Marvel: The Supreme King

0489. Open the dark curtain in the long river of fate! (The third update, please customize)

Thinking in Superman state, Yun Chen's body is infinitely tall, and his palm is enough to measure the entire multi-universe.

Yes, the whole multi-universe is just a slap in the field of File size.

Now, his eyes penetrated from the endless darkness, and all the individual universes in the entire multi-universe came into view.

His thoughts jumped quickly.

However, Yun Chen's passing gaze still easily caught the specific situation of each single universe.

'Earth-11' is a sex-turned universe, this is a justice council led by women, every superhero woman you know.

Oracle Man, Super Woman, Sea Queen, Jesse Quick, Star Sapphire, Zatara, Wonder Man, etc...

'Earth-13' is a world where magic twilight shines eternally, with 3 hours in a day and 13 months in a year.

The superhero organization here is the Shadow Alliance. In this world rich in magical elements, there is no so-called Superman, Batman and others~.

'Earth-22' is a very old world, well, by definition in the future timeline of the main universe-.

The new generation of Superman is reckless, and Superman has already entered his old age.

The existence of 'Earth-30' is even more unusual, because the Soviet Union here did not disintegrate, but Superman Clark's escape capsule accidentally fell into the Soviet Union.

As a result, the plot of "Son of Red" was triggered.

Yun Chen has quickly learned the face of the entire multi-universe, and since then, every corner of the entire multi-universe has been filled with his gaze and thoughts.

He felt more and more clearly what it was all about.

The definition of 'everything' is omnipresent, he exists in every corner of the multi-universe in front of him, and also exists in every time axis of the past, present, and future.

And that's not enough to define his existence today.

He is the ape-man's sudden evolution of human life, a ray of inspiration from a writer, and a time that has passed quietly...

Yes, he is everything.

In the state of thinking Superman, Yun Chen felt all this more and more clearly, he began to metamorphosis, comprehend, and touched the level of Almighty God.

This is a threshold, and now he stepped on the threshold in one fell swoop and smashed it completely.

But even so...

He will not be indifferent and weak in emotion, because no definition can restrict any indescribable omnipotent existence.

Yun Chen is not a god, he is much taller than the so-called ruthless god, out of reach, unattainable.

It would be ridiculous to conclude that Almighty God ignores life in vain and treats all things as dogs, and nothing can restrain and balance an almighty existence.

In fact, God also has wrath and a dark side, and his servant Ghost is the embodiment of a ray of wrath...

this moment.

Yun Chen has already realized.

What's more interesting is that under such a bird's-eye view, he can see more and more of the whole face wrapped by the Wall of Origin.

In fact, in addition to the fifty-two known universes at the beginning, there are many unknown single universes.

Definitely, in this wall of origin, there are more blanks everywhere, it is nothingness.

"It turns out that the appearance that was originally wrapped by the Wall of Origin was by no means an ordinary multi-universe. In fact, there was once a super-large universe hatched here.

"But in the past, under a huge cosmic explosion, countless universes collapsed, and it became the current situation."

"The signs of decline have been around for a while."

Yun Chen sighed secretly.

He withdrew his gaze from spying on the multi-universe, and no longer observed the space of the slap File size.

"Well, there's another side..."

Yun Chen suddenly remembered the opposite of multi-universe.

His eyes suddenly noticed that behind the flat vortex of the slap File size, a reflection-like existence was the dark multi-universe.

But he's also not interested in these multi-universe reflections.

With a light push, he completely pushed out the multi-universe in his palm.

The infinitely high Yun Chen is just outside the wall of origin, this is... in the endless darkness.


This is the endless darkness before Almighty God created the world and before the dawn of dawn. After the establishment of the eternal wall of origin, the creatures of the universe will no longer be disturbed by this darkness.

Definitely, and no one knows exactly what's hidden here.

But what can be known is that this endless darkness that existed before the creation of the world really hides too many secrets.

The Black Death once said that the world is dark, and this is not a lie.


It was Almighty God who forcibly carved out such a large territory.

Even with Yun Chen's infinitely spreading thinking consciousness, it is impossible to measure where the end of the entire endless darkness is.

But he also senses some unique spaces that exist outside of the multi-universe.

Yun Chen captured the fluctuations from the antimatter universe.

But he wasn't interested.

On the contrary, the higher-dimensional living hell Apocalypse, its coordinates are more attractive to itself.

Unfortunately, for a while, he was unable to gain anything.

In the Superman mode of thinking, Yun Chen's fighting spirit is high, and he even tries to find Darkseid's real body from it, so as to explore whether the legend of the other party is true or not.

After all, there is a legend in the universe that 'Darkseid's real body is enough to cause the collapse of the multi-universe'.

But Yun Chen of At the moment no longer explores its existence.

In fact, the body is plunged into this endless darkness, which is enough to make a terrifying existence beyond the multi-universe level unbearable.

Like a drowning person.

Before thinking about Superman, Yun Chen naturally did not dare to break into this endless darkness to seek excitement.

At the moment.

Without the obstruction of the wall of origin, without the protection of the power left by the Almighty God, he began to feel a whisper, a babble that could penetrate anyone's pupils and torture anyone's nerves.

Yun Chen began to feel inexplicably blue veins appearing on his neck, swollen as if it were about to burst through the skin.

But this sudden change quickly disappeared without a trace.

Even the ravings were expelled from the ears.

"It's interesting. 35

Yun Chen's eyes suddenly turned to the darkness in front of him. His eyes flashed with a cold light, penetrating all invisible dark obstacles, and began to find the raving whispered like a demon.

But that's just a description, in fact, it's an indescribable horror.


Soon, Yun Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he found that it was not the darkness in front of him that drew his attention, but the long river of fate...

Outside the falling curtain of darkness, a terrifying giant claw stretched out unexpectedly, opened the curtain, and took advantage of the opportunity to find out the long river of fate, and grabbed Yun Chen.

inning g

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