Marvel: The Supreme King

0007. Beautiful misunderstanding! (seventh more, please collect)


An icy blue light instantly cut through the space, and the moment the icy blue beam burst out of the pupil, it directly penetrated the alloy deck on the ship in front of him.

"not good!"

Adjutant Lilith called out.

The cold light that suddenly burst out was like a peerless sword, piercing through several decks and destroying many facilities.

What's even more frightening is that the cutting deck has no blockage, it is like a knife inserted into a cake, and it is extremely smooth.

The air was even more inexplicably cold, and the temperature dropped extremely, making Lilith feel a bone-chilling cold.


Yun Chen scolded, and when the energy was exhausted, he forcibly closed his eyes, and the ice-blue light beam disappeared urgently.

Only the undissipated cold in the air, and the messy deck facilities in front of him, showed what just happened.


"The damage rate of the reconnaissance ship has reached 14%, please repair it in time!"

On the Aquarius, the artificial intelligence detected the damage to the facility and could not help but issue a reminder.

"Enemy attack!"

Not only that, but personnel from other posts on the reconnaissance ship quickly rushed to the cockpit.

"Someone attacked us?" Soldier Todd asked.

Everyone quickly discovered the anomaly. After all, besides the captain and adjutant, how could there be any enemies? How come the enemy attacked.

"It's so cold."

Everyone also felt the meaning of a penetrating cold frost.

"Hey, what's the matter with this temperature?" Some people couldn't stand it.

The reconnaissance ship naturally isolates the icy temperature of the Cambrian star field. At the moment, I suddenly felt the cold of becoming a shareholder. It is no wonder that everyone could not bear it for a while.

But what's going on?

Looking at the cut alloy deck and the armor that was pierced by layers, everyone present had lingering fears in their hearts.

Darling... This is still a special aviation armor, which is easily torn apart.

Just imagine, if the body of an ordinary person can't bear it at all, after all, who would dare to say that his body is stronger than aviation alloy.

"Don't worry about it, it was the Captain's ability that suddenly appeared out of control. Everyone went back to their respective positions to work, and the engineer stayed to repair it."

Adjutant Lilith ordered directly.

A new ability?

What Ability can easily cut off the deck in front of him.

How terrifying is that power!

Thinking of this, everyone was envious.

Everyone is basically aware that the new captain must have broken the genetic lock, otherwise he will not have the power that the 'soldier' ​​should not have.

At the moment, a Kryptonian scientist clapped his hands in praise and said, "I heard that the Kryptonian Superman in the front row of the genetic sequence has a power that Superman can't match."

"In the period of Awakening, a bunch of countless abilities emerged, with the reputation of being omnipotent and omnipotent."

"What's more terrifying is that Krypton Superman can easily cope with all kinds of extreme bad situations, because their genetic sequences allow him to quickly adapt and evolve!"

"That's the horror of Krypton Superman."

When the Kryptonian scientist spoke of his excitement, he could not help clenching his fists and shouting, "Look at the sky, the Kryptonian Empire has been wiped out, and I thought it was going to fall."

"It must be the fate that has opened another door for us. Otherwise, how can we break the genetic lock of Captain, Captain, the hope of ZTE Krypton is all entrusted to you."

This scientist is babbling and full of nonsense, more like a religious priest than a scientist.

However, his remarks were obviously very impactful, and many Kryptonites nodded in agreement, and their admiration for Yun Chen deepened a lot.

After all, this is too coincidental, otherwise, how can you explain that Yun Chen's genetic lock has been completely broken, and it has continued to evolve in the direction of Krypton Superman?

"If it is correct, the ability to cut the deck just now must be a heat sight, um... No, how can this air be cold." Kryptonian scientists are still showing off their knowledge, but they soon discovered that something was wrong .

"The air is cold, could this be the variant's heat sight ability?"

"It's a freezing ray."

Yun Chen took over.

Just now, he had watched the blue Fixed Star from beyond the line of sight, and was stabbed by the cold for a while. Perhaps because of this incentive, he suddenly Awakening the ability of freezing rays.


"Frozen Ray LV1."

In his template, there is also this new eye ability.

Hot sight!

A very conventional and typical Superman Ability, Superman Clark is one of the models, this Ability is like a supreme blade, cutting unparalleled.

The attribute of definitely hot sight is fire, but Yun Chen's own is cold.

"Frozen rays are a bit interesting." Yun Chen sighed inwardly.

"Captain, whether it's freezing rays or heat sight, according to the records left by the Supreme Council, the once terrifying and invincible Krypton Superman can see at a glance, reach the power of a star destroyer, and instantly destroy a planet directly."


The crowd took a breath.

At a glance, a planet is dying.

What terrifying power is this?

The super laser cannon "Death Star" that claims to be able to destroy the entire planet is nothing more than that.

For a time, the gazes of the Kryptonites looking at Yun Chen became more and more worshipful, as if they were gods.

"Okay, let's go down first."

Yun Chen waved his hand and told them to retreat first. After that, he just wanted to explore the specific Ability of Freezing Ray by himself.

Definitely, he didn't explain anything about the far-fetched speculations of the scientist, after all, things like Oracle cheats would naturally not be said.

'Let them mistakenly think that they are instructions from Krypton! ’ It may also be a beautiful misunderstanding.

Even Lilith, the adjutant who has always been intellectual and intelligent, can't help but believe it. No matter how she fills her head with the Interstellar Encyclopedia, she may not be able to figure out the reason.

"Is the captain really the hope of revival? Otherwise, how to explain what happened these days."

Her delicate face was full of confusion, and Lilith murmured in a low voice, "But her mind is full of natural reproduction, violence, and other behaviors that violate the code. It seems that the captain needs to supplement the code knowledge."

PS: There will be an update tonight! I beg all readers to send a lot of flowers and comments! Your support is the motivation of the author. *

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