Marvel: The Supreme King

0061. Attilan's miracle! (fourth more, please customize)

It's not just the thermal sight beam that cleans and sutures wounds.

Even Yun Chen used the Oracle cheat to unlock the special skill of 'feedback' by using the skill of energy extraction.


As soon as he opened his hand, Yun Chen's palm spurted out a mass of pure energy that fed back to the injured woman.

It was a mass of pure and extreme vitality, and even the terrifying injury was suddenly improved.

Crystal opened her eyes in an instant, and the seemingly irreversible injury has healed, which is simply incredible.


Medusa hugged her and cried bitterly.

Crystal didn't know what was going on, but she knew that she had already walked outside the gate of hell.

Under the emotional infection, she also cried with red eyes.

But feeling that the figure of the arrogant god was about to leave, Medusa responded, "God, where are you going? 99

It is said that Roar transforms again, and the omnipotent existence suddenly becomes the Lord of God.

It seemed that this woman was really following over with her heart.

Yun Chen09 raised an eyebrow and said, "When I need you, someone will come to pick you up."

"Follow your teachings." Medusa bowed her head and said respectfully.

Crystal squeezed her wrist tightly, and when the black figure completely disappeared into the night, she cried with red eyes, "Sister, what have you done?"

"This is the price, nothing, anything that can exchange your life is worth it.

"The price is too high." Crystal cried.


The sound of shelling was heard again in the distance.

Buildings, trees fell in pieces, and then the cries of the Kree were heard.

"Is this a Kree?" Crystal's face was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't imagine how the Kree, who did all evil, could get into such a situation.

There was a hint of piousness on Medusa's face, and jokingly said, "All this is life."

In the city of Attilan, the fire was ablaze.


The Cree roared. They used their strong bodies and high-tech weapons to dominate the Inhumans for a while, but they couldn't face such a woman.

A godlike woman.

Ms. Marvel Carol looked grimly at the Kree.

"Unfortunately, you didn't kill me in the last conspiracy, and now I have completely removed you.


Under the unwilling words, they swarmed up, but the oncoming was a bright golden beam.


Madam Carol was really like a valkyrie, with golden light filling her body. She pointed forward with her right hand, and a cosmic beam of light flew out from her fingertips.


A Kree was completely pierced to death, and the Flight ship at the rear couldn't dodge, and was completely hit by the golden beam that passed through the hole, and it exploded with a bang.

Seeing the distant Kree airship ready to pull high, Carol chuckled, she can control every form of electromagnetic spectrum and gravitational energy within the Level Universe.

I saw that she opened her hand and pulled, and under the action of gravity, several airships in the sky were directly pulled down, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

This is similar to Yun Chen's ability to pull satellites through power gems, and it has the same effect.

But the visual conflict is far less than that.

"Damn woman."

The Kree were well aware of how strong Ms. Marvel really was.

It is a peerless sword, and no one dares to touch its edge. In the past, the Skrull Empire suffered from this, but now, it is the Kree people's turn to suffer.

"Fight against this imperial traitor."

Compared to the omnipotent Kryptonian Superman, the Kree were furious in the face of Carroll.

With the determination to die, these Cree people launched the attack recklessly.

Because in the eyes of these fanatical military elements, Carol is a traitor to the Kree Empire and vows to make her pay a certain price.

Go forward and backward, go forward!

Carroll showed no mercy at all, and the golden photon energy shot away like a floating cannon, filling the sky with plumes of light.

At the same time, an energy light shield stood up, completely swallowing and absorbing the high-energy beams that attacked the whole body.

Carol, who is full of offense and defense, not only showed a terrifying ability to master cosmic energy, but the cells of her body have long been extraordinary under the baptism of energy.

She leaped into the air and directly smashed a ship.

He punched in the air, smashing a tall and sturdy Kree to death.

In a sense, Carroll is a model of female Superman.


The Inhumans in the city of Attilan rose up inexplicably, and were inexplicably invaded by the outside world, which made them depressed.

But now the amazing thing is that such a valkyrie came down from the sky to save them.

"Hurry up and save people.

An alien shouted.

Before that, many foreigners who were completely paralyzed and knocked down were bound up.

"Hurry up and save people.

Many of the bound Inhumans were completely loosened, and the momentum of the Kerry army's collapse was very obvious, and the Inhumans had extraordinary abilities, and Yi Gao boldly fought back.

Some aliens sprayed fireworks, directly burning several Kree people who were in distress.

There is even an alien manipulating his spiritual ability, causing the Kree people in front of him to kill each other.

Without the suppression of the genetic weapon, the Inhumans directly burst into a strong tenacity.

"Kill! Kill all these Kree for me.

"Goddess Hail!"

"Valkyrie you are amazing!"

At the same time of counterattack, many foreigners admired this blond beauty who fell from the sky.

It was she who led everyone out of the bitter sea, and every Inhuman was full of gratitude to Carol.

"Enough, Kree."

At this time, someone opened his mouth and revealed sound waves, and the terrifying fluctuations directly caused several ships in the air to explode.

"It's Black Bolt!

"In the legend, the most powerful existence of the Inhumans, I heard that he has never been able to speak, because when he opened his mouth, it was a sound wave with enormous energy.

"It turns out that it is too strong."

Black Bolt took a peek at Carol, but found that she didn't have any change in her complexion, as if she was expressing this Ability.


The orange-red fire burned, and the ship was destroyed by the sound wave, but there was a sound of shock Roar from below, and I saw a very large ship falling towards the city.

"not good!

The aliens shouted, because the direction of the ship's fall was too bad, and there were many civilians in the city.

Carroll's brows twitched, and when he was about to fly into the sky, he saw that the hundred-meter-long ship had already stagnated in the sky.


Looking at the black figure, a sincere smile appeared on Carol's calm face.


There were also bursts of incredible sounds from among the aliens.

Because under the flight ship that was hundreds of meters long, a volleyed figure easily raised one arm.

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