Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 106 A touch of crimson

In the corner of the Osborne biopharmaceutical manufacturing plant, a Ferrari SF90 Darth Vader was parked in front of a closed gate.

After passing the identity verification, the door opened, which was thick enough to be compared with the door of a bank vault, and the Ferrari slowly drove in.

After the Ferrari stopped, the floor of the room began to fall downwards, and the people in the car could feel an obvious sense of weightlessness. This room that looked like a parking lot was actually a huge elevator!

The elevator dropped more than ten meters before stopping. The driver's door was pushed open, and an embarrassed Harry walked out. His head was covered in blood, and his Green Goblin armor was also severely damaged.

Harry came to the second-level security gate and entered the password. The passenger door was also pushed open. Harry stepped forward quickly and helped Peter out of the car with spider legs stuck in his chest.

"I thought I would never come back here." Peter's face was ferocious, and his voice was very hoarse and weak, as if he might die at any time.

Those spider legs were inserted into his body and had not yet been removed. Every time he moved, the wound would be torn, causing bursts of pain. The torn wound would heal in a short period of time, and then be broken again during the next action. Tear apart, over and over again.

The perfect lizard gene serum can bring powerful recovery capabilities, but it cannot block out a trace of pain. Peter is in severe pain all the time.

Harry helped Peter walk through a long passage. There were single prison cells on both sides. The people they held privately were experimental subjects for human experiments on various animal gene serums.

Some were arrested and temporarily imprisoned because of their physical fitness. They were not injected with genetic serum and other drugs.

Some have been injected with the corresponding animal gene serum, but Peter has not yet figured out a way to safely control them, so he can only be temporarily detained.

These are all people who survived the experiment successfully. Nearly 90% of the experimental subjects experienced various phenomena after being injected with gene serum, causing the experiment to fail. Those people had long since died on the operating table. Of course, even if the experiment is successful, the results will be different for everyone, and the extent of their genetic mutations will be very different.

In order to facilitate observation, the side of the single-cell prison facing the passage is made of strong and transparent glass. When the prisoners saw Peter and Harry passing by, they had different reactions.

The experimental subject held in the first cell was injected with crocodile gene serum. His body was covered with strong scales, his fingers turned into sharp claws, and his protruding mouth turned into a long snout similar to that of a crocodile. The teeth are exposed.

When he saw Peter and Harry, he was particularly angry. He howled, jumped up and flew towards them, opening his huge mouth as if he wanted to bite off their heads, but he only left a few pieces on the thick glass wall. There were claw marks, a fluorescent blue electric arc shone on the glass, and high-voltage current passed through his body. The crocodile man immediately fell unconscious and collapsed on the ground, his body still twitching.

The second prison has been reinforced many times, which means that the people imprisoned are extremely aggressive and destructive.

A man with green skin sat in the center of the cell, his fierce eyes following Harry as they moved, and he also had a sharp horn on his head.

The second rhinoceros man was only about 1.9 meters tall, but judging from those strong muscles, his explosive power was not inferior to that of the rhinoceros man who had died in Luo Xia's hands.

Alexei Mikhailovich Sisevich served in the Russian army in his early years. After retiring, he joined the Russian gang in New York. He was proficient in firearms and various fighting techniques. Peter injected the second drug into him. Upgraded version of rhino gene serum.

In the third cell was a girl with black wings growing out of her back. She was lying with her back on the only iron rope in the cell, her long black hair falling to the ground. She didn't even hear the noise coming from the corridor. Turn around.

There is also a woman in the fourth cell. Her upper body is humanoid, and her lower body is a snake's tail. The huge snake's tail is coiled together to support her body. At this moment, she is smiling at Harry and Peter passing by in the corridor...

That smile was weird, coquettish and charming. Her figure was tall and straight, with graceful curves. Before she was arrested, she was a professional model...

Harry turned around and looked at Snake's smile. He couldn't help but feel a little cold even though he was wearing the Green Goblin armor. He glanced coldly into the cell, and then helped Peter to leave.

Until the two completely disappeared around the corner of the corridor, the light and shadow in that place fluctuated violently, and a figure slowly emerged. Luo Xia, who was wearing a devil mask, looked at the snake girl through a layer of glass.

Snake Girl actually saw through his invisibility just now, even though he did not enter the deep invisibility state that cannot be observed... This is the first time Luo Xia has encountered this situation. Before, he was observed in the normal invisibility state because of the opponent's use radar and other equipment.

The snake girl didn't react at all when she saw the sudden appearance of the demon, but her smile became even brighter, like a flower in bud that fully bloomed...

Harry helped Peter to the operating table. Peter, whose body was penetrated by spider legs, could only lie on his side.

"What should I do?" Harry asked. The material of those spider legs was very hard, and ordinary medical instruments could not cut them off.

"Pull it out..." Peter said, closing his eyes.

There were about a dozen spider legs inserted into his chest and abdomen. Harry could only nod after hesitating for a few seconds.

Unlike him, Peter was injected with the Perfect Lizard Serum. If those slender spider legs were not still inserted into Peter's body, Peter would have been cured long ago.

Peter's life would not be in danger if he forcibly pulled out these spider legs that penetrated his body. He would only continue to feel tremendous pain and then recover from the pain...

Harry stretched out his palms covered by the Green Goblin's armor. He grasped a spider leg inserted under Peter's collarbone and slowly pulled it out.

"Ah..." Peter screamed.

"Hurry up!" Peter almost shouted.

Harry used all his strength, and the spider leg was pulled out with a whoosh, and the blood it brought out shot onto Harry's face.

Peter kept wailing, and his body was shaking violently, but the injury under his shoulder was healing quickly, and the bloody hole disappeared in a few seconds.

Harry continued to grab a spider leg and pulled it out with all his strength, and Peter let out a horrifying scream again...

Luo Xia stood aside where the blood could not be splashed. He folded his hands in the invisible state. Luo Xia looked at the scene in front of him and did not feel bloody. He only felt a little funny.

Harry kept repeating this simple rescue work, and every time he quickly pulled out the spider legs, a lot of blood would come out. He was already turning into a bloody man... Harry held tightly the last spider leg inserted into Peter's abdomen.

At this moment, Peter was extremely focused, and he was unable to scream. He watched with numb eyes as Harry pulled out the last spider leg from his body.

After more than ten seconds, all of Peter's wounds were completely healed, but his physical strength had been exhausted.

"Harry?" Peter said weakly, lying on the operating table covered in blood.


"I discovered a secret tonight, don't be too surprised..." Peter stared at the blood-stained ceiling, "The devil is..."

"Boohoo!" Those spider legs that Harry threw to the ground all shot out at high speed and penetrated into Peter's body again. They even changed direction and passed Harry in the air!

Before Peter could finish speaking, he was hit hard again and he became dying. Harry was also shocked by Rosha's sudden attack. He subconsciously took out a pumpkin bomb from his waist and threw it at the suddenly appearing demon.

Luo Xia smiled and stretched out his hand, and the pumpkin bomb exploded in the air. The power of the explosion knocked the two of them away!

Harry, whose face was covered in blood, did not hesitate. He dragged the unconscious Peter toward the exit.

Harry and Peter came to the long straight corridor with the prison on the left and right. The experimental subjects in the cell looked at the misery and the two had different reactions.

Luo Xia appeared at the corner of the corridor. He calmly looked at the two people's backs as they moved with difficulty. A trail of blood was left on the ground where Peter was dragged across.

Luo Xia turned his head and looked at the cells on the left and right. A fun game slowly emerged, and suddenly he smiled.

Luo Xia slowly closed his hands on his chest, and the ground was shaking. The solid glass walls that closed the cells fell off in the huge earthquake, and all the experimental subjects that had been imprisoned for a long time were stunned...

The next moment, the experimental subjects fled from the cell one after another. Their eyes looked at Harry and Peter with hatred. These powerful experimental subjects who had obtained animal genes could no longer hold back their anger!

The experimental subjects who had endured inhuman torture ran in the direction of Harry and Peter, wanting to vent their resentment. Of course there are exceptions. The half-human, half-snake woman slowly walked out of the cell, while the mutant warrior with wings on his back was still dozing on the iron rope...

A green lizard man came towards Rosha. He looked like a replica of Dr. Connors.

Luo Xia stretched out his palm to activate the Dragon Talisman, and an energy beam penetrated the lizard man's chest, leaving a dark hole on the left side of his chest. His heart had been melted by the high temperature.

"Do you want one too?" Luo Xia moved his palm and pointed it at the snake girl.

"No," the snake girl said slowly, with a hint of coquettishness on her face, "I've heard of you, Mr. Devil..."

"Go away, you're blocking my view!"

Luo Xia said impatiently, he activated the Dragon Talisman again, and a pillar of flame shot out.

Fortunately, the agile snake girl ducked sideways in time. If she was hit, life or death would be unpredictable. Her recovery ability is not strong, and her defense ability is not as good as that of the lizard man who just died.

The snake girl didn't dare to say anything. She returned to her cell to hide with a resentful look on her face.

Luo Xia didn't pay attention to these blind genetic warriors and continued to watch the show ahead.

The man who had been injected with the crocodile gene serum jumped towards Harry. His bite was so strong that he bit off Harry's left arm in just one bite!

Harry screamed and fell to the ground. At this time, Peter had woken up from his coma. His face was pale and he struggled to get up feeling the familiar sharp pain in his body.

The Rhino Man bent down and pointed his sharp horn at Peter, who had just stood up, and he rushed out with all his strength.

Peter controlled the spider legs behind him to bend in front of him, but he knew that this layer of defense had no effect. The Rhino Man's strongest attack was the headbutt, which he could only dodge even in his prime.

The Rhinoceros kept accelerating, and his feet fell on the ground, crushing the floor, leaving deep pits...

Just when he was about to hit Peter, a crimson energy body suddenly enveloped him, and the high-speed moving Rhino Man was forcibly stopped!

The next moment, the rhino man was thrown out, knocking a big hole out of the wall on one side!

The next chapter is in the evening, around ten o'clock.

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