Marvel: The Supreme King

0006. Epic battle!! (For automatic subscription)

"Okay, the trouble on land is settled." Yun Chen said, looking around the palace.

Yun Chen walked out of the palace slowly, his blue eyes staring at the twilight sun on the coastline.

"Pass my order, all Amazon warriors on the island, all executions for disobedience". Yun Chen turned and said to the Amazon Queen behind him.

Yun Chen knows very well in his heart that the Amazons are a wild group, they will never give in to outsiders, definitely, Yun Chen can also tamper with their memories one by one, but this is too much trouble, it is better to kill all the disobedient ones. Light.

The sky began to dim, and the red glow of the west coast gradually faded.

Darkness came quietly.

Yun Chen sat on the throne he had just won today, thinking.

He gradually became familiar with the rising power in his body, and in a short time, he directly reached the strength beyond the multi-universe level, which also caused a new metamorphosis to occur in the body of steel.

Under the night, a few more Atlantis pioneer battleships appeared on the coast at the edge of the island.

"Reporting to Marshal Aum, Team A has approached the shallow water area 10 nautical miles south of North America and has not been attacked at present. 99

"Report to Marshal Orm that Team B has landed on the reefs on the east side of the coastline. No guards found."9

"Report to Marshal Orm,..."

"The vanguard troops landed in an all-round way, and the saltwater tribe's vanguard troops acted immediately. After the main force landed, they launched the main attack. 35

It was Orm who was speaking, Aquaman Arthur's half-brother.

"Tonight is the moment of decisive battle, the moment when the rotten and backward culture of the Amazon parliament will come to an end."5

Aum said to the Atlantis warriors around him. 147

"But don't forget...

A steady voice came from behind Om. The speaker is Vico, the teacher of Aquaman Arthur and Orm.

"Their queen, Hippolyte, is favored by the gods of Olympus, her divine power has been passed down from generation to generation without interruption, and her body is full of artifacts, not to mention Wonder Girl, which can also be compared with Arthur's trident. Halberd to contend.

Vico continued.

"So now you still insist on attacking the Amazon Council?"

"Teacher, you are getting old. You are also doing things with a little tiptoe. We are a feud, and we must not be on each other's side. 99

"Also, my brother, Arthur, has gathered the power of the four seas, the whole water world is united, and like the legend of the ancient epic, we are making history, and we can reproduce the glory of Atlantis. 35

Aum just finished talking excitedly. News came from the front.

"Report to the marshal, our front-line intelligence personnel reported that there was civil unrest in the Amazon Palace, and I didn't know what was going on for a while."

The vanguard came and disappeared.

"Very good, even the goddess of luck is on our side, my teacher, are you still confused now?

"Send me the crab army of the saltwater clan now, and the fisherman clan will land in the east with marine and marine battleships. Our goal is to take Hippolyte and seize every inch of the continent. 35

Aum issued an order, and the soldiers of the sea rushed to the eastern and southern coasts of North America.

The coast on the south side is huge, with thousands of saltwater crab warriors like a tide. Looking down from a height of several hundred meters, it looks like a group of ants, and the scene is very spectacular.

At the same time, on the east side of Paradise Island, a large number of fishermen's marine and marine battleships were floating on the reefs. According to statistics, there should be nearly 300 warships, and each of them is equipped with basic high-speed water cannons. If this kind of cannonball hits a building directly, it will collapse immediately.

Members of the Amazon parliament have also just wrapped up a bloody coup at the palace.

No one would have predicted that just today, the Amazon's long-standing nemesis would launch an all-out attack.

This is deadly.

Especially at this juncture, the Amazons ushered in a new emperor who violently seized power.


On the coastline of North America, I saw a huge black curtain rising from the sky, constantly pushing across the face.

But this...

But it was a huge wave that was hundreds of meters high.

In an instant, before the alarm on the coastline was completely sounded, most of the defense forces of the Amazon Council were drowned under the slap of the tsunami.

This is just a meet and greet.


Like a sea god, Aum commands the ocean and is brewing an even more terrifying tsunami, which is enough to completely destroy all buildings and all living beings on all continents with one blow.

On the cliffs of the coast, the Amazons, who had quickly settled down, began to prepare for battle.

"Enemy attack! It's the bloody Atlanteans!!"

