Marvel: The Supreme King

0047. Power Gem! (The third one, please collect)


The World Engine launched a concentrated beam of energy, which shot at the Kerry fleet outside Qien Prison at a very long distance.

The Kerry fleet, which could not respond quickly, was stunned for a while, and several battleships were sunk in an instant.

Lilith, the adjutant, sat in the cockpit and directed the weapon dispatch.

At the same time, she even discovered that someone seemed to be planning to take advantage of it.

"Your Majesty, an unknown fleet also appeared not far from Qien Prison."

She quickly found out the information and responded, "It was discovered that it was the fleet of the raider group."


He is a well-known interstellar hunter in the universe. He lives in a neutral and lawless zone. Although he has a lot of creeds, there are many members who burn, kill, and loot. He is an extremely dangerous interstellar organization.

Many years ago, Star-Lord Quill, who was an earthling, was kidnapped by the predator Yondu. There must be some reasons why Yondu did not give Star-Lord to his father buyer.

Therefore, Star-Lord Quill has a somewhat detached relationship with Yondu and even the Marauder group.

Yun Chen had naturally heard of the name of the Predator organization, and the reason why they came was nothing more than to take away the cosmic spirit ball in Star-Lord's hands.

"There was also news on the black market that Collector Tiffany from the realm of knowledge was very interested and offered to buy the universe spirit ball at a high price," said Lilith, the adjutant.

Known for her intelligence, she is very successful at gathering information.

"It's interesting." Yun Chen smiled.

Collector Tiffany obviously also knows what the cosmic spirit ball is.

Those are Infinite Gems, almost the oldest objects in the universe, and almost the most powerful objects in the universe.

The power gem alone gives the user the power and energy to master and control everything they try to master.

If you can buy such an Infinite Gems with money, Collector Tiffany will definitely laugh out loud.

In this way, all forces are competing for this cosmic spirit ball.

"Unfortunately, although mantises hunt cicadas, not everyone can be a oriole."

Without the support of strength, rashly act on impulse, I am afraid it will end in a very tragic end.

Yun Chen didn't pay much attention to the predator group at all, their strength was simply too weak.

"Keep attacking!"



As the only remaining large-scale Kryptonian battleship, the power of the World Engine is not comparable to those of the ordinary Kree battleships in front of it.

In just an instant, several fleets sank.


The accuser, Ronan, never expected that someone would dare to take chestnuts from the fire, and even took advantage of the chaos to draw his attention.

Fortunately, he already had a surefire plan. Before that, he deliberately brought a lot of fleets to Qien Prison.

Just sent all the fleet out to hunt each other, and an unexpected news came from the subordinates.

"That's a gigantic battleship from Krypton."

"What? That bastard is here again." The accuser Ronan looked horrified, because he knew that the ordinary fleet couldn't do anything about the terrifying Kryptonian Superman.

What shocked him even more was why this guy also came to Qien Prison, and he was so haunted. Could it be that he was also here to grab the cosmic spirit ball.

In an instant, the accuser Ronan's thoughts became more and more, and he suddenly thought of why such a strong Thanos would want the universe ball.

Now that terrifying Kryptonian insists on this baby too.

"Could it be..."

There was a hint of complexity in the eyes of the accuser, Ronan. He was not an idiot. He was able to attract so many cosmic powerhouses to compete. Obviously, this cosmic spirit ball was extraordinary.

"Ronan, what are you thinking? Who's here to make you so scared!" Corvus Glaive demanded.

As one of the five Obsidian generals, Corvus Glaive naturally has his proud capital. He is a capable subordinate of the great Titan, and even the accuser Ronan would not dare to order him anything.

"A strong enemy has arrived, maybe we should hurry up and prepare to leave." Ronan said.


Corvus Glaive sneered, and the face under the black burqa was full of disdain. "Running is not the style of our Obsidian Generals. Sorry, the style of the Kerry Empire is not suitable for us."


The accuser, Ronan, was furious, but he didn't dare to say anything more, because Thanos's name was like a mountain, which made it hard to breathe.

But he felt it was too suffocating.

The Kree Empire no longer trusts him, Thanos despises him, Krypton Superman has repeatedly troubled him, and even a Thanos dog has such a big opinion about him?


I can't be so down!

"Maybe I still have the capital to turn around."

Ronan's eyes suddenly darkened, and he stared at the cosmic spirit ball with ruthlessness.

At this moment, Gamora had already taken the cosmic ball from Star-Lord's hands.

Because Star-Lord does not have the relationship of being a hero to save the United States, the two did not become very close as in the movie, but were somewhat incompatible.

Gamora picked up the cosmic spirit ball with peace of mind and looked at it again and again. She also wanted to understand why this baby attracted the attention of her adoptive father Thanos so much.

This is definitely a terrifying item, otherwise it wouldn't have caught the eye of Thanos at all.

"let me see."

At this moment, the accuser Ronan was very surprised and took the cosmic ball in Gamora's hand.

"Ronan, you..." Corvus Glaive snapped, raising his scythe as if ready to strike.

However, Ronan had already crushed the outer shell of the cosmic spirit ball with one hand, and the true face of Mount Lu inside was immediately revealed, and an oval gem emitting a purple light came into his eyes.


What a majestic power! !

Ronan immediately felt the extraordinaryness of this gem. He had seen the energy released by many powerhouses, but compared to this gem, it was simply the light of firefly, not worth mentioning.

Ha ha.....

The cosmic spirit ball turned out to be such a treasure.

No wonder they thought so!

Suddenly, before Ronan had time to be happy, he felt that his palm was eroded by the power of this gem, and his entire arm could not bear the power of this gem at all.

"What a majestic energy."

It is simply too large to be grasped.

Ronan had an idea and set the whole gem directly on the long-handled heavy hammer on his right hand.


The gem was perfectly inlaid, and he actually changed his direction and grasped the gem.

"Hahaha, Thanos, or Superman, I have what you want, and you can never step on me again."

"Damn you, you're courting death!" Corvus Glaive roared.

But today is different.

The accuser, Ronan, would not lower his voice and swiped his hammer away. Corvus Glaive in front of him was shot several kilometers away, seriously injuring the opponent.

"Humph! The weak are also worthy of talking to me."

Ronan only felt that he was in control of the whole world, omnipotent, and the depression of the past completely disappeared.

PS: I beg all readers for big flowers and comments. Your support is the motivation of the author. *

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