Marvel: The Supreme King

0421. I will let you die without a corpse! (Sixth more, please customize)


In a burst of tearing air sounds, the nihilistic Sentry was far more terrifying than the speed just now, but during the flight, he kept pulling away from Carroll.


Ms. Marvel suddenly felt a sense of despair, and when she thought of her aunt being involved in this crisis to die, she gritted her teeth and did not dare to relax.

Give me a stop...Carol growled inside.


A touch of golden flash was suddenly released from her hands, and in an instant, it directly crossed dozens of kilometers, catching up with Sentry's figure.

But where did he think that Sentry couldn't dodge, or even bothered to use your energy shield to support the surroundings, so he flew forward desperately.


The golden flash swallowed Sentry's figure in a blink of an eye, and the strong energy shock made his body shake violently.

However, the nihilistic Sentry possesses "Zero Five Three" with a power that is even more terrifying than the explosive power of one million Fixed Stars.

With a wicked smile, he recovered from his injuries and continued flying toward a small farm in Massachusetts.

"I want your relatives to die in front of you first, don't worry, I'll leave a little... a little more complete body for you to recognize each other later."

Fierce laughter resembling Jie Jie kept coming out of Void Sentry's mouth.

This guy is crazy.

The nihilism not only gave Sentry originally stronger powers, but also the inexhaustible negative emotions occupied the whole head.

Ruthless, despicable and shameless...

Just like a drug addict in the past, he wanted to let the lady of surprise watch the tragic scene happen in front of her eyes.


Ms. Marvel, Carol, was bathed in golden light. In the state of double stars, she frantically extracted the power from the white hole in her body, even if she did her best to catch up with the opponent.

coming soon.... coming soon...

Carol roared, she could feel the distance between them shrinking.

But each other's flight speed is too fast...

It was terrifying that Sentry's figure was about to arrive in less than half a second, but with his fast thoughts running, he told Carroll an extremely tragic news.

She can't stop...

When Carroll's inner grief and anger could not be buried.


A wave of invisible fluctuations swept in. Inexplicably, Carroll felt like her body was stuck in a quagmire, but she couldn't move easily.

In an instant, it was completely fixed in the void.


The surprised lady Carol opened her eyes, and she found that all the blue sky and white clouds around her were like time stagnation, completely frozen in one picture.

Even the figure of Sentry not far away.


Carol already felt a familiar smell, and for a while, the big stone in her heart finally sank down.


There was a rare hint of weakness on her white and flawless face, but it was rare for a pair of pupils to gleam with tears.

Feeling the strength of the tight embrace on the back, Carroll suddenly relaxed, and she also felt that her body was able to move.

Without hesitation, she turned around and directly ambush her head on this sturdy body, holding both hands on this powerful body.


Yun Chen has come directly.

Although he did not feel the life and death of his women, he could naturally feel Carol's unusually violent mood swings.

Without stopping, he broke out of the retreat, and came here without wasting a moment.

"Okay, leave it to me. 35

Yun Chen lowered his head and said indifferently.

Ms. Amazement Carol gently broke free from his embrace, and Angel's delicate and beautiful face showed a hint of shyness.

And At the moment.

The realm of time stagnation dissipates.

The flow of air finally led to the continuous blowing of the wind.

Baiyun also began to cloudy and cloudy.

Everything is back to normal.

The nihilistic Sentry naturally flew forward at the moment when the time was restored, but the next second, he stopped the flight with a grim face.


Somewhere, nothingness Sentry has felt an indescribable meaning.

"Someone stole the time, and I'm only now realizing it with hindsight...

Nothingness Sentry turned around, a pair of sinister pupils looked at the strong figure that suddenly appeared in the distance.

His dazed look suddenly became clear.


"Look who I see, isn't that the man from Ms. Marvel..."

Not finished yet...


A burst of energy suddenly burst out in front of him, and a sudden kick suddenly kicked his body.


The air exploded a sound barrier directly in front of his eyes, and the Void Sentry's figure was directly kicked out of outer space.


Under one foot, the internal organs in the body were not only dislocated, but also turned into a piece of powder in an instant. It was hard for Sentry to imagine that there were people in this universe who could shake his power.

It even made him have the idea of ​​dying in his consciousness...

"Do not!"

"I am the explosive force of a million Fixed Stars."

The nihilistic Sentry was completely dyed black, and the energy in his body was polluted into a black wave like ink.

Nothingness, fully awakened at this moment.

At this moment, he was completely healed.

Under this uncontrollable surge of energy, Sentry felt that he was omnipotent, and the blue earth that fell in front of his eyes seemed to be easily defeated with a single punch.

"That's the power...

Under a burst of wild laughter, the nihilistic Sentry made a big splash.

But his expression suddenly changed.

A sense of suffocation suddenly came, like falling into the ice cellar in an instant, and Sentry felt the coldness to the bones.


Subconsciously, nothingness Sentry raised his head suddenly, only to see a figure 2.6 appearing above him without a sound.

That tall and burly body gave people a lot of pressure, like a falling star. At this moment, Sentry only felt boundless killing intent burst into his mind.

"I heard you're going to give Carroll's family a complete body?

"That's good. 39

"I'll let you die without a corpse."

Indifferent words came from in front of him.


At the moment when the voice just fell, everything in front of him was impacted by a vast force. The sky turned upside down here, and Sentry instantly felt his own insignificance.


It was an ordinary straight punch, but it was full of unimaginable power, and the majestic force poured directly into Sentry's body at this moment.


The body in front of him has turned into a blood mist and splashed out under a single glance.

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