Hundreds of Amazon warriors operated high-tech barrels similar to ballistas, continuously projecting them towards cruisers coming from the distant ocean.

But in an instant, they were completely attacked by a large number of crab corps that suddenly appeared under the cliff.

Between the cliffs, the hundreds of Amazon archers who reacted to it fired a hundred arrows. Although the Crab Legion had a hard shell, it could not withstand the arrowheads in the hands of the Amazon female warriors who were blessed by the power of the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

Many use their own strength to deal with a large number of crabs. Despite this, it still makes it difficult to defeat a large army of crabs, not to mention the giant crabs behind the army of crabs.

In desperation, Amazon decided to destroy the rock (ajcg) mountains on both sides of the canyon, and the falling stones were enough to bury the 200-meter-wide grand canyon.

Within a few minutes, the mountain fell down, and a large number of stones blocked the attack of the crab army, and the attacking army was temporarily delayed.

In the other direction, on the battlefield on the east side of the coastline, on the reefs, the Amazon female warriors fought hard. The Amazon warriors could not fly, and it was difficult to stand on the reefs soaked by the sea water. They basically had to rely on long-range ballistas and catapults to attack.

From time to time, there are many figures flying interspersed in the enemy group, constantly harassing.

But even so, it was still difficult to resist the shelling of the battleship group. Only twenty minutes after the battle started, there were already hundreds of Amazonian female soldiers on the battlefield in the east.

As the Amazon parliament that rules a piece of North America, the Amazons are not as many as imagined, and they are far from being the main ethnic group.

Definitely, every Amazon on the front line is an elite fighter, and under the continuous defeat of the battlefield, the Amazons choose to keep retreating.

The battle situation was too tragic. As soon as the Sea Clan advanced on the reefs in the east with an overwhelming advantage, they would soon cross the reefs. Once the fleets set foot on the land, a large number of Sea Clan troops would land on the island.

At the moment of crisis, a red light suddenly appeared behind the Amazon formation.

A woman stood in the center of the fire, holding a blade that was swallowed by the flames.

That's right, this woman is Yun Chen's new attendant, Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons. And what she is holding in her hand is the Vulcan Sword 'Excalibur' made by the Vulcan Hephaestus.

She charged into the fleet with the Excalibur, and the rest of the Amazon warriors also picked up spears and sharp swords to follow the Queen into the enemy's line.

Hippolyte swung the blade at will, and the flames on the sword instantly turned into waves of flame energy, instantly destroying several of the relatively advanced battleships.

The commander of the Atlantis warship regiment saw that the situation was not good and immediately issued an order.

"All battleships obey orders, spread out formations, concentrate firepower, and give priority to attacking the Amazon Queen." The commander was not only experienced, but also recognized the Amazon Queen and the godslayer in her hands at a glance.

"Report to Marshal Aum, the Amazon Queen was found in the eastern coastal theater, and she still has the ancient artifact of Vulcan. I don't think our battleship group is her opponent." The commander quickly reported the situation to the Marshal, and the words just fell , A red energy Shockwave appeared on the right side of the battleship where the commander was, and the dozen or so battleships that passed through were all turned into ashes.

Fortunately, the pilot on the command ship reacted swiftly, even if he made a turning action, the fleet commander was spared death. But the command ship was also severely damaged. Power and weapon systems were severely damaged.

Hippolyte burst into the enemy group, and at the same time she became the center of the battlefield. Although she swung a powerful Shockwave and destroyed dozens of battleships, she was also surrounded by nearly 20 battleships. The moment she swung the Excalibur, the 20 surrounding battleships The battleship also began to store energy at the same time, and in just a few seconds, it launched an attack at the same time, and powerful blisters shot at Hippolyte.


With a loud noise, more than 20 blisters hit Hippolyte at the same time, and at the same time, dust was raised around him, covering the sky. Even within a range of forty or fifty meters around, it is difficult to see clearly. After more than ten seconds, the dust began to fall.

Suddenly, a white light came from the center of the explosion. The white light suddenly spread out to the surroundings, and the energy wave emitted at the same time also blew away the surrounding dust. I saw Hippolyte standing among them, with his hands crossed in front of his heart, and a ball-shaped gleaming white energy field shield appeared beside him.

"I won't let you disturb His Highness's sleep." Hippolyte raised the Excalibur in his hand and roared.

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