opened her eyes, and there was a hint of thunder in her pupils.

"Thank you Your Majesty for the good fortune bestowed on me."

Diana was very solemn, and even restrained her coquettish look to His Majesty, she knelt down on one knee and faced Yun Chen in front of her with the most solemn ceremony of an Amazon warrior.

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