Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 113 Can’t use spider silk to save people

Under the soothing strings, next to the huge Christmas tree in the center of the dance floor, Rorsha and Gwen held hands and danced, moving slowly to the beat.

Their steps fit the dance music and were consistent with the movements of the surrounding dancers, but there was always an inexplicable temperament flowing out. The boys were majestic and the girls were graceful, which was very eye-catching.

"How many times have we danced?"

Luo Xia looked at Gwen's eyes, which were twinkling, as bright as if they contained stars.

"This is the second dance we have attended, and the thirty-sixth time we have embraced each other because of dancing." Gwen said seriously.

"Are you really counting?" Luo Xia smiled and said, "Instead of just saying a number?"

Gwen also smiled, not explaining or emphasizing this.

"You are very talented in dancing."


"At least I didn't step off my shoes this time," Gwen said with a smile, "We don't have time to practice before this dance."

"Yes, my busy Miss Spider." Luo Xia shook her head and said.

The two of them completed all their emotional exchanges without speaking, or in a circular square step.

"Tonight is so beautiful, I really hope it won't be broken..."

As soon as Gwen finished speaking, Luo Xia's cell phone suddenly vibrated, and Luo Xia took it out. It was Gwen's cell phone. There were no pockets on her dress.

"Often the more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen."

Luo Xia said and handed the vibrating phone to Gwen. He did not open it. Even lovers need personal privacy.

Gwen unlocked the phone and opened it. It was the alarm coming from her program that monitored the police communication channel.

There was a trace of bitterness on Gwen's face. The last thing she expected happened. This alarm meant that a criminal with superpowers was found in the police communication channel. There was a high probability that it would be a lizard man. Even if it wasn't him, Gwen Wen couldn't just sit back and watch.

Gwen read the alarm message. The police found the Lizard Man in the Osborne Building. Now Chief George is leading the police to fight with the Lizard Man...

After reading this, Gwen's heart suddenly became nervous, and she handed the phone to Luo Xia.

"I think our dance is going to be on hold and I need to sort out a few things...I'm so sorry."

"If it hadn't been for your invitation, I wouldn't have attended any dance." Luo Xia glanced at it and put the phone in his pocket. He leaned over and said in Gwen's ear, "And choose a superhero. Girlfriend, I thought something like this would happen. In the middle of anything, you might slip away and save the world or something... So let's go, Miss Spider, I said if anyone dares to disturb me, he will be in trouble. !”

"How do I remember that you invited me?"

The Christmas dance was about to reach its climax when two black figures in the middle of the dance floor turned away together. Suddenly there was a commotion on the dance floor because Luo Xia did not choose to avoid those dancing people on her exit route...

They were in the middle of the dance floor, and it would be troublesome if every pair of dancers had to dodge. And it's not Rorschach's style to make way for others.

Luo Xia headed straight towards the door, and the guests who were intoxicated with the dance music or the soft figure of the female partner in their arms all avoided it in confusion, because it seemed that he showed no sign of turning!

This is an aristocratic college, and every "noble" is a well-educated gentleman. This is the first time they have encountered such a vulgar person who breaks etiquette at a ball.

Some guests were full of surprise, some glared at Luo Xia, and some even wanted to find trouble with Luo Xia... But when they looked at Luo Xia's face and eyes, they all felt a sense of majesty in their hearts. The fear aroused made them hesitate for a moment, and after this moment passed, Luo Xia had already walked away, and they also lost their original courage.

The crystal chandelier cast everyone's shadow to the floor. Under the light, Luo Xia looked calm and his pace was fast.

On the side, Gwen's long golden hair was flying like catkins, and her beautiful face was slightly red under the light. Maybe Luo Xia's impolite behavior of ruining the dance made her feel embarrassed...

Gwen looked at Luo Xia's back from behind, and the dancers in front gave way one after another... It was wonderful to experience this domineering feeling behind Luo Xia, because he would bring an unprecedented sense of security.

"Publish a message to evacuate all personnel and vehicles south of 54th Street, block the intersection, and prohibit any personnel or vehicles from entering." Director George shouted into the intercom.

After he finished speaking, he threw the walkie-talkie aside and firmly pressed the wound on the abdomen of the police officer next to him with one hand, and blood continued to gush out.

