Marvel: The Supreme King

0086. Clark's choice! (The third update, please customize)

After realizing it, Thanos burst into flames, and at the same time harbored deep fear in his heart.

A Kryptonian Superman with the same purpose as him.

If Thanos insists on collecting Infinite Gems, it is clear that on this road, the two must be life and death, and cannot coexist.

"I will definitely kill you." Thanos let out a rare roar.

It was someone else who realized the same thing later.

In Asgard of Asgard, Thor lingered outside a splendid bedroom, and it was only when he returned to Asgard that he knew that his father, the great Odin, had fallen asleep.

Who caused the god-king Odin to be so seriously injured that he needed to go to sleep to recover from his injuries.

Queen Frigga gives Thor an unexpected answer, Krypton Superman!


A Superman on Earth.

Thor just felt a bolt from the blue in his head.


It is simply unimaginable that the Kryptonian Superman, who insisted on taking the Space gem that day, defeated his omnipotent God King Odin before that.

Thor's face was ashen, and after being defeated by Superman, he still hoped that his father Odin would be able to crush him back, but he didn't expect...

What made him even more angry was that this guy also occupied the inherent territory of Asgard, Nidaville, the country of dwarf.

He even took the God King's weapon, the Storm Axe, as his own.

If I knew about it that day, I would definitely stay and fight him to the death. Thor sighed inwardly.

"Don't be brave, you are not his opponent." Queen Frigga knew her son's temper.

so angry!

Thor clenched his fists tightly, wishing to rush to Earth to ask him for an explanation, but a gap in strength made him more like incompetent fury.

Asgard and the Kryptonian Empire are absolutely inseparable!

I will definitely avenge this!


The hazy consciousness gradually became clear. Clark Kent only felt that a century had passed. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and sat up from the operating table.

"This is..." Clark screamed.

The scientists around were also startled, but when they saw a figure approaching the door, they immediately bowed slightly and respectfully said, "Welcome Your Majesty's arrival."

Yun Chen nodded slightly, since the empire restored the monarchy, Lilith also summed up a set of etiquette rules.

"This is your compatriot, Clark." Yun Chen looked at the figure standing up on the operating table.


Clark Kent came to his senses, because he felt that something very important seemed to be missing from his body, "You...really took my central tome? 35

"Pay attention to your wording." A Kryptonian scientist reminded.

Yun Chen waved his hand slightly, so that he didn't need to pay too much attention.

He looked at Clark and said, "You should thank these Kryptonian scientists who are the only surviving scientists. They made you survive. Otherwise, even if you pay for your life, I will take out the central tome in your body."


Clark Kent swallowed, a huge pressure made his Roar suck a little stagnant, looking at the pair of frozen eyes in front of him, he felt the majesty of a monarch for the first time.

There were a lot of words, but under this glorious divine might, they couldn't help swallowing them all.

Yun Chen looked down at him condescendingly and said, "I'm not here to listen to your complaints, and now I just want you to answer my question, whether to stay on Krypton or stay on Earth. 99


Clark Kent's expression changed, and he didn't expect the other party to ask such a question.

"The Kryptonian Empire needs to be revived, and it needs to rebuild its past glory from the ruins, so there is no doubt that there are countless talents, and your skills are absolutely worthy of this task."

"We have countless enemies, and the pace of the future must be baptized by blood and war.

so cruel.

Clark's face darkened, he remembered what His Majesty had said about his father, Joe Al.

"What if I'm going back to Earth?"

His parents chose to give birth naturally, which is to break the rotten class system and let Clark choose his own direction and future path.

Clark asked himself for a long time, he was still willing to be an earthling, plain and simple.

"Go back to Earth, definitely."

There was a hint of inexplicable meaning in Yun Chen's eyes, which made Clark feel a little chilled, and his heart felt tightly grasped by an invisible giant hand.

"You are one of the few Kryptonians, our compatriots are too rare, so I will not kill you.

The voice just fell.

The pressure that made Clark feel suffocated instantly dissipated without a trace.

"But you have also been stripped of your identity as a Kryptonian, so you can live on this land in the future." Yun Chen said, turned around and left.

"Chasing Guest. 99


The Krypton reconnaissance ship once again ascended into the sky.

Clark Kent, who was driven off the ship, stood lonely on the glacier, watching the reconnaissance ship fly into the sky, a hint of regret floated in his heart.

If he was given another chance, maybe there would be a different answer.

On the reconnaissance ship USS Aquarius.

A Kryptonian scientist came to Yun Chen's side, and he reported, "Your Majesty, Clark's body is stripping away the central treasure, and the activity of his body cells has dropped a lot. In a sense, his strength at the future level is It will also drop a lot.”


Joe El is definitely selfish, otherwise he wouldn't integrate the central treasure into Clark's body, definitely this is every father's eccentricity.

"Are you still worried that he will die on Earth?" Yun Chen said.

"That shouldn't be the case."

The scientist smiled and said, "Definitely, there is good news. Derek and Spencer, two Kryptonian warriors, were born with extraordinary powers, and they learned to heat sight."

"Good! 35

A smile appeared on Yun Chen's face, and satisfaction was written all over his face.

Derek and Spencer were both able-bodied men of General Zod in the past. They were the mainstays of the Kryptonian Empire in the past. With Foola's lessons learned, they naturally transferred those high-level warriors to the moon base.

Speaking of which, this group of people has been on the moon base for a while, and today two new little Supermans were finally born.

The Kryptonians whose genetic samples are 'soldiers' have no possibility of mutation evolution, and only high-ranking generals have the possibility of evolution, which is why Yun Chen wants to hatch twenty 'generals' in one breath.

"Then it doesn't matter whether there is Clark or not."

There was a cold light in Yun Chen's eyes. He originally planned to plunder civilization and seize the resources of other life planets to make up for the resources that he gradually ran out of.

Worrying about the lack of talent, I finally handed over a pillow from Drowsiness.

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