Marvel: The Supreme King

0474. Servant of Almighty God! (Fourth more, please customize)


The Kovad star, the center of the antimatter universe, collapsed and shattered, and the huge star was completely blown apart by the last sword.


At this time, there were waves of ripples in the air, and I saw a figure emitting a holy white light coming across the sky~.

Against the background of this holy white battle suit, this tall and arrogant figure became more and more refined, and a monarch temperament that surpassed all living beings was released.

There is also a golden long sword in the hand of the emperor, and it is this sword of Superman that caused this scene to happen.

Yun Chen looked at the fragmented planet in front of him coldly.

In his eyes, he saw the corpse of the anti-monitor suspended in two halves in the air.


Even the Mobius chair was completely torn in half.

This Mobius Chair, which endowed people with endless knowledge and omniscient ability, was indeed a cosmic artifact.

However, compared to the Superman's natal artifact, the Sword of Superman, which cuts off everything and was born from the very beginning of its creation, it is far inferior.

Under the blessing of the anti-life equation's power to annihilate all matter, Yun Chen released the power of the final sword to a whole new level.

With a single sword, it penetrated time, broke open space, and killed the anti-monitor in front of him with a single sword.

The master of the antimatter universe fell on the spot.

"In a sense, I kind of helped the multi-universe breathe a sigh of relief.35

The single universes 'Earth-3' and 'Earth-31' were all defeated by the anti-monitors. With this momentum alone, I don't know how many universes will be defeated by the opponents in the future.

It is also clear, however, that the momentum behind the collapse of the multi-universe cannot be caused by anti-monitors.

Yun Chen showed a smile.

The Anti-Monitor is so dedicated to destroying the multi-universe territory, but it is just to boost the power of antimatter, yes, he is just to seek self-preservation in the apocalyptic crisis of the universe.

"Speaking of such a big man, he is nothing but a poor man.

Yun Chen's eyes became deeper and deeper, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

To be able to make the anti-monitors be so fearful and panic that it is difficult for them to survive this end of the universe, I am afraid that only the indescribable existence above everything has this qualification.

that fits this answer...

There is only the terrifying existence that is comparable to Almighty God, the monstrous beast!

"It's not clear what the future holds.

Yun Chen narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of which, he still doesn't know where the Almighty God is? He thinks of being cut off from all life and obscuring the long river of fate that peeps.

Yun Chen sighed inwardly, could it be that the Almighty God, who has never been seen at all, has never been seen again...

This seems like an unsolved answer.

Even in the comics, OAA, Almighty God, who is above everything, has not appeared many times. Who would know where the equivalent existence in this world is?

"No, news of the disappearance of Almighty God cannot be communicated in Parliament."

"I think we should be honest.

"The end of the universe is coming, and releasing more bad news at this juncture will only cause unnecessary trouble.

The three faces representing 'justice', 'need', and 'revenge' constantly exchanged opinions with each other.

The Life Court in the space called the 'Parliament' frowned, constantly discussing things with each other.

Shortly after this, the Tribunal of Life decided to contact all the gods of the universe to discuss how to deal with the apocalyptic crisis in the next year or later.

This is a major crisis involving all beings in the multi-universe, and the oversight of the omnipotent universe, the court of life that maintains the balance of all reality, relaxes.

Just like an empire entering the end of the twilight, the invasion of foreign enemies, the civil strife in the palace, the uprising of the people, all the multiple contradictions will break out completely in the doomsday period.

The recently concluded Hive of Oblivion is a good example, and the Court of Life firmly believes that there will be no peace in the multi-universe when the apocalyptic crisis officially arrives.

All the crises that may follow have completely erupted during this period, until the straw that broke the camel's back finally appeared, and the multi-universe officially ended its own life.

"This is a fate, a reincarnation.

The Life Court sighed helplessly. In fact, the current multi-universe is only the eighth era. Before that, it has experienced multiple universe restarts and the Big Bang.

This is the cycle of life and death, a very normal thing, a natural law that cannot be reversed.

0... ask for flowers...

It stands to reason that the court of life, which maintains all orderly existence, should face up to all this. After all, this is the cycle of fate, the natural law of the universe's operation, and should not be easily interfered with.

But this time is different from all previous Big Bang events..

According to the signs given by fate, all living beings will not usher in a new life.

Because at that time, it will last forever, and the wall of origin that has survived several big bangs will also be broken, and the universe will not usher in a new life. Since then, it will be dragged into the endless darkness.

Endless darkness...

There will be no more light of dawn.

The Life Court only felt that his whole body was trembling. This was not a reincarnation of life and death. If he let the doomsday crisis of the universe come, no one would usher in a new life.

Thought for a long time.

The life court still made a solemn decision.

"Speak to all the public, the news of Almighty God.

And right now.

"The Court of Life....

A shouting word was summoned from a cracked space gate in front of him.

There are not many people in this universe who can directly call the life court's name without any words of respect.

But this one in front of you is naturally enough!


The life court's complexion changed greatly, and every face was filled with surprise.

Because the person in front of him is also the person he is going to find in heaven.

Servant of God!

He is also the spirit of God's wrath and vengeance, who severely punishes all sins in the world.

"You are hurt...35

He didn't dare to neglect, and a majestic life force gushed from his body, healing the silver-white figure in a tattered cloak in front of him.


The Ghost who came from the space gate crawls on the ground and stands up with difficulty. He suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and stands up in pain.

"Where's God? Where is the omnipotent and almighty God?

The Life Court shouted urgently, and at the same time, one after another horrified answers kept emerging in his mind. Shouldn't God be buried in the endless darkness...


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