The scene was in a mess, and the police could only use fire coverage when facing the lizardmen. Countless bullets and explosives poured down, turning a high-tech laboratory into ruins.

"Hold on! Hold on! Rescue is coming soon." Director George looked at the big hole in the glass wall and asked into the headset, "Has the support arrived? It's on the roof now!"

The lizard man climbed on the outer floor of the Osborne Building, and a patrol helicopter shot a searchlight on the wall to follow him until he quickly climbed to the rooftop.

The lizard man climbed to the high tower on the rooftop, and he quickly arranged the Canary Device. Even though he had not used it for many years, he was still very skilled.

The lizard man took out the green serum from his back and put it into the Canary device. He pressed the start button.

"The Canary device is initializing, counting down to three minutes!" The system upgrade sound sounded.

"Humanity will usher in evolution today, and the world will become perfect... Dr. Connors, you are so great!" The lizard man was talking to himself.

Suddenly, an AH-64 armed helicopter flew quickly out of the night. An M-230E-1 single-barreled chain gun under the nose began to shoot at the lizards on the tower. The pilot directly fired the single-barreled chain gun. The rate of fire has been adjusted to the highest possible rate of one thousand rounds per minute!

The bullets carried by the AH-64 armed helicopter were all M-789 high-explosive armor-piercing dual-purpose anti-personnel bombs. In one round of strafing, the lizard man was knocked off the tower and fell to the rooftop of the Osborne Building.

The helicopter was still locked on him, and the single-barreled chain gun continued to pour out high-explosive armor-piercing shells, hitting the lizard man's body and exploding blood mist, leaving blood holes!

But the lizard man has a strong recovery ability. His wounds are still slowly recovering in the face of the constant bullets, and new muscles and skin are growing in the lost parts.

The lizard man moved with difficulty under the barrage, and a tank of cryogenic liquid nitrogen rolled up on his tail.

The pilot watched this amazing scene. Just as he was about to launch the missile, a silver metal can flew towards him!

The metal tube tank containing liquid nitrogen collided with the top of the armed helicopter and exploded. Liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -196°C was sprinkled on the power structure of the armed helicopter. When it vaporized, it absorbed a large amount of heat and condensed on the fuselage of the armed helicopter. layer of frost.

Sparks erupted from the power system of the armed helicopter, and the fuselage staggered into the building nearby.

The building that was struck by the impact burst into huge flames, and the armed helicopter plunged directly into the floor. A few seconds later, a larger explosion occurred, and countless walls and broken parts fell to the ground...

The lizard man watched all this with cold eyes. Suddenly he heard a noise and turned around, and a similar silver metal can rolled to his feet.


With a gunshot, the metal tank shattered, and a large amount of liquid nitrogen gushed out and began to vaporize. A layer of frost climbed up on the lizard man, restricting his movement. After a moment, he was actually frozen!

"Fire!" An order came from the rooftop, and several police officers began to gather the Salamanders.

After being frozen, the lizard man's body became extremely fragile. Ordinary police guns could shatter his frozen body. The lizard man bared his teeth and claws. Director George raised a single-barreled shotgun and shattered his claws with one shot. .

But the lizard man quickly grew new claws, and his expression became ferocious and terrifying!

But these firearms are not enough to kill him, and the low temperature of the liquid nitrogen is slowly dissipating, and he will be able to resume action soon!

The lizard man slowly walked towards several police officers, and his pace began to speed up the charge. The first one to bear the brunt was Chief George!

Director George retreated while shooting at the lizard man, but the lizard man was too fast. He came in front of him and swept him away with his claws.

Director George slammed into the wall on one side, and the lizard man's claws ripped open his body armor, leaving three deep marks on his chest.

He lay in the corner panting violently, and could only watch helplessly as the lizard man, like a wolf among sheep, easily eliminated several police officers!

The lizard man penetrated a police officer's abdomen with his claw, and the tip of the claw emerged from his back. When he pulled out the sharp claw, he also brought out the bloody internal organs.

It grabbed the other police officer's neck with its backhand: "You alone are trying to stop me?"

