Marvel: The Supreme King

0083. I'm more special than you! (Seventh more, please customize)


Faced with Yun Chen's questioning, Clark Kent choked for a while, never expecting that the other party was the emperor of the Kryptonian Empire.

Then, isn't he, in a sense, his people?

However, in the words just now, he also heard the insistence of his father, Joel, that he believed that the Central Collection had destroyed the foundation of the Kryptonian Empire.

The collapse of Krypton is the most important reason for the decline of the empire.

Clark definitely knows what the Nexus Tome means?


What a cruel world it is, imagine that people in that world have no possibility of class mobility at all.

A soldier is destined to be a soldier, and a worker is destined to be a worker.

There is no possibility for them to change, and they have to work in this position for the rest of their lives.

This is so cruel.

A lifetime of imperial workers, with no possibility of jumping.

As long as Clark Kent imagined this picture, he felt extremely worried, what is the need for such a society to exist.

What's more, this is the insistence of his father, Joe Al, and he has to agree to it.

"No, even if it's really on me, I can't hand over the central 007 collection."

Clark righteously refused.

Yun Chen was calm and continued to drink the bottle of wine in front of him.


After drinking it, Yun Chen easily drank most of the bottle of wine in an instant.

That intense degree obviously had no effect on his steel body.

At this time.

Yun Chen stood up slowly and said, "Some things can't be tolerated for you, and it will be a little painful, so you can bear it and it will pass quickly. 55


Clark gritted his teeth, and these words undoubtedly showed his determination to make a move.

Get started first!

Feeling the faint pressure coming from him, he knew that there were some gaps in strength. Clark Kent knew that once the opponent made a move, he would probably have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, he took a sudden step forward, and rushed forward with his tightly clenched right fist.


His right fist actually hit Yun Chen's waist.


Clark never expected the punch to hit.


His face was suddenly startled, the fist that was enough to completely knock down a building didn't have any effect, and the figure of (ajdd) Fang didn't move at all, not even a slight shake.

"how can that be.""

Clark's complexion changed drastically, and he only felt that the power of his punch was like a mud ox entering the sea, dissipating without a trace.

"This is the gap between me and you, just like heaven and earth," Yun Chen said.

A big difference!


Clark looked at the indifferent eyes on the opposite side, and swallowed a sigh of relief in fear.


A strong wind came, and before he even had time to react, his fist had already landed on his waist, and with a bang, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The momentum of the impact was huge, and the reason why Clark's body was not thrown out was undoubtedly because Yun Chen's other hand was firmly on his shoulder.

"Ah! 55

Clark spat out blood in pain, as if his internal organs were completely shattered, which made him very uncomfortable.

After the grip on his shoulders disappeared, he completely knelt down on the ground, and also knelt down in front of Yun Chen.

"You are fortunate to have absorbed the central treasure book in natural childbirth. More importantly, the radiation of the sun's rays is increasing your body every day and every night, but even so, you are still too weak."

I have to say, Clark Kent, the Superman, is indeed blessed.

The yellow/colored sun is of great help to the Kryptonians. Clark has lived here for so many years and has been subtly evolving his body.

In the process of this transformation, Superman Clark has even been given many extraordinary abilities, heat vision, super Roar suction and so on...

So in the movie, Zod, whose gene sequence is 'General', can't take Superman Clark.

It's a pity that Yun Chen is even more special than him.

He was not the product of some natural birth.

Gene sequences are more common 'soldiers', but when Yun Chen's consciousness arrived with the Oracle cheat, everything changed.

With the help of the cheating device, he completely broke the shackles of genes and was no longer limited to the original prison.

"You have grown up under this beautiful sunshine for so many years, and it has given you a lot of abilities, but you still can't keep up with my pace.

"Because I'm more special than you!


Clark, who was lying on the ground, screamed, and he was unwilling to give in, and he squeezed his fist again to attack.

Just another senseless attack.


Silently, all his strength was weakened to zero by Yun Chen's 'Damage Save', 'Energy Drain' and other defensive abilities.


Clark didn't stop at this point, his eyes spewed out his own thermal sight beam, and the beam fell on Yun Chen's body, only burning through his clothes, and couldn't penetrate the skin underneath at all.

At this moment, a hand covered his eyes.



The other hand on the opposite side clenched his fist tightly and landed on his shoulder, with a bang, the ground of the tavern instantly burst into a pit.

Clark's embarrassed figure lay down in it.

He cried out in pain, his entire back lost consciousness, but this steel body, which was strong enough to resist the rocket, was hit hard as never before.

Yun Chen squeezed his fists, and waves of surging and endless power continued to emerge.

Since the cheater stole the energy of the Infinite Gems, his body began to undergo the transformation of this infinite energy.

Strength, space, and even a newly acquired mind.

The energy of the three Infinite Gems converged and merged into one, making Yun Chen's body stronger and stronger. According to what he said now, even if the sun was soaked in a bathtub, there would be no casualties.

"So you see what's special about me?

"I have reformed the parliamentary system of the Kryptonian Empire and restored the ancient monarchy. It may not be long before the glory of the Kryptonian Empire will reappear, and its glorious banner will be planted throughout the universe.

After saying these words, Yun Chen's figure walked to the door of the bar.

"Remember to leave a little money for the bar owner."


The S.H.I.E.L.D agents who were waiting outside looked at each other, but did not know the origin of this special task assigned by Director Nick Fury.

"What about this man? 35'

"Someone should come to pick it up. In other words, he's not dead..."

As soon as the words fell, these agents saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw that a spaceship was released from its invisible state, and it was suspended in the void, and several hazy figures descended from the sky.

The S.H.I.E.L.D agent swallowed, not daring to imagine the scene in front of him, no wonder the director personally warned them to forget everything they saw.

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