The lizard man threw the police officer off the rooftop, bent his legs and jumped towards the high tower.

Suddenly, a white and black figure descended from the night sky high in the sky and kicked the lizard man's body!

The lizard man fell heavily to the ground, and Gwen rolled to the edge of the floor. She aimed at the falling police officer, raised her hand and shot a line of spider silk!

After catching the fallen police officer, Gwen fixed the spider silk to the wall and turned to fight against the attacking lizard man.

Luo Xia, who was high up in the air, shook his head slightly when he saw this scene. He calmly watched as the police officer hit the wall of the building due to inertia. The blood from his head dripped from high altitude, and he instantly lost consciousness.

"I hope this can make you understand that you can't use spider silk to save people..." Luo Xia said lightly.

"What are you doing, Dr. Connors?" Gwen jumped up and punched the lizard man back. "What did you put in it?"

Gwen saw what happened on that high tower. As the intern leader of Dr. Connors' team, Gwen was familiar with the scientific research equipment in the office, so she naturally knew about the Canary device.

"Lizard gene serum!" The lizard man showed a ferocious smile, and he waved his claws again to attack Gwen.

Gwen nimbly dodged the lizard man's attack. She grabbed the lizard man's tail and spun around to throw her into the wall, but the tail broke midway and the lizard man rolled out.

Gwen threw away the still-beating severed tail in her hand in disgust, "Do you want everyone in New York to turn into ugly lizard monsters like you?"

"Do you know about the Canary Device? Who are you?" The lizard man rushed towards Gwen again, "No matter who you are, you can't stop me!"

"Do you know what you are doing? You have lost your mind, Dr. Connors!" Gwen shot out a spider silk, grabbed an iron can, and threw it at the lizard man.

"Of course I know what I'm doing! I can make humans have no weaknesses, and I'm creating a perfect world!" The lizard man forced himself down the iron can and struggled with Gwen, "Like a Parkinson's patient, terrified. Watching your body gradually lose control, or patients suffering from macular degeneration, their vision becomes increasingly dim.”

"I longed to repair my own flaws, and one day it all became a reality... Not only did I repair myself, but I also brought evolution to all mankind, unlike you who are selfish and monopolize spider genes!"

"You have gone completely crazy!" Gwen said. She knocked the lizard man's head sideways with one punch, and then shot spider silk towards the tower. She circled the tower upwards and came to the Canary Device. On the screen Countdown is displayed: 57, 56, 55...

The tower shook continuously, and the crazy lizard man climbed along the tower. Its roar came: "Everything has settled!"

Gwen knew that the current situation was no longer something she could handle. Helplessly, she shouted into the dark night above: "I need help!"

After shouting, Gwen lay down in front of the operating screen of the Canary Device and observed. Even though the vibration of the tower gradually became more violent, and the lizard man behind him jumped into the air and violently waved his sharp claws, Gwen did not have any reaction. reaction.

A terrifying smile appeared on the face of the lizard man flying in the air. He seemed to see himself tearing Gwen apart, but suddenly he felt an invisible force coming from all directions.

The lizard man froze. His figure defied gravity and was stagnant in the air, unable to move. Even his posture remained unchanged.

A few seconds later, Luo Xia slowly landed on the tower. He raised his collar high to block his face. He didn't want to be a superhero, and he didn't want the media to notice him.

"Miss Spider, why can't you deal with it alone every time? It's hard for me to trust you as a superhero."

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Gwen kept manipulating the screen with his hands, "This is the Canary device, which can apply drugs to the human body on a large scale. Dr. Connors put in the lizard gene serum, and it also Which means if we don't stop it from working, everyone in New York will turn into lizardmen tonight!"

"Wow, eight million lizard people, that sounds cool!" Luo Xia said seriously, "They can form a new human race, if the lizard people are still human..."

"Not cool at all, I don't want my parents and my brother to turn into lizards!" Gwen said, "Let's make it stop working."

"We can't blow it up?"

"No!" Gwen spoke very quickly, "Now that the drugs in the Canary device have been fused, they just have to be launched into the sky to form a reaction cloud. If we blow it up, the lizard gene serum will spread through the air. There will also be many people who are infected and genetically mutated and become lizard-men!